Monitor your cryptocurrency mining on Ethermine, Flexpool and 2miners!

Have to admit it wasn’t very straightforward for me either. Here’s a breakdown of what goes where:

Files go in config/custom_components/EthermineInfo contains the main code, including fetching the data and assigning the data to various attribute you end up seeing in homeassistant.

manifest.json contains all the info about the project and it’s maintainers contains the config items we need to ask users to set in their configuration.yaml and also defines the attributes we want to assign to the sensor.

This article goes more in depth about the structure, but with that you should now know which files perform certain functions

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Nice this is very helpful! Thanks for sharing!

So managed to replicate my excel vba into appdeamon python…

Now I want to calculate the ROI (money earned - (money spent + power consumption))


This may be a silly question but is there a way to return data in more readable format? Might be just a task I haven’t needed to accomplish until now. For example, hashrate returns a pretty lengthy number that I’d prefer to translate to mH.

This component returns the values as the API reports them. If you want to change the values to your liking you can do so with a template sensor.

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Did some digging and figured it out. As suspected it was just something I hadn’t done before. Found this link from another user that did most of the work I needed already. Thank you for the prompt reply!

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No worries, if you have any other issues or questions feel free to drop me another message. Happy mining!

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Hi @thomasprior ,
like other users i’ve the unknow issue on sensors.
I’ve followed all steps but i don’t know why this integration doesn’t work :frowning:

This is my conf:


my_wallet_address is with “”
I’ve tried both sequences with 40 and 42 characters.

This is all sensors:

Any help is apreciated.


The only instance I’ve been made aware of in which null values have been returned for everything was when no mining activity had ever taken place on the address configured.

To clarify,
the api code is this:

I’m not familiar with the site in the screenshot, but I’m sure that’s not

Can you see your stats on

Here is my problem.
My referral site is this:

I’m not registered on :upside_down_face:

If you’ve never mined on the Ethermine pool, you are never going to receive a valid response from the Ethermine API.

Looking at the screenshot you’re using Hiveonpool instead, which is not Ethermine and not supported by this component.

Hey thanks for the component.One issue I have is that most of the values are way too big. Like for the Hashrate,I need to divide it by 1000000 to get the value in the usual format. Same goes for unpaid for amount.
Does it mean that I have to create a template sensor for all those attributes in order to display them nicely? Don’t you think it would be great to have the sensor attributes already in human readable format?

Current_hashratein_mh_sec sis the attribute you’re looking for, I added that in 1.0.12.

Unpaid_in_local_currency gives the unpaid amount in a useful way.

Apart from the two examples above, what other attributes would you like to see translations for?

Basically the unpaid in ETH as I would like to track the next payout (0.03 ETH) and maybe also average hashrate / 24h and the reported hashrate.

I’ll see what I can get done this weekend.

Please update to v1.0.20 and let me know how you get on :slight_smile:

Thank you so far. Yes this helps already :slight_smile: Only the Unpaid eth shows only 2 decimals which in my opinion is not enough. I think having around 5 decimals would be great there.

Hi Addon works great for me. But question, how can we edit the template to have information on specific rigs connected with one address. I see that the api sends information on i.e. hashrate for separate rig.