BenV, is there some way you can help me out a bit?
For some reason it is still not working for me, and I’m completely lost…

BenV, is there some way you can help me out a bit?
For some reason it is still not working for me, and I’m completely lost…
Change your ''Start Newmotion" button to…
= {}
The problem is the J
: rather than {}
Also, make sure you have the latest version. The screenshot you have posted suggests you’re using an old one.
Can I ask, in relation to your second step:
“2. Connect RS485 A and B connectors to the A and B wire that goes to the Shell Recharge 3.0 Wallbox.”
Am I right to assume that for this step I need to open the charger and connect the A and B from the rs485 to the green connector which has 4 connection of which one is A and the other B
So like this? (Screenshot below) Because nothing happens yet when pushing the buttons in HA.
I used a link to a version that I found in this tread. How can I make sure I have the most up to date one?
Thanks a lot already for guiding me through!
In fact the only thing I need is to start stop the charging station and afterwards I will add the start/stop to some automations. So if I would be able to achieve that I would already be very happy.
I have got all working, but I am baffled by the flow of starting a new charge session.
Say, I come home from work and plug the car in. I want to charge in the night but the process started from HA automatically (I got all setup for linking to NR from HA and backwards for dashboard feedback etc). But my confusion comes from when to use flush, expire and setup.
In the morning, when I unplug the car I can do so because key is in my pocket so car recognises, which disconnects the cable from the charging post, but I have a feeling that the session remains even when I come back in the evening. (i.e. I don’t use key fob at the charging post to end the charge session I assume - but dont know if this is true - that unplugging ends the session.
is there a specific flow: Stop charging, flush cach / expire, start charging.that ensures the process will allways result in a start of charging?
thanks a million
the subflow isn’t that smart. it pretty much fakes an interaction with the website. it acts as if you pressed the ‘start session’ or ‘stop session’ buttons there. in nodered, this is achieved by sending msg.payload = { "action" : "start" }
or msg.payload = { "action" : "stop" }
into the subflow respectively. how/when you send that payload is up to you and how you set up nodered and home assistant. it doesn’t know how to do anything else. it can’t stop a charging session unless you tell it to. in normal use you shouldn’t need to bother with flush
hi Will,
Normally you would already have an UTP wire that was wired from your wallbox to your electrical cabinet (xemex csb). Hence you could re-use the wires. If you do not have a energy module in your electrical cabinet, chances are you you will need to open up the wallbox…
It’s good that this is mentioned, because in my setup (mainly using your nodered flow) I need to expire/flush alot. In fact, i have a made an automation that does this whenever the error message (HTTP error 401: start , or stop or poll) occurs, which is many many times a day. There is no reason why these errors occur, but it did seemed very time-driven (with fixed intervals between them). Anyway these errors are now corrected with the automation, but still, like 1 out of 10 times starting the flow still fails sometimes, where then i need to push a couple of times the start button to make it work, or expire/flush the login.
hi Dieter,
I assume you are also Belgian (or at least your name implies it…:-)).
Your previous post of your button config should have worked, at least it did with me.
I did see that your start button and entity config were named differently (reset vs start). This is probably due to copying the config. Make sure these are sorted out, becaus I remember HA making a mess out of namig these entities, hence you could be pressing the wrong button.
And lastly, I now work with a switch, so that I know the status of the process at each time (on vs off).
Hope it works out!
kind regards,
Yes yes yes, what you both just posted did the trick. I also made sure I was using the latest version as suggested by @35e.
Now I will be able to stop/start the charger whenever my home usage increases while cooking etc. which is measured by a Shelly 3EM (don’t have a smart meter yet). (charger is operating at 8kW standard) and I’m trying to use a max captar of 11kW. I’m already configuring this in prep of a smart meter, and also to prevent my fuse from breaking down when charging 2 EV’s.
11kW is quite high, but as said, I have 2 charging stations, 1 Alfen which is very user friendly to steer, and this Newmotion which is more difficult to Automate.
But with the node red flow, it’s already a big improvement for me compared to turn on/off cooking plates, because unfortunately food has a higher priority…
To be 100% sure of the power usage from the home I will place an additional Shelly 3EM on the phases of the Newmotion charging station only. This way I can just calculate my home consumption real time more accurate, because now I can only guess the real time power consumption of the charging station.
Thanks a million guys!
Oh Ben, and yes, I’m Belgian indeed
I must have been playing around to much (too many commands after eachother), because after reading your feedback I now send a single update and then it does as expected - I do need some extra polling calls but that it prob more to do with my implementation of the visualisations than with the code (without the polling calls the charger charges the car but some status calls dont report properly - i.e. not updated).
I am trying to set this up as well, but starting/stopping a session does not work for me:
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
if you change your debug node to ‘complete msg object’ you might get more information about what’s going wrong.
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it does not give much more insight into what might be wrong:
03/11/2023, 14:32:09node: debug 1
error : msg : Object
_msgid: "e1fe392229364375"
payload: "Failed action 'start'"
error: object
message: ""
topic: "error"
nothing else inside the error object you quote? click on the ▸ symbol next to ‘error’.
sorry. it’s next to impossible to debug unfortunately. make sure your username and password are correct, you’re using the latest version and that there are only numbers in the ‘Card ID’ and ‘Charger ID’ boxes in the node settings.
Maybe a silly question, but when I had that I used flush and then setup and then it was possible to start a session.
I assume you tried that but in case you havent…
@kokkie-d thanks that did the trick! I did try the expire action but never the flush, seems like something was wrongly cached somehow.
if you are up for experimenting with the subflow to try to fix this, try adjusting the node shown in the picture from ‘fnEXPIRE’ to ‘fnFLUSH’.