My New Motion integration EV Charging from Shell newmotion

First of all thanks for the nice solution! I am trying the same but notice the following behaviour in this situation:

  • Car is limited at 6A (to avoid high capacity cost)
  • When I put the brightness of the shelly to 76% everything stays stable (charge around 4,1kW)
  • If I put the brightness of the shelly to 77% for longer than a second the charging stops (tried 76% → 77% → 76%)

I don’t have LAN connected to the charging station so I can’t read out the charging power limit unfortunately (I measure the power consumption using Shelly 3EM) so I don’t know if it’s the car that can’t charge slower or if it’s charging station that limits it. In your screenshot I can see you manage to charge < 4kW though.

Hello, is your charging station connected in 3 * 400v +N, right?
→ 6A

I have this phenomenon when I go lower than 8A (Single phase) 1840w.

Do you have a graph from the charging power / regulation

3*400V+N indeed.

I did not use the automation yet, was manually playing with the brightness to see the impact it had on the charging power. HA does not seem to keep the brightness value in the history so can’t put it on the same graph. I put the brightness manually up a percent for a second, for 2 seconds to see the impact but always had the same result.

Couple of things I noticed:

  • In Shelly I see the power consumption of the RGBW2 fluctuating, even when the the brightness is kept stable
  • I only connected 1 input to the DPM now (had 3 clamps before), but I assume it takes the sum of the currents anyway or the highest on a certain phase as the consumption will never be perfectly balanced across 3 phases anyway?

I am thinking to test again and allowing the car to charge faster and see if I can control the power then when it’s > 4kW. Makes me think now I should have opted for a single phase charging station.

Perhaps it’s worth opening the charging station and connecting the LAN, I think I should be able to have both connected with 1 UTP cable anyway.

Hello @kvancoil ,

I also didn’t find a way to directly display the brightness value on the graph so what I did is to create an helper number and when the value of the brightness is change in the automation, together update the helper with this brightness value.

How much is its consumption? It should be very minimal (not more than a couple of watts)

Yes, I also think it will take the highest current. I don’t have 3-phase setup so I couldn’t test this.

If it’s a recent version I believe your charging station will be compatible single and three phases but you cannot make the change by yourself. What is your breaker size (16 / 20 / 25A?)? In Signe phase to charge up to 7.4kW the breaker will be 32A. This change will have to be controlled again by the inspection.

When you make your automation, take care you don’t go too close to the minimal charging current to avoid the repetitive charge stops.

I was looking to test this, but I don’t find the node you highlighted. I am new to Node-RED so this is probably me, but in the subflow for the Shell Recharge I don’t find it (version sr-2-30).

Apologies for the noob questions

I have opened the Charger and seem to have a connection to the p1 port and to the ethernet port. One of these (utp?) cables is connected within the electrical cabinet, the other one is not connected anywhere and just hanging there

Any idea if I could use this cable? If so how?

Another question: to power the esp32 i plugged in a micro usb in the relevant port. to provide power to the rs458 i connected the gnd from esp32 to the gnd drom rs458 and the 5V to VCC. Would that work?

Thank you

I have continued a bit on this:

  • power consumption of the RGBW2 is indeed only couple of watts
  • I tested my charging station by connecting it single phase, it was a 32A 3-phase breaker, I tested with a 32A single phase and will have it recertified (results below)
  • As expected I also see it dropping from 1800W → 0W and this is a limitation of the power control of the charging station, because when I don’t limit the charging station and set the car to 6A I was able to charge at 1,38kW

The results are pretty cool: I control it a bit differently in the sense that I configure a max power consumption from the grid and adapt the charging station to meet that (with the rest of the house / solar panels being the variable). This works out pretty nice (max consumption of 4kW configured):

I am still planning a change in the automation because if the power goes to 0 for to long, my car goes in error and I need to unplug/plug. I plan to tackle this in the automation by stopping the charge when power < 10W for x min and starting it again when there is enough power again.

Thx again for all the help and documentation!

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Do you have the URLs for these screenshots ?

Obviously I am doing something wrong, but i don’t know what.
I do get the message that I got a Token.
Once I try to start a loading session (or any other payload) I get this message:

Anyone familiar with this message? solution?

Hi 35e,

Can you share the bits required to create a useful HA interface? I have your subflow working (Thanks for that!!) but it would be nice to have HA dashboard with some info and or buttons. If you have it available.


have you made any further progress on this topic?

Hi Hivemind,

Finally, I got around to it to control the charger in limiting his current draw to keep the capacity tariff as low as possible, thanks to the work of @35e and @thomase1234 , for some reason I had to simulate the load on CT2 not CT1 but once I figured that out all working as a charm.
Will keep an eye out if I see issues, I kept my logic simple and that is not to go over 16A of draw from the grid, all surplus Solar will go to the car, but limiting draw to 16 A wich will keep my capacity tariff under control, so lot’s of sun, high Amps going to car, (limited to 7.3KW as I’m monofase) , less sun, dial it down :slight_smile:

Now apparently booting the Charging point suddenly I get informed there is a new Firmware that will be installed automatically in the next couple of days…

Anyone already has it, if so do we get nice goodies or will it break something, do we have some release notes anywhere?

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Mine was also installed by CIRCET but the installer did connect my UTP per my request.

Does it still work after the update?

Anyone found how the ‘charging schedule’ works / might be settable for home assistant? If somebody would get this working this might be the easiest integration for controlling the charging. The NodeRed solution only allows a set chargingcard, not a ‘public’ charging card.

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i have the same error message:

18-4-2024 20:24:44node: function 15function : (error)

“TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘uuid’)”

Start and Stop works now using the Node-Red way.
But when I request the {“action”:“info”} I get an error:

“Invalid JSONata expression: Argument 3 of function “fromMillis” does not match function signature”

Also me and my wife both use the charger with a different car and a seperate card (Token).
Is there a way to switch the the Tocken number (Card ID) in de ShellRecharge Nod from the SubFlow?

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but it won’t accept my credentials. Verified they are correct on the ShellRecharge website.

I Keep getting payload: "HTTP Error [403:setup]", even after flushing/expiring.

EDIT: retried an hour later, now it worked. Guess something was cached somewhere.

Well, that was short lived.

HTTP Error [403:] is nearly all I get.

Replace the subflow (version 2.5) see

" [02-05-2024] If you get HTTP Error [403:x] , try replacing the subflow with version 2.5."

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