My New Motion integration EV Charging from Shell newmotion

After replacing the subflow with the new one i’m getting an error “Expired API token” and than “Error no token” followed by a timeout.

any ideas on how to fix this?

Edit: it seems that the problem was that the password is not saved in the Shell Recharge node causing a login error. If i put the wassword within the subflow id does work.

@joopmartens I’ve always used your REST code to monitor how much the car was charging each session. However, since a few days the “sensor.evcharger_nmha_consumed_total” is marked as “unknown”. Any ideas what could cause this or are there any updates on your REST code? Thank you in advance!

Hi All,

We have the home advanced 3.0 installed and solar panels. However, since we have a company car EV, we have only isntalled 6 kWp which obviously isn’t enough to use the full capacity of the charging pole (we have an installation of 3phase+neutral). Are we able to limit the charging current of the shell recharge in an easy way through nodered?

Truly spoken the easiest way is to use a different (1 phase) cable

Lively discussion, nice. I have Shell Advanced 3.0 charging pole installed. It is connected with 4G (controlled by Shell) and I connected my own UTP cable. My Advanced 3.0 pole contains a Dynamic Power Management module. What I want to do is (1) switch on/off the charging and (2) modify the charging speed. Is this possible, and how should I do this (easily)? Thanks.

hi Virility,
I am also thinking about changing my charger from 1 to 3 phases (connections are alraedy made in the charger, only need to connect in my fuse box and to ask Shell recharge to activate 3 phase charging). However i’m a little bit hesitant now reading this. Did you manage in the end to get the regulation working decently with 3 phases?

Many thanks for your feedback!


Yes, there are a couple ways to get the things you listed.

Personally I have used the nodered flow (35e) to control the charger (on/off) and I have a variation of the Thomase1234 approach to control the power (basically taking out the Dynamic Power Management module that sends modbus packages and replacing it by an ESPhome device that functions as a modbus server, and hence you can fully control what power your charger can give. This works very nice through some nice automations where you can control the modbus values depending on whatever you like (e.g. solar output or home max power usage). Any change here results in a 4s update interval of your power output, so really nice!

Good luck!


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I’m glad I stumbled upon this topic. I too have a shell charger with load balancer, and also HomeWizard P1 Energy Meter from which I pull meter values through API. I will try to integrate this great solution soon!

Has anyone been able to integrate ESP32 + RS485 module with Shell Wallbox without HomeAssistant? I am having lots of issues with HomeAssistant and would like to avoid using it as much as I can. I already have a hot water boiler that is controlled by ESP8266 and using HomeWizard P1 meter API to extract the power value from meter directly.

hi Ben,

can you show you config of “Satusautolader”?

I have installed RS485 firmware from @thomase1234 on ESP32 devkit v1 board and have the same RS485 board connected, but I don’t see any activity on TX/RX leds on RS485 module when changing current on CT1. Are RX/TX really connected to GPIO18/19, as those pins are not connected to UART?

hi, i connected my Lolo 2 model to LAN
it got a ip of

but i got no response on 9083 or 12800/user/status.html

this is the Nmap scan result.
5000 also do notting

21 (ftp)
23 (telnet)
79 (finger)
113 (auth)
513 (login)
514 (shell)
5000 (commplex-main)

any way to get to the Json output, or find it ?

It’s either …/user/user.html or …/user/status (json), at least for me.

I am about to give up on this whole HA thing, I keep disliking the whole idea. Problems I see and foresee so far:

  1. My P1 meter params exposed in HA are refreshing too slowly and inconsistently. I’m afraid that on a day with cloudy spells the charger will not follow the solar production closely. When I’m polling P1 meter API outside HA for electric boiler, I get status update every second. It’s moving faster than the clouds.
  2. ESP32 board keeps hanging and I am completely blind as to why. HA seems to closed system for any deep troubleshooting. It keeps doing so even with the simplest firmware.
  3. It’s very cumbersome to upload the firmware, takes too much time and there is huge overhead in the firmware with plenty of unnecessary modules and libraries.

I will probably use ESP32 with lightweight Arduino code to simply poll P1 meter API and send a voltage output to DAC to simulate CT1 current.

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I don’t think the leds on the RS485 flash when changing the current. They only flash when registers are read via the serial interface A+ and B-.
Best regards,

I don’t know if I am doing something wrong, but when I fake high load current into CT1 from ESP32 DAC, it takes MINUTES for wallbox to gradually turn off charging. Also, the reported charging power over LAN lags even more. This can’t be normal?

Behaviour of my wallbox with DMP is erratic to say the least. I complained to Shell and demanded technical inspection with DMP test to prove everything is set as it should be.

This is my setup:

CT1 DMP load resistance is 22ohm. I have added 100ohm in series and connected this to ESP32 DAC output directly. With maximum 3.3V DAC output, this gives max DC current capability of 27mA, well within tolerance of ESP32 GPIO and DMP. CT ratio is 2000:1. I have a 3-phase installation without neutral (Brussels).

I can start the charger with full power and then drop VERY SLOWLY to around 3kW, with max DC current into CT1 at 27mA. I can then stabilize the power with CT1=20mA. Starting the charger with CT1=20mA and above does not work at all.

I did not find a way to drop charging power quickly to a desired value. It drops very slowly and that cannot be normal. If there was a high load in the house, this would jump the fuse since the charger/DMP reaction is way too slow.

Hello, did you read the post 147 here above? You can also see how fast it regulates .

I think I did see it, but I don’t see the regulation speed anywhere. Not sure where to see the post numbers except for the counter on the right which is kind of approximative.

Anyway, my current was too low as measured by multimeter - it’s probably because either the load is not linear or there is a voltage across. Either way, I decreased the value of the resistor to 75R, but the behaviour of the charger remains very difficult to control. If I give the constant value of fake load current which is less than max, I would expect that it set’s the charging current to complement until that maximum, and that is not happening.

It seems to me that that CT1 current controls the charging power curve angle and then there is a value which stops the charging power at a certain value. Going up and down from that value, starts to decrease/increase charging power. I am not sure if this is normal behaviour or if there is something wrong with my charger or DPM.

Limited now seems to lag less, so might be a better status indicator than power level. Still, there is too much lag and it’s very tricky to get to a desired charging power. I might need to look into RS485 solution, since I see also a certain lag from DPM.