My New Motion integration EV Charging from Shell newmotion

Same here Token error while login…
Failed to get API token.
Did work last week. I didn’t change anything. Suspect Shell changed the API.

I didn’t get a charge last night either. If it’s still the same overnight I’ll have a closer look but it’ll be a few days before i can do this.

I’d not be surprised if Shell decided to block all API. It’s all about money off course.

My assumption:

The nodered flow is based on a reversed engineerd API calls that the Shell Recharge app uses.
This app is still working, so the API is live, but proberly changed.

You could be right. Maybe they now check to see if the API is called from within their app. Anyway; frustrating they don’t share the info.

yep also broken for me :frowning:

I had a look. Logging in fails. It goes through the motions and appears to successfully log in but Shell don’t send a token. I’m using a combination of Charles and node-red-contrib-http-logger to see what Shell are objecting to. I’m guessing this is on purpose.

Is it possible to use the official api which you mentioned earlier on this forum post?

+1 same here :frowning:

no, they won’t give me a developer key that’s needed for the oauth/api.

okay, what’s the reason for that? because it’s not business?

I might have cracked it. Drop-in replacement here.. Not sure what exactly made the difference, but various changes and identifying as Safari seems to help. Not completely tested though.

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i tested it and starting and stopping charge session works great, but polling voor the charging status sometimes not works. Sometimes the node red flow is not reacting to the poll action.

Tested it. Can login again and the token error is gone. Thanks.

Thank you for the update.
Logging in seems to work with the updated flow indeed, but when running the setup - I do receive the following error.
Any idea, which part of the flow might cause it?

Please refer to the manual of the matching version of the charger, I’ve spent way too many hours trying to restore the connection between power meter in my breaker box and the charger.

Eventually I found out my version of the charger (2.0) uses a cross-connected 4-wire RJ11 cable instead of the straight-connected cable that is used for versions 2.1 and 2.2.

That said I’m contemplating using the remaining 4 wires in the UTP cable for Ethernet, 10mbit only uses pins 1,2,3 and 6, so I should be able to make the single cable do double-duty.


It just stopped working again for me.
It does seem to authenticate, however setup, stop or start have stopped responding.
See the below debug output from the “Setup”

You can ignore that. It relates to some guff left behind when the energy consumption part stopped working. I’m in the process of trying to remove all that.

I get that too. Try an {“action”:”flush”} first. The authentication tokens seem only to last a few hours now rather than all day, and doing this will force it to be refreshed and stop returning stored account information. I’ll get round to addressing that when I can.

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Thanks, this indeed solved the issue.
I will add it to my “charging” flow for now :slight_smile: