I think the raspberry pi is a cool device but I don’t think it’s appropriate to rely on for your home automation brains.
I narrowed it down to the google drive snapshot add-on its causing NPM and Node processes to be stuck in a loop.
Thank you so much for this guide, it worked like a charm.
Have you got audio working on ubuntu server 18.04 LTS virtual machine hosted on a QNAP NAS?
I don’t use audio on my Nas since there is no need for it for me…
What’s your idea behind, do you want to connect some speakers to the bad and play audio on that? Or what are you thinking of?
Platini76, I get the same error after a few months of running. I am wondering if it is the history or log getting too full. I do limit the log files. Did you find out anything on your side?
@BjornH big thanks a lot for this great guide. Based on this I have setup Hass.io on my qnap TS-453B with Aeotec Z-Wave, Zigbee2Mqtt and Bluetooth.
As there were a couple of obstacles along the way I want to share them with all of you, hoping it will help people finding solutions for their problems:
Problem 1: Aeotec Stick will not show up when doing lsusb
Solution 1: Use Front USB Port
Problem 2: Aeotec Stick not available in Hass.Io
Solution 2: Followed Link provided by Bjorn but instead of Back USB port using Front USB port
Problem 3: Stick will not show after restart of Qnap
Solution 3a: Can’t find the link anymore, but here is what you need to do:
Enable the autorun.sh processing in the Control Panel -> Hardware -> General: Run user defined startup processes (autorun.sh)
With Putty
mount $(/sbin/hal_app --get_boot_pd port_id=0)6 /tmp/config
With WinSCP
Create/Edit /tmp/config/autorun.sh.
Ensure that /tmp/config/autorun.sh is executable
# chmod +x /tmp/config/autorun.sh
IMPORTANT: Unmount the mounted flash partition:
# umount /tmp/config
Add to autostart.sh
insmod /usr/local/modules/cp210x.ko
insmod /usr/local/modules/cdc-acm.ko
chmod /dev/ttyACM0
Solution 3b: Make sure your USB devices in the Virtual Station are mounted (have not found a solution to ensure that is happening after restart) and restart Hass.Io
Problem 4: In Hass.Io Error “Not running in priviledge mode”
Soltuion 4: https://gist.github.com/frenck/32b4f74919ca6b95b30c66f85976ec58#gistcomment-2803212
Thanks to all the different people who have helped me on my setup and I hope this summary will help to find all those great helps at one shot.
I wolud like to play sounds as feedback to some events in home assistant.
A more challenging scenario I wanted to test was to setup a personal voice assistant.
I was thinking about Snips… just before Sonos anouncement
hello, I hoop someone can help…
My issue :
Setting it up works great ! BUT ,
when I restarted the VM On qnap, my hassio is not comming up again.
how do i start hassio ?
I can acces ubuntu server tru Putty
it says :
da927c73d88c homeassistant/amd64-hassio-dns:1 “coredns -conf /conf…” 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes hassio_dns
f726585eabea homeassistant/amd64-addon-configurator:4.2 “/run.sh” 17 minutes ago Exited (143) 8 minutes ago addon_core_configurator
d73e79f32bdd homeassistant/amd64-addon-ssh:7.1 “/run.sh” 25 minutes ago Created addon_core_ssh
563823ff15fc hassioaddons/tautulli:1.3.0 “/init” 25 minutes ago Exited (129) 5 minutes ago addon_a0d7b954_tautulli
b8b003f40945 hassioaddons/adb-amd64:0.5.4 “/init” 25 minutes ago Exited (129) 8 minutes ago addon_a0d7b954_adb
467132f2a885 homeassistant/amd64-addon-duckdns:1.10 “/run.sh” 25 minutes ago Exited (1) 25 minutes ago addon_core_duckdns
f46c9e2e68e2 homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.103.5 “/bin/entry.sh pytho…” 6 hours ago Up 8 minutes homeassistant
403f459a998a homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor “/bin/entry.sh pytho…” 6 hours ago Up 8 minutes hassio_supervisor
But my IP:8123 is giving me a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
when I restart the vm on qnap it doesnt start automatically
This guide is fantastic. Thank you very much for it. Everything worked flawlessly out of the box.
I was able to get Home Assistant to work on my Qnap however, the CPU in the resource monitor is consistently running at >90%. My Qnap has a dual core 2.41 GHz Intel celeron processor with 16gb of RAM. The only thing that I run on the Qnap is a few dockers and stream media to my Plex. Should I be concerned and switch back to my PI 3b+?
Can you please update the hassio-installer link in the first post to:
curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/supervised-installer/master/installer.sh" | bash -s
done, thank you for notifying
I am a newbie, with a QNAP TS-453 PRO and I’m reading this with a view to the best way to set up Home Assistant and it seems you went from zero to hero quite quickly, so i reckon you should stick with this on the Qnap, rather than change to Pi as you have learned so much. Good on you. Inspirational.
I managed to install HASSIO through the workaround of ubuntu inside a container, but now I can not access it as i have no username/password!!
the once used in the ubuntu default user are not working. any idea?
also can not find where the configuration file is in order to reset the auth.
would appreciate any help.
thanks and keep safe!
Thanks for the tutorial. I’m getting stuck, though. When I try to install docker I get an error.
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
I get:
root@homeassistant:~# curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
# Executing docker install script, commit: 442e66405c304fa92af8aadaa1d9b31bf4b0ad94
+ sh -c apt-get update -qq >/dev/null
E: The repository 'https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu focal Release' does not have a Release file.
Any help would be appreciated.
I suggest you work with 18.04
20.04 is too new
Yes you are correct. No problem with 18.04.
Thanks for the reply.
Sorry to disappoint You Mark, but I run it all on an Pi4 now and everything is stable. I have done quite a few updates during this time and they have all just worked. Of course the little Pi is not as powerful as the Qnap but I do not have a lot of automations that requires that any way.
I just have to remember to make regular backups because I do not trust the SD that much.
best of luck!
p.s… of course the hassio has come along way as well making it more stable
For the people who want to use 20.04, another option is to install Ubuntu-provided version of Docker:
sudo apt install docker.io
instead of …
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh