Myelas Commpact Alarm (Risco Group, Electronics Line)

I’ve worked it out, I needed to update the strings in the transforms section for home assistant of the config.js

Just one question, should I be getting a log file in the mqtt/log folder? I don’t have anything in that folder

Hi all,

Is there a instruction available somewhere for a real dummy to get the Risco alarm integrated in Home Assistant?
Preferably a step-by-step guide.


For a dummy , this is the easiest one to setup


Thanks Fabio, but I really don’t know what to do with the JSON file or what is needed for this.

everything is explained here:

ah, sorry, my bad. I didn’t scroll all the way down.

Looks very straight forward. Thank you!

Hi Fabio,
I’m trying to adapt this Plugin for Hassio, but I can’t.

You can help?


i dont use that one :slight_smile:

Why not? It seems to work a little better. It’s possible?

and could you not help me convert it addons for hassIO?


yes, indeed it works better according to readme, but its not available a a docker/addon , so you need to do it manually
i run HassOS, so thats not an option for me i think
so i use Luca Version, and it works quite good for me, the only “issue” is the small delay when you arm
and sometimes i have to restart the docker one a week, since it doesnt update anymore

restarting once a week is something heavy … Besides, I don’t like the idea of ​​scrapping the web. well, I will continue investigating, to be able to convert the addon to hassio.

thank you

Why not use Luca version? I run in it Portainer add-on

You can also use ha-dockermon to restart Dockers on scheduled base, like every night

But I already created an issue/question on that GitHub page you posted earlier about instructions to install as a docker… So waiting also for feedback… An add-on would be even nicer…

But then you need to use the Martin version, that’s a Haddon, allthough not that stable

Well, for nothing special.
If there was no other possible solution, I would use it, but seeing the option mentioned above, I would like to be able to use it.

I have written too.

Thank you very much, hopefully news.

I have seen that you have managed to operate the new add-ons that I mentioned. Would you know how to make it work in Hassio? Thank you

i just followed instructions? where are you stuck ? it isnt an add-on, you need to run it manually on your linux system

but with Hassio?
Hassio no can install npm

indeed, not possible with hassio
i also have HassOS, not possible there
so setup a linux system create the project there, create a docker image if all is working good
then you can load that docker image in the “portainer” addon if all is working

mmm, I understand …
But I don’t know how to create a Docker image myself and port it to Hassio.

On the other hand, why is it not possible in Hassio?

Can’t create a Hassio plugin, from the code?

dont create a docker image yet, just start using/testing that nodejs script, like in instructions
use ubuntu or something like that… if all is working, then create a docker
example instructios here;

plugin/addon is not possible,… i dont have code experience to make an addon, maybe someone else can… so i created the docker manally and just load it with portainer addon, so its perfect for me