MYQ not working again

After configuring ratgdo I wouldn’t upgrade the fw on the opener or, even better, I’d block it from the Internet. Who knows and Chamberlain’s next move is to change the protocol to brake the ratgdo’s too.

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Does anyone know if the meross Smart Garage Door Opener knows if the door is open or closed? It doesn’t look like it can tell. I think opengarage is the only one that does this well. Is that correct?

I have the jackshaft version of the opener. Lighting is activated by radio signal. The automatic door lock is hardwired to the motor. Can you confirm that ratgdo manages these functions as well as door hold, light, motion detection, and programming functions provided by the wall switch?

As a workaround to at least get door status while the integration is broken or I get the backordered ratgdo, I was able to set the MYQ app to email me notifications when the door is open and closed, and created an IMAP open/closed sensor to detect/read those emails

here’s the template for the sensor if it helps anyone:

  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: "imap_content"
        id: "custom_event"
          sender: "[email protected]"
      - name: myq status
        state: >-
          {% if 'Garage Door just opened' in["subject"] %}
          {% elif 'Garage Door just closed' in["subject"] %}
          {% endif %}

I just did the same yesterday with a trigger template and imap. Working great so far.

I used to use zwave contacts and a zwave relay but there was no ack with the contacts so if the zwave hub missed the command, the system would think the door was still open or closed when it wasn’t. Because I use Alexa to notify and to check if the doors are left open, I’d get false notifications from her constantly.

I switched to myq because it was inexpensive and I never had false alarms. I’m verify disappointed in their lack of integration support and I’m not paying money to use ifttt. I used to use ifttt extensively when it was free. Deleted my account the instant they decided to make it a paid service.

I’ll probably switch to esphome esp8266 controllers next and use a reed contact to detect door open and closed as well as to trigger opening and closing of the doors. Since it’s TCP based, there’s very little chance for false alarms. I use esp8266 for numerous integrations and automations and they work flawlessly. My driveway motion sensor and gate open/close sensor has never had a false alert in the 5 years they’ve been in service.

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I actually kept IFTTT going. I was annoyed by the $2 a month subscription but it didnt seem like an unreasonable amount, and i understand cloud servers arent free to run. I had ifttt sensors for my myq door status, since it updated quicker and was more reliable then the built in Home assistant integration.

That stopped working a little over a week ago. Now, in addition to my monthly ifttt fee, I would need to subscribe to a "myq premium services ifttt subscription " for another 45 a year

That’s where I draw the line. I’m not letting them"double dip" me on paying for this, and it seems like gouging at this point. Im Canceling ifttt , and working to replace the last few cloud connected devices in my house with local solutions. This is just ridiculous at this point.

I agree with the poster above. I’m convinced the integration continuously failing after each update is a deliberate attempt by myq to close any “free” loopholes to force users into a monetized subscription plan. Even if the myq integration is “fixed”, it will likely be blocked again by myq engineers and fail shortly after.

Between Home Assistant and Tasker, I’ve almost completely moved on from IFTTT, and it’s nice to have one less subscription, even if it was only $2.

I’m beginning to wonder just how far they’re going to go with the subscriptions, now. I backordered a Ratgdo and will order another one if I manage to get it working well, but I’ve been figuring I would leave the myQ connection so that my sisters could have access as guests. Yes, I know I could give them access to my Home Assistant for the purpose, however they already have myQ for their garages, and it’s one less app to convince them to use.

If Chamberlain is going this far, how long do you think it will take before they require a subscription just to give guests access to your garages? Maybe, they’ll stop just short because that was one of the original features of interest that made smart garage functions worthwhile.

Agree, that’s likely next. Plenty of examples of it happening before

And this is why I’m taking an ever-growing interest in open-source projects. From Home Assistant to my current sewing pattern software, it’s really turning out to be the best option for quality, features, and cost-efficiency, as long as you have a little patience and are willing to put in a bit of work.

I bought a Chamberlain GDO a few years ago and tried MyQ and I found it generally unreliable and when the service went down I had no remote control over the door.

I pretty quickly came up with my own system of control using a modified Sonoff Basic (could do the same OOB with a zwave dry contact relay but the Sonoff was way cheaper), a spare remote and HA only. The door position is sensed by an ESP8266 with a ultra-sonic sensor. I haven’t had any problems with local or remote control ever since.

No, I don’t have any remote control over the door lock. On my door the light comes on when the door opens no matter how it gets opened. It even comes on when the safety beam gets broken so it knows someone walked thru the door. So that isn’t an issue.

But it does everything I need it do, it doesn’t have a cost of any subscription and is dead reliable except for replacing the remote battery occasionally.

And just yesterday I replaced I replaced my other GDO with an Aladdin opener so we’ll see how reliable the Aladdin Connect integration is. But I’ll definitely still modify the door opener to be operated “remotely” locally with a relay. I already have a zwave tilt sensor on the door from the previous remote GDO system I had so no need to rely on Aladdin for that part either.

I keep checking their app store reviews haha :rofl:

Updated to 2023.10.5, reenabled the integration and it worked. Minutes later got blocked again. Waiting for my ratgdo to arrive…

Please see the latest updates here: The Current State of MyQ - From the codeowner

Soooo I’ve been avoiding switching to something else because my mom also has a MyQ and has shared it to me, and I have that in my Home Assistant. When I have my phone plugged into Android auto I can open her garage from there, and so can my wife.

Obviously my mom doesnt have Home Assistant, any of these options that people are mentioning, would it be possible to put it on my moms garage as well as mine, and even though its not on the same network or even nearby get it to communicate with my HA system over the internet, so I can get this working again?

Has anyone the MyQ integration working right now ?

Not for me. It has been off for few days

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@EndUser @jugulator please see the stickied post at the top of all configuration pages. It’s a message from the developer of the myq integration.

Can you pls guide me where to find this ?


I did see that but it doesnt say how to fix it temporarily for now, although it says it is possible.