MYQ not working again

So I’m still on 2023.8.3 and MyQ is working fine for me. I can open and close both of my garage doors and I get status when I control them from the remotes or wall button. I just confirmed this a couple minutes ago. :man_shrugging:

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This would indicate that it is a 2023.9 issue. Hopefully this can be addressed in an update.

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So I’m still on 2023.8.3 and MyQ is working fine for me. I can open and close both of my garage doors and I get status when I control them from the remotes or wall button. I just confirmed this a couple minutes ago. :man_shrugging:

Don’t restart :wink:

Its a change in the MyQ cloud service. It will break on older version as well if you restart. Luke came up with a fix: Create useragent if one does not exist by Lash-L · Pull Request #182 · arraylabs/pymyq · GitHub


Thanks for the heads up. Was going to restart to allow some HACS integrations to update, but now I won’t.

What the hell does Liftmaster hope to achieve with this other than annoying their customers? Because of corporate BS they can never hope to stay ahead of us for long.

We don’t really know what happened. It may have been an innocent API update. HA may not be on their mind as much as it is on ours :rofl:

No apple home. There’s not a single apple device in my house. Yuck.

Honestly, it’s still available on Amazon, and it’s a MUCH better choice as it doesn’t require any wiring. Further, since it’s not reliant on the cloud there’s nothing to be broken.

So if I buy that it will work in HA through Homekit integration and no wiring is needed ?
The bridge installs easily with my MyQ garage ?


That is correct.

You pair it to your garage door opener, and it is discoverable in HA using the HomeKit Bridge integration.

SOME of the newer Garage door openers already have HomeKit built into them, especially if they are WiFi all by themselves. Check your manual.

My opener was “MyQ compatible”, but required an external accessory to make it work. So I bought that for $29, then I realized there was a more expensive one that was HomeKit, so I would have local control. No more cloud delay, no more randomly going offline, none of that crap.

This is what you will need if your opener does not have HomeKit support built-in:

Thanks so much ! At $ 216 on Amazon, I’m going to wait and see if a HA solution comes. I see so many posts in GitHub, with some contradicting other. Some blame MyQ for deliberately blocking HA and other say that this not deliberate at all and that a solution comes soon.
I have tried all the SSH instructions but none work for me, so wait and see for the time being.

There will never be a solution that does what that device does in HA. Anything done in HA will always rely on the cloud.

$216?! In what currency?? It’s only $120 USD.

oops you are right

The fix posted already works fine. It will eventually me merged.

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This fix did work for me for the last two days and as I recall it was supposed to not need to be tweaked if HA updated.

I just installed the latest HA core that dropped a bit ago and now I’m back in the same boat. 403. I tried to redo the above and restart HA. No dice.

Also not working in HA for me. Recently rebooted and the problem started. I have not implemented the fix. I am on the west coast if region matters.
Home Assistant 2023.4.4
Supervisor 2023.08.3
Operating System 9.5
Frontend 20230411.1 - latest

Just to make it easier to find, here is the link to the above screenshot source:

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Version 2.0 doesn’t require soldering? It can open/close the door over Wi-Fi?

I just updated to 2023.9.2 and performed a full reboot and MyQ is still working fine for me.