myVAILLANT integration

C’est bon, je viens d’arriver à installer HACS, j’ai trouvé Vaillant et je vais avancer…
Merci pour le support

Pas de quoi :wink:


This is a great integration and I’m really appreciate the work. It was totally ok during the winter, but since a few weeks, my Gas and Electric consume is always Unknown. Anyone else with similar issue and maybe there is some solution to it? It seems other sensors are ok, but any change function (e.g. changing heating mode from HA) generates kinda stackdump.

Is there any fix for this on the horizon?


Plus de conso chez moi aussi :worried:

I have had the same problem for 1-2 weeks

Same here… In Vaillant app consumes are ok.

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And it is just gone without changing anything?
Mine stopped collecting consumptions 5th of April I don’t know why

Since yesterday evening, all consumptions are displayed again although there was no update.

Please report your issue here: Energy consumed counters · Issue #157 · signalkraft/mypyllant-component · GitHub

If anyone has an automation for a custom Legionella cycle, would you mind posting the code for it please? I’m struggling to get mine working as it doesn’t want to change the temperature, but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Think I might be using the device id but need to us an entity, but I’m sure I could reverse-engineer somebody else’s if they have one (I’m a bit stupid when it comes to HA, sorry).

I have my hot water set to manual control, but wanted the flexibility to run legionella cycle less frequently than every 7 days.

I’m new to home assistant,
I come from jeedom where I used the migothermostat plugin to control a Saunier Duval boiler with the Migo thermostat, that
Saunier Duval : Migo. Your Heating Assistant

I installed the myvaillant plugin hoping that it will work with my boiler and especially my Migo thermostat. But when I enter my usernames and password which I choose Saunier Duval, it cannot find my account. Is there a possibility of integrating this equipment, THANKS

I really appreciate the integration and I think on the whole it works very well. However, I am discovering one apparent issue, which may be my setup or my misunderstanding/misconfiguration. Temperature Outside (from myVAILLANT) gets updated very regularly as can be seen in the screen shot. However, Efficiency is normally hours behind, sometimes seven or eight hours. As far as I can tell it seems like only efficiency is affected like this.

Has anybody else seen this or seen and fixed this? Any thought would be appreciated.

**quick update, I just remembered, I changed one or both following in configuration:
Updates is 300 (seconds)
Energy updates is 3600 (seconds)
Could that be the problem?

The efficiency data is hours behind in the Vaillant app for me, so there isn’t anything the integeration can do. If you want real time efficiency you need a PCB with an eBUS connection and plug that directly into your boiler.

Has anyone with an arotherm found a neat way to chart their own temp vs COP curve? I’d like to build a history for this to use to consider optimum time to run the HW. I can use reference values from Vaillant for now but it would be good to use data from my own unit.

might be the wrong place to ask

but are there ways to get a PID like control if i have a tempsensor in my room and the “system” can self learn how much heat is needed ?

currently i have a lot of over and undershot


this is the “artificial” room temp you send to the heatpump

my current automotion for increasing the “artificial temp”, with a few rooms disabled as they now with summer ahead are hot enough

alias: Smart Termostat Op
description: “”

  • platform: time_pattern
    hours: /1
    minutes: “5”
  • platform: time_pattern
    hours: /1
    minutes: “15”
  • platform: time_pattern
    hours: /1
    minutes: “25”
  • platform: time_pattern
    hours: /1
    minutes: “35”
  • platform: time_pattern
    hours: /1
    minutes: “45”
  • platform: time_pattern
    hours: /1
    minutes: “55”
  • condition: and
    • condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.smart_termostat
      state: “on”
    • condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: input_number.termostat
      below: 30
    • condition: state
      entity_id: water_heater.strandvejen_67_domestic_hot_water_0
      state: “Off”
      enabled: true
  • condition: or
    • type: is_temperature
      condition: device
      device_id: 9fdecef9c87fdcf571afcbb8f3b3e0e0
      entity_id: 6535afc7a17b083d0a098b174d95034e
      domain: sensor
      below: 19
      enabled: false
    • type: is_temperature
      condition: device
      device_id: abe39fa428f21f24137934ac973125e4
      entity_id: cc985715e693e498f97798c726bfbaab
      domain: sensor
      below: 21
      enabled: false
    • type: is_temperature
      condition: device
      device_id: bf3394e24ca3f8736a14b2b13eb1361a
      entity_id: 8109ebbca1363f0f626a8bc6f820d277
      domain: sensor
      below: 21
    • type: is_temperature
      condition: device
      device_id: 3aab58c61539c4b153b61cf2aaf75f4f
      entity_id: 6a69ff5ce001a921ca7cb1eb8f729fda
      domain: sensor
      below: 19
      enabled: false
    • type: is_temperature
      condition: device
      device_id: 54cdb5d279faa4eef034f4542f4504ab
      entity_id: 1d599870298ec026c44faf23e9d7f355
      domain: sensor
      below: 21
      enabled: true
  • condition: time
    after: “21:00:00”
    before: “17:00:00”
  • service: input_number.set_value
    value: “{{ states(‘input_number.termostat’) | float +0.5}}”
    entity_id: input_number.termostat
  • service: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
    hvac_mode: auto
    temperature: “{{ states(‘input_number.termostat’) }}”
    entity_id: climate.strandvejen_67_zone_zone_1_circuit_0_climate
    enabled: true
  • service: notify.mobile_app_sm_a515f
    message: Termostat sat til {{ states(‘input_number.termostat’) }}
    mode: single

Hi I’am very new to HA and have installed the myVaillant integration on my HA (located in VMM Synology NAS).

Installed Version is v7.3 and I want to upgrade the integration to v8.2 but every time when i go to HACS and klick on the three dot’s, choose the version eg. 8.2 and download it HA say that i have to restart HA, after that when i go to >settings >devices&services and klick on the myVaillant integration there is the old version number 7.3.

What do I wrong?

Hello, will I be able to set the flow temperature via HA via this integration, when my heat pump is in fixed flow temperature mode?

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Before using this, did you need to install MyVaillant Connect?

Would this let you DHW, radiators and underfloor heating from a valilant 637 system boiler?

which stats would be needed for the UFH and radiators?

Does this allow weather compensation and modulation of boiler flow temp?

sorry for the questions.


I’ve updated HomeAssistant core this morning to 2024.6.0 and it seems to have broken the myVAILLANT integration.

I restored my backup and everything is working again, but I seem unable to upgrade.

Sorry I didn’t grab a screen shot of the error. it was something along the lines of incompatible configuration

me too… pretty certain it is 2024.6.0 related
Error says:

Now I need to learn how to restore :slight_smile: