That answer might be to simple. The official etcher github is full of users complaining about ads, tracking and privacy issues in the official version
So it might be the issue linked by @francisp (that thread also posts a solution btw.)
As both projects are open source you have everything you need evaluate it. The simple fact that etcher shows ads that can’t be disabled and has a option to restrict tracking (which conveniently can only disabled after data leakage) might be some clue already. Missing ads and missing settings for tracking in usbimager on the other hand is something to investigate further.
Windows 98 had “phone home” spyware, does that make every version of Windows spyware?
I am using Balena Etcher 1.18.11 downloaded from If there is a newer version then it was released in the past ten hours. Last night I flashed the X-86 binary of Home Assistant to a USB drive. The ONLY ads presented during the flash operation was for Etcherpro.
Please stop spamming us with old conspiracy theories.
Wasn’t Windows 98 one of the last few OSes without telemetry actually? Maybe you are confused with Windows 10/11 which only allows turning off most of the “home calls” in the enterprise edition
Microsoft themselves recently demonstrated why it is a bad idea in the very beginning to trust this entity
A quick (and simplified) summary of the report:
Microsoft found:
Iinadequate controls around sensitive information and processes involved in handling sensitive information.
Inadequate detection controls for account compromise for developer accounts.
Poor documentation and library configuration allowed an insecure configuration to be pushed to production (Exchange Online).
Your phone OS most likely also has a “phone home” function - all for your best and protection obviously
Abstract— […] We find that even when minimally configured and the handset is idle both iOS and Google Android share data with Apple/Google on average every 4.5 mins. The phone
IMEI, hardware serial number, SIM serial number and IMSI, handset phone number etc are shared with Apple and Google. Both iOS and Google Android transmit telemetry, despite the user explicitly opting out of this. When a SIM is inserted both iOS and Google Android send details to Apple/Google. iOS sends the MAC addresses of nearby devices, e.g. other handsets and the home gateway, to Apple together with their GPS location. […]
Wow. Imagine the audacity of Balena who makes Etcher for free to advertise their professional version while you are using their free software. Who would ever tolerate that? Certainly not Home Assistant with the subtle links to Nabu Casa.
Well, I finally got around to trying to re-image the NUC. I used usbimager this time and got the same exact results (can reach the NUC at http://homeassistant.local:4357/ but not at http://homeassistant.local:8123/). I think we can put the topic of Balena Etcher vs. usbimager to bed for now and perhaps try to understand why, as @lordwizzard said:
Before we start down another rabbit hole, lets recap.
Your monitor connected to the NUC does not show an ipV4, but it does show an ipV6?
Is this the binary that you flashed to the NUC M.2 SSD?
I don’t recall if I asked, but what do you get when you run from a cmd window: ping homeassistant.local /4
Does the NUC have Internet? (Ethernet, not WiFi).
Do you have another M.2 SSD? Can you flash the binary for Ubuntu and run Ubuntu? With IPV4? (t should be the same regardless of the OS since DHCP assigns IP addresses to the MAC address).
That is what it looks like to me. Yes.
I have no idea why it’s not getting an IPv4 address.
Yes. That’s the one. haos_generic-x86-64-10.5.img.xz
Small modification because I only have Mac computers, but ping homeassistant.local returns ping: cannot resolve homeassistant.local: Unknown host
Yes. Wired via ethernet.
I don’t have another SSD, but this installation of HAOS isn’t doing me any good, anyway, so I re-flashed with Ubuntu. I see only IPv6 addresses getting assigned for Ubuntu, as well. What the heck?
Hello friends my first post here
I have the exactly same problems here at my house
And I believe it’s the starlink router…
I should try in another house with fiber optic internet to make sure…
Had the same problem: observer loaded, but the homepage not.
I was playing around in the CLI, tried out the mentioned ‘ha supervisor update’ command, got error that already the latest. Made the supervisor restart couple of times (supervisor restart) and bamm, it started to load in the browser.
I am not exactly sure what made it load, just happened.
Probably worth to mention that the PC running the VirtualBox is quite slow: i5-6. series, 4 gb ram.
I had same problem. Everything worked OK, but one day we had 3 times power delivery blackout in very short intervals for very short time. After this my HA GUI stopped working. My HA running on VMware virtual machine under Win 10. I checked everything possible in the VM, I checked router configuration and everything was OK. I tried to restart computer which is host for VMware and nothing helped. On the end I tried to turned of my computer, restart router and turn on computer. And it works!!!. I don’t know what was problem but I think that something happend on network side during these blackouts. I changed nothing in configuration. It’s very strange behavior.
I am a complete newbie and had this exact same problem - I could access the Observer URL but not the HA URL. I tried all sorts but this is what worked for me:
At the command prompt ha> type ‘supervisor repair’. It will run through its thing and take a few minutes. I then reset the HA computer and when it rebooted I was able to access the web interface on another PC. Good luck