New Aqara Gateway Hub

But now, my hub is marked configured in the history, and … nothing else happens.

I have connected on it: 2 door sensors, 2 temperature sensors, and a switch.
What can I exploit and how, please?

hi I can see my Aqara Hub on home assistant as well as the temperature sensor …but I can’t see door sensor: Is there any way to see these components?

Isnt the Aqara Hub compatible now with the Mi Home App? And there we can set it to LAN mode or not?

I also ordered Aqara Hub with HomeKit hope it was no waste of money. For all RaspberryPi users there is RaspBee btw. which lets you use all Xiaomi and Ikea sensors directly.

Hi everyone,

In a similar boat, have got the aqara hub & set it up to homekit & can see my accessories on there which are:

  1. door sensor
  2. Motion Sensor
  3. Temperature Sensor

I have added the bridge which worked (can see all my other devices on homekit now) but when i added the config for home kit controller into the config it doesn’t pull the devices back including the hub:

- homekit

Can anyone help i’ve read above and on the Xiaomi Home app i have my hub paired & accessories added, i’ve got everything in homekit but none of the aqara hardware on home assistant.

Any help would be much appreciated and home i’ve given enough information!


same boat : install the Aqara-Hub-xxxx in Mi Home, work but very slow.

Integrate Aqara-Hub-xxxx in hassio, work fast but i cant see my door sensor and switch.

I f you look into /config/.storage/homekit_controller-entity-map

i can see all my sensors!

but dont understand why the door sensor : “Door and Window Sensor-xxxx” and switch :“Wireless Mini Switch-xxxx” are not present in integration of Aqara Hub-xxxx …

Is an @admin1 or @admin2 or @admin3 can, please, reply to my question?

Is there a limitation or problem to implement this sensor in the current version of Hassio, the new one 94.4, doesnt change anything about that, just try a few minutes ago.

Thanks if an admin can answer :wink: :slight_smile:

How did you manage to get your aqara hub integrated into HA to see your other sensors?

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My hub is auto decovery…i have a notification in hassio each time i restart Ha : new integration discovered : xiaomi aqara.

I just clic configure and enter the Pin like xxx-xx-xxx, that is on the box, and i have after a new entity “Aqara hub xxxx” and light bulb and temp sensor, but no door sensor or switch.

Thats the good way but no door sensor or switch


thanks for the help except the controller doesn’t say you need to add the 8 numbers into the configuration file.

When i reset my HA too i get this error message


this is my configuration file too
- homekit

Finally what home app are people talking about is it the xiaomi mi app, homekit or something else?

I think its home app of ios, apple.

you just need discovery: because with the last update oh HA, Homekit component is already in :slight_smile:

If you have this message there is someting wrong : are you sure you have the homekit compatible version of Aqara hub? (wrote on the box : compatible home kit).

If you have a V2 or V3 you need to put :

  discovery_retry: 5
    - mac: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

if you have HomeKit compatible, you dont need xiaomi_aqara: component for integration, just discovery: in configuration.yaml, restart HA after any change in any .yaml file, you will have a new thing discovered : Aqara-Hub-xxxx, clic “configure” and you will be prompt to enter the pairing code like XXX-XX-XXX, only numbers, no letters.

The key for gatewayV2 or V3 is 16 caracters lenght and you find it in the Mi Home APP after enable the developper mode (a lots of tuto , google is your friend :wink:)

If it doesnt work, reset the hub by pressing 10 times fast, seem only work on Homekit compatible version, and if you have gateway V2 or V3, press 5 secondes or more until the yellow flash light blink.
And restart with the good configuration.yaml, there is no error.

good luck!

Thanks for the help mate, i’ve removed it from the homekit, reset the hub and still not having any luck. Have also removed the home kit bit from my config and just have discovery: in there now and even when i reset my HAAS now the Aqara notification comes up.

I’ve definitely got an Aqara Hub too but it’s still not appearing on my overview page. very annoying so far haha!

it doesnt come on your frontend by itself lol (Frontend).

Look in your entity : left menu icon < >, normaly you can found a lot things that finished by xxxxxxxxxx.aqara_hub_xxx

You have to create a card named “alarm panel” and put entity aqara_hub_xxx inside.

and after you can choose a card “entities” and put lighthub, luminance…ect inside.

Thanks for your help so far! I’m going from the original post whereby if HA does discover the Aqara it will appear in the notifications and i will need to put the code in like i had to do when i bridged HA with Homekit so i could see my HA stuff on homekit.

As for the dev states there isn’t anything appearing in there either.

ok. i am facing the same problem now because i have remove the integration and it never come back again lol

the only solution is a installation without homekit, after starting HA, you plug the gateway and it is immediatly recognize in notification : aqara-hub-xxxx for me.

Then configure, pair with the code xxx-xx-xxx and you will be have your entity.

I read somewhere that when you have pair once, its almost impossible to pair again lol

I make this mistake just a few minutes ago :slight_smile:

Now i take a new sdcard, reflash a good install and back to integration in 45 minutes …

Try it, it work every time.

I ll tell you in 1h if its ok, its not, the other way is to delete from Mi home, reset the gateway, config again in mi home and HA see it immediatly .

I have made it 1 our ago.

Heyyyyy!!! it works like that 2nd option above i said :slight_smile:

1-Remove the gateway from you app (Mi Home or Home Apple Iphone).
2-Reset the gateway 5 seconde push buton, flashing, reconfig in the app in yur phone.
3-go on HA, its discovered!!!
4-Click Configure, pair with xxx-xx-xxx and its done! now you have aqara hub-xxxx and plenty of new entities!

work each time, no need a fresh install (i just delete the Homekit folder in /.storage ).


I get this message when trying to pair it with HA, any ideas how to solve it ? I use the pair code: xxx-xx-xxx


Yes, you need to delete the aqara hub from Mi Home App, reset it. Then add to Mi Home again, go to HA (even if you havent finished configure it) and the hub will be discovered, clic configure, pair with the code xxx-xx-xxx provide on the box.

I test that with sucess many times, i have the “compatible homekit” version.

PS : restart Ha before add the hub in mi home app


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Thanks for quick reply! I´ve tried it many times and I always get the same error as I wrote above…

Ahhh now it works !! :wink: I was using the wrong code…

Thanks alot !