New integration: Energy monitoring device Circutor Wibeee

Hey, fquinto.
It’s the fw: 4.4.150; out of the box.
I haven’t tried. Didn’t seem much use because every time I tried to reach the host-ip I only received: “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT”.
There’s just that limited space of time - something like 1-3 min - after the configuration, when HA is able to receive the data and I’m still able to access the host / or before I restart HA.

I find the URL of the firmware:
with MD5sum a5d4e5a4a242a3f033288098eea78a61

Maybe you (or another) can investigate this new version.
Or maybe you can do and downgrade…

Yeah, it would be great to do a downgrade; but I have no idea how to go around it.

Anyway, just to be sure, I checked your pywibeee:

Unfortunately, and as expected: “Connection refused”.

Maybe you need to create a host in your local network, with for example Nginx called and local DNS pointing there, and build local mirubee website and stablish there a lower version.

Something similar to this idea:

Exits another versions:

064051bbcac01fb0928258cf52494fb1  FOTAFile_V3.4.584_WBB.bin
57d8c4a3c77e510fe0ae6ff44cdb7afc  FOTAFile_V3.4.614_WBB.bin
35d3552df1ad540a92dd7437905caf75  FOTAFile_V4.4.124_WBB.bin
280499581dbd263f0de2761edef30be6  FOTAFile_V4.4.134_WBB.bin
b79052b74b5a846e4fd819ead9b39657  FOTAFile_V4.4.135_WBB.bin
a5d4e5a4a242a3f033288098eea78a61  FOTAFile_V4.4.150_WBB.bin

Sorry I don’t check anything. And thanks for testing the lib.

@abacao boas… segui o vídeo do Roberto e está tudo a trabalhar na perfeição. O único problema é os error e os warning que estou a receber nos logs. Não existe maneira de os diminuir ou eliminar?
Obrigado e bom trabalho :wink:

Como posso apagar as entidades que não uso?

There was a firmware actualization, today: fw: 4.4.155.
The .xml access is working!

Nice! :grinning:


MD5SUM: d2d9f22190f8ad25eeef4878833c7f32

Good afternoon … In phase 1 I have the energy of the house, in phase 2 the energy of the solar panels and in phase 3 the air conditioners. In the home assistant, what appears to me is the phase 1 energy of the house less energy of the solar panels, phase 2 energy of the solar panels, phase 3 energy of the conditioned air and phase 4 energy of the house LESS energy of the conditioned air. How can I see only the energy the house is using?


I have this error in the log:

Logger: homeassistant.loader
First occurred: 22:18:12 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:18:12

No 'version' key in the manifest file for custom integration 'wibeee'. As of Home Assistant 2021.6, this integration will no longer be loaded. Please report this to the maintainer of 'wibeee'

Have someone the same error?

Any suggestion to solve?


Hi, error message is clear, try to add a “version” key in manifest.json file.

Hi @juanjoSanz

I have this in the manifest.json file:

  "domain": "wibeee",
  "name": "wibeee",
  "documentation": "",
  "issue_tracker": "",
  "dependencies": [],
  "codeowners": ["@abacao"],
  "requirements": []

Could you please help me to add the key?


Add something like:

  "domain": "wibeee",
  "name": "wibeee",
  "version": "1.0",
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Quite simply!

how do I delete the entities that I don’t need? Ths

If you want, I made this program that puts the wibeee info into a mqtt server:

Best Regards,
Fernando Gomes

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my wibee integration stopped working after updating HACS. someone with the same problem?

Check the logs, but i guess, it should be that you need to write a version into the manifest file in the integration

someone with the same problem?

I’ve come to the conclusion that the problem is after installing the last update “core-2021.6.2”

I have the same problem when updating HA