New integration: Energy monitoring device Circutor Wibeee

check your /custom_components/wibeee/manifest.json file you must add a “version” number, mine looks like:

  "domain": "wibeee",
  "name": "wibeee",
  "version": "1.0",
  "documentation": "",
  "dependencies": [],
  "codeowners": ["@juanjoSanz"],
  "requirements": []

This is my manifest.json, but the integration keeps failing

  "domain": "wibeee",
  "name": "wibeee",
  "version": "1.0",
  "documentation": "",
  "dependencies": [],
  "codeowners": ["@juanjoSanz"],
  "requirements": []

For now I will not update until this issue is resolved :frowning:

the latest version is 6.3… has anyone tried it?

Hello all,

Already added the version to the Hacs Integration.

Currently working on: Home Assistant 2021.6.5

With version 2021.6.6 it doesn’t work.
I went back to version core-2021.5.5

Integration does not work with successive HA updates. Today I installed v.2021.7.2 and the problem still exists, I went back to v.2021.5.5. Do you confirm that there are problems with the Wibeee integration? Thanks.

I need help.
I have two three-phase wibeee devices, one for reading solar output, the other for reading home consumption. wibeee integration does not work with two hosts. How can I use the integration? any tips? Thanks.

I have the same problem, now doesn’t work, and with the new core 2021_08 this integration is very interesting

Hi! Could you describe how did you upgrade the firmware of your wibeee?
I have 4.4.150 and no access to .xml. I would like to upgrade the firmware.
Thank you very much!

Can’t really be sure, as the option disappeared after the upgrade.
But it was on the WebGui:

Then, after that, I’m not sure. Try pressing the house on the left upper corner.
If that’s not it, try checking the “Meters” option.
Didn’t you received a msg over the app, when opening it up, on your phone, or logging in into the WebGui?

since i updated my wibeee to version fw: 4.4.150, the integration doesn’t work. every time I restart wibeee, it works for a few minutes and then since updating. through ip/en/status.xml, the same thing happens. for a few minutes the data appears and then the page goes down

on the website, the correct data appears

for everyone’s information, here is the answer from wibeee tech support:

“ Efectivamente detectamos un bug en el firmware 4.4.150 que hace que tras varias peticiones XML el dispositivo no responde correctamente y debe ser reiniciado para que se vuelva a cargar correctamente. Este bug se corrige con la nueva versión de firmware 4.4.157 que será lanzada a lo largo de esta semana.”

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Hello, I updated the integration based on @abacao 's earlier work including a few small improvements and then added the required changes to allow the sensors to be used with the new Home Energy Management from 2021.8.8.

It is available as a custom repository to use with HACS and the current version is 2.1.0.

Next I will add some examples there of how to create total consumption and grid feed-in sensors (for those with solar or other generation) to use with Energy Management as I think it’s not very obvious how to set this up.

Introducing configurable scan_interval is also on my list as I would like higher than 15s resolution if the device can handle it.

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Will try your implementation.

Be aware that even 15s interval, is quite aggressive to the wibee hardware.

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I’m still having the same problem “entity not available”, with Wibeee, when starting HA.

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: custom_components/wibeee/
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:03:29 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:03:29

Error while setting up wibeee platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 249, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/config/custom_components/wibeee/", line 101, in async_setup_platform
    await wibeee_data.set_sensors()
  File "/config/custom_components/wibeee/", line 180, in set_sensors
    resp = await self.session.get(self.url_api)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 544, in _request
    await resp.start(conn)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 890, in start
    message, payload = await  # type: ignore
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 604, in read
    await self._waiter
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ServerDisconnectedError: Server disconnected

Any ideias?

Ps. Irony of it, still appears at “home”, through the Asus router integration on HA. And, obviously the APP and WebGui are working fine.

@Ostracizado in my local testing the device (with firmware 4.4.124) can return bad responses containing invalid XML and even what looks like two separate HTTP responses mixed together, which obviously the hass_wibeee component is not able to handle.

When this happens during start-up and because there are no retries the component will not initialise properly in HA and will require another restart (and praying that it doesn’t happen again). Making this more robust by adding some retries will be my next focus as I think this will improve reliability a lot.

In the meantime I have added better error logging in version 2.2.1 as this will allow for meaningful error reports and with troubleshooting. The current logging is too generic.

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Yeah, it’s a pity as I do like this device. But the randomness of it, with Hass, really becomes a liability to collect data…
Oh, using firmware 4.4.155, by the way.

Even now, with all apparently working ok - the readings are appearing and are precise - there are still errors, while starting the Ha:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.wibeee.sensor
Source: custom_components/wibeee/
Integration: wibeee (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:32:28 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:32:28

unexpected exception for get
This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.wibeee.sensor
Source: custom_components/wibeee/
Integration: wibeee (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:29:43 (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:42:42

ServerDisconnectedError: Server disconnected
ClientResponseError: 400, message='invalid constant string', url=URL('')

Or weird ones like this:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.wibeee.sensor
Source: custom_components/wibeee/
Integration: wibeee (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:29:23 (45 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:29:23

Unable to create WibeeeSensor Entities for key fase3_thd_ar7_V and value 0.00
Unable to create WibeeeSensor Entities for key fase3_thd_ar9_V and value 0.00
Unable to create WibeeeSensor Entities for key scale and value 60
Unable to create WibeeeSensor Entities for key coilStatus and value -
Unable to create WibeeeSensor Entities for key ground and value 0.00

Unable to create WibeeeSensor Entities error is a problem in the wibeee component that is fixed in release 2.2.1 of my fork.

The other errors come from bad responses from the device. Per @Abruzzi04 's comment above Wibeee say they are fixing this in the latest firmware and I can see that 4.4.157 is already available on their servers but I haven’t seen the option to update yet. I sent a question to support about the latest firmware.

try on the app wibeee business. sometimes appears there first