New Netatmo climate component supporting multiple thermostats/valves

Hey Matteos, surprisingly the issue was that one of my valves ran out of battery and that’s why i had that error. As soon as i changed batteries the problem went. Thanks !

@Baosong_Shan I see that now boiler_status attribute is equal to operation_mode attribute, while in previous versions boiler_status was related to thermostat relay.Why do you change the boiler_status attribute? I think that now it is not so useful.

Good point, in fact I was requested to change this feature, just to keep consistent with the current climate convention. (Discussion link.)

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How do you use that information? Why is it important?

This feature has been included in the latest beta version: 0.90.0b0. Please feel free to test it (don’t forget to remove your directory/files in custom_components before upgrading).

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Why does boiler_status now show auto instead of heat or idle?

Nevermind, I found the same question including the answer a couple of posts above.

I still wonder why boiler_status and operation_mode show the same value. Aren’t they two different things?

Why can’t we change


state_attributes["boiler_status"] = self._data.boilerstatus

That way we would have both, the boiler status and the operation mode. I did a quick local test and it works fine. (boiler_status either true or false)

I opened a PR to bring back the boiler status in at least another form. (

You are correct. I am sorry. It was like this because the operation_mode was the same as boiler_status, and I forgot to correct this when I changed operation_mode as requested.

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Yeah, no worries, it was easy to be overlooked. I didn’t really now about the attribute and I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t used the state/operation mode in a template sensor. That was what got me digging into the code. Great work on the refactoring.

Could you explain the usecase of that template sensor?

I use it to expose the state of the boiler and track how much it was active.

That totally makes sense, could you provide some sensor/automation examples.

Would be nice to track how much hours it runs are days, but probably you already had better and more ideas on that.


  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Boiler'
        value_template: '{{ states.climate.netatmo_livingroom.attributes.boiler_status }}'
        icon_template: >
                {%- set boiler = states.climate.netatmo_livingroom.attributes.boiler_status -%}
                {%- if boiler -%} mdi:fire {% elif not boiler %} mdi:leaf {% endif %}

I just want to let you guys know that netatmo secretly pushed an update to our devices a few days ago.

With this it is now possible to turn on the open window detection mode.

Some of us with windows sensors will already have this implemented (better) on their own.

For those with no window sensors:
You can activate it through the Operating Mode menu in the Energy app.

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Has the problem between the netatmo sensors and the netatmto thermostat of the latest home assistant version been solved?
for this reason I still remained at the previous version …

What is THE problem?

if I put all the files in the custom component folder it automatically excludes all the sensors of the other entities including the weather sensors of the netatmo

I have both the Climate (2 x Thermostats) and the Weather modules (Indoor, Outdoor, Rain and Wind) from Netatmo and all are working as expected with the latest versions of HA (0.89.2 at the moment), HASS OS (V2.10) and this custom component, so there probably isn’t an overall issue with the component per se.

Here’s extracts from my Configuration and Sensor yaml files, so you can see what works for me


# Add Netatmo Devices
  api_key: !secret netatmo_api_key
  secret_key: !secret netatmo_secret_key
  username: !secret netatmo_username
  password: !secret netatmo_password
  discovery: True
  - platform: netatmo
#from Sensor.yaml 
#######     Netatmo Weather ##########
  - platform: netatmo
    station: MyWeatherStation
        - temperature
        - min_temp
        - max_temp
        - co2
        - humidity
        - wifi_status
        - noise
        - pressure
        - temperature
        - min_temp
        - max_temp
        - battery_vp
        - rf_status
        - humidity
        - rain
        - sum_rain_1
        - sum_rain_24
        - battery_vp
        - rf_status
        - windstrength
        - windangle
        - gustangle
        - guststrength
        - battery_vp
        - rf_status
#### END > Netatmo Weather Sensor#######

Thanks for this.

This is my example to see how long it ran today.

in sensor.yaml

- platform: history_stats
  name: Boiler runtime
  entity_id: binary_sensor.boiler_state
  state: 'on'
  type: time
  start: '{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}'
  end: '{{ now() }}'

@Baosong_Shan does the boiler state already work again when we pull the newest files?
EDIT: Nevermind, I pulled the latest files and now the boiler state is true/false again (instead of auto/…)

this is not the latest vesion of home assistant…