New Xiaomi aqara camera/gateway

I think/hope someone has to make an add-on. Without that is isn’t possible yet.


How about just as a gateway? How hard would that be to implement?


+1 for at least a gateway for hassio :frowning:


any news on this camera?

Come on people! What would it take to make this work either as a gateway or camera?

For those of you that are running Docker, I just put an image for Arm based systems, like Raspberry Pi on Docker Hub at Arm Docker xiaomi-aqara-rtsp.
If you are running a Linux environment, this guy is where I got the idea, Linux Docker xiaomi-aqara-rtsp.
It’s my first post to Docker Hub, so be gentle, but I’ll try to answer any questions about the install.

Thanks to miguelangel.nubla and sendorm for the inspiration.


With this, would it be possible to make it a add-on for hassio?

i’m not terribly familiar with making hassio addons, it might be possible to make this work as hassio addon. right now the image is not generic enough, but i’m working on it. give me a week or so and we’ll see what i can do.


Any update on this?

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puncake I’m still working on it is the short answer. I’m having trouble getting the Dockerfile to compile in the Hassio world.


Did anyone get success with gateway part of this device?

ok, got it to work. but… Any idea how one can obtain the pass key needed for Home Assistant (HASS)? This should be a 16 character key

if you are using the plan laid out in post #113 or #134 then the home assistant config should look like this…
in home assistant config:

  - platform: ffmpeg
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://<DOCKER_MACHINE_IP>:8554/

the 16 digit token is needed to get the videop2proxy app to display video via rtsp. the posts above explain the process.
i’ve written a tutorial to get the key in a repo i’ve published for the docker container here.

Thanks for your reply.
I am however not yet on the path of getting the videop2proxy app to display the video at this point (will go that route later).
At this point I am trying to get the Aqara camera hub to work as a hub in
Just like it works in the Middle Home app.

Using the cam that way I need the camera’s pass key. This is a 16 character key.
Since Xiaomi doesn’t support entering developer mode in it’s Mi Home app anymore one can’t get the needed key in a simple way…
I tried the hacked Mi Home app to get into the network settings and that worked. Partially, it gave me a 32 character Token, not the required key…
I tried older versions of the Mi Home app, as suggested heren and in other topics, on my Android phone, tried several using Android emulators in Windows but had no luck. The apps keep crashing when setting the regional settings to mainland China…
I would like the camera (and a few more if it works) to work as a hub for several sensors without the internet dependency to the China servers but it seems to be a dead end. I will keep looking a bit more but if all fails I will choose a different pass using a modified signed sniffer to be the hub of my door and windows sensors.

But if anyone has a working solution to helping me (and many more) out it would be a Christmas present…


as far as i am aware no one has developed a method for using this device as a gateway in HASS. the HASS component documentation has a note about it…

Unsupported Devices

  • Xiaomi Aqara Gateway (lumi.gateway.aqhm01), as it is not possible to activate dev mode in the Mi Home App.

i’m not sure that the camera/gateway is that particular model number. the camera/gateway is definitively not the Xiaomi Mijia Gateway (lumi.gateway.v2, lumi.gateway.v3), which is supported by HASS natively.

the new MiHome app doesn’t support developer mode, but the old one used to. the camera/gateway did not support LAN mode even then.

if a device can go into LAN mode the developer menu in MiHome produces the key you need to talk to the device over your local LAN. old versions of MiHome should allow you to activate LAN mode on supported devices. maybe you could get a supported gateway to pair your window and door sensors to.

or i’m using smartthings to pair all my xiaomi devices to. smartthings then uses mqtt to tell HASS what’s going on.

I’m sorry this is not the information you were looking for. i bought the camera/gateway for features you are after. unfortunately it hasn’t panned out. i’ve made it work, though. just not ideally.

You are right, I know. But in my mind there is no such thing as impossible :wink:
I ordered a zigbee sniffer to test my setup because I don’t want to connect to some servers in China (or any other ones not in my home setup) will see how it works in a few weeks.
I might try the SmartThings route though and will keep looking for a solution…

@Ozon1969 I think you can get the pass key when making a backup with an iOS device (like with the Xiaomi vacuum, you can read the guide there). In short; make a backup and read the database. Then convert the (32-digit) token in Terminal. Don’t know if you can also get it with an android device but the link explains this. Hope it helps.

I can get a 32 character token, but unfortunately, no token. Ordered some original gateway’s and a cc2531sniffer. Will try that route for now and will try the method mentioned earlier to get the camera working

@Ozon1969 they explain how to convert it in the article. You can pm the code to me, but it’s very easy.

Ok pm send