I’ve seen on this forum and in others posts on reddit etc that many have had inconsistent results with the Lutron Aurora dimmer switch on ZHA.
Turning the dial always works consistently, but pushing the button has been hit or miss. This device is one of my favorites and I’m determined to get it working in HA. Here’s what I’ve learned. Please keep in mind that I don’t know much about zigbee command classes so I’m probably using incorrect terminology but I think the experts can figure out what I’m describing:
Most (if not everyone) with the button push problem, appear to be using the Nortek Zigbee/zwave stick (HUSBZB-1).
I have tried updating the zigbee stack on the stick but it still didn’t work…it actually seemed to be worse. -
Since others do not seem to be having the same issue with the Conbee2, I decided to buy one and test it myself. As expected, the button pushes work consistently with the Conbee 2 in ZHA.
Listening to the zha_event stream always showed the expected result with the Conbee stick but would only show events some of the time with the Nortek stick.
However the zigbee logs always showed “something” with both sticks…just different output which leads me to believe that the Nortek stick is simply not paired correctly with the Lutron device or just not listening for the correct device cluster reports/attributes.
The next 2 posts are the zha_event and zigbee logs for both controller sticks when the button is pushed. It toggles max brightness(255) and off (0).
I split these into 2 different posts so they are easier to look at. One for Conbee2 and one post for Nortek.