📢 Notifications & Announcements

Greetings flo,

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I use it to call everyone when it is dinner time to, it was the main reason I developed this blueprint and I love it too. Tip: Make sure you set this time restriction so when you accidentally press it to call everyone at 1am in the morning you don’t wake everyone up :wink:

In order to receive an alert from the remote control, Home Assistant (HA) must be able to detect when the remote is pressed. This event then acts as the trigger for an automation, which can send you an alert or notification using the blueprint.

In French

Je l’utilise pour appeler tout le monde à l’heure du dîner, c’est la principale raison pour laquelle j’ai développé ce plan et je l’aime aussi. Astuce : assurez-vous de définir cette limite de temps afin que lorsque vous appuyez accidentellement dessus pour appeler tout le monde à 1 heure du matin, vous ne réveilliez pas tout le monde :wink:

Afin de recevoir une alerte de la télécommande, Home Assistant (HA) doit être capable de détecter le moment où la télécommande est enfoncée. Cet événement agit ensuite comme déclencheur d’une automatisation, qui peut vous envoyer une alerte ou une notification à l’aide du plan.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Thank you for the Information!

To which one? Maybe I could use the other blueprint in the meantime.

{{ states[trigger.entity_id].attributes.friendly_name }}
if i use this code a cant get notifications…
Do i need to change it according names of entity_id?


I added it to the below blueprint but it is different than this one. It will be added but I am really busy at the moment. In about a week work will calm down again and I will get back to normal.

:vibration_mode: Appliance Notifications & Actions - Washing Machine - Clothes Dryer - Dish Washer - ETC

Blacky :smiley:


Welcome to the community.

No it should work. Could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

Blacky :smiley:

Dear Craig
thanks for warm welcome.

alias: Water leak
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/notifications-and-announcements.yaml
      - binary_sensor.water_leak_vanna_water_leak
      - binary_sensor.water_leak_kuhnea_water_leak
      - b7e71979213cdfef9124f541a103fdbc
    include_notify: enable_mobile_app_notify
notify_title: 📢 Water leak detected
notify_message: Shut off taps urgently🙂
      - high_priority
      - sticky
    global_conditions: []
    include_persistent_notification: enable_persistent_notification
    persistent_message: Shut off the taps urgently🙂
    persistent_title: 📢 Water leak detected

i want to receive notifications with trigger.entity_id.

also i get problem if Z2m restarts or reconnect to waterleak detectors i receive notifications so i cant use them to prevent waterleaks due to false positives.
If i install water switch-off valve when reconnecting z2m i will get false positives


Thanks for your YAML. I have fixed it for you as there were some this wrong. Below is your code, copy and paste it replacing all the YAML.

What I changed.

  1. You had a indent issue that I fixed.
  2. Trigger State I clanged it to option 2, so when your leak is detected and your leak detector goes ON (wet) it triggers the automation not when it goes OFF or unavailable. This may help false trigger as you had it set to option 1, this means if it goes ON or OFF and when you restarts or reconnect Z2m it my be unavailable then OFF and that will trigger the automation.
  3. In Triggers section I have added 2 seconds to Time Delay. This way it must be ON for 2 seconds to send the notification. This may help in your false positives. Adjust this to suit your needs. See you may get your sensor go ON when Z2m restarts or reconnects for a millisecond or even a second. So if this happens then it will not trigger as the sensor must be ON for at least 2 seconds to trigger the automation. Again adjust to your site conditions as you see fit. It was set on “0” and because we changed the trigger state to option 2 you may be able to set this back to “0”.
alias: Water leak
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/notifications-and-announcements.yaml
      - binary_sensor.water_leak_vanna_water_leak
      - binary_sensor.water_leak_kuhnea_water_leak
      - b7e71979213cdfef9124f541a103fdbc
    include_notify: enable_mobile_app_notify
    notify_title: 📢 Water leak detected
    notify_message: >-
      Shut off {{ states[trigger.entity_id].attributes.friendly_name }} taps
      - high_priority
      - sticky
    global_conditions: []
    include_persistent_notification: enable_persistent_notification
    persistent_message: >-
      Shut off the {{ states[trigger.entity_id].attributes.friendly_name }} taps
    persistent_title: 📢 Water leak detected
    trigger_state: "on"
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 2

Hope this helps.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Dear Blacky
Huge thanks for your kindness and detailed explanations.
Will you plan to add telegram notifications?


Maybe I add a custom notification so you can add anything you like. I will put it on the list, thanks for your suggestion.

Blacky :smiley:

1 Like

Is it possible to display the actual value of the entity that triggered the notification?

Thanks in advance

Yep by using trigger.to_state.state, see the code below and enter it in your message input.

{{ states[trigger.entity_id].attributes.friendly_name }} triggered with a value of {{ trigger.to_state.state }}

Blacky :smiley:

Anyway to notify a notification group?


Welcome to the community.

Nope, currently you have to add them in separately.

Blacky :smiley: