Notification Sound - The Home Assistant app for iOS includes built-in notification sounds, and you can import sounds from your iOS device into the app. Custom sounds can also be added via iTunes or from your cloud storage.
For more information on using sounds in the Home Assistant app, click here.
From time to time, Home Assistant updates their YAML standards and coding practices. To align with their roadmap, we’ve updated the code accordingly. We will continue to apply these updates across all our blueprints as they are revised.
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# This give you time 12 hr format
{{ now().strftime('%I:%M:%S %p').lstrip('0') }}
# This give you time 24 hr format
{{ now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') }}
# This gives you date - change year, month and day to suit you.
{{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
@Blacky thanks that worked ok, another suggestion, Can you add the ability to perform an action on tapping on the mobile notification, i.e. open a dashboard (the room)
Thanks for the blueprint ill transfer some love by paypal, i really liked the blueprint for the lights with night glow etc
Just an idea, i used to have a telegram notification option which i used to sent a picture of my cam when the doorbel was press.
Also when the mailbox was opened.
Maybe an option to let a cam make a screenshot and then add this screenshot to the notification on the HA app.
edit: btw where is ur paypal link, im sure i just seen it ?
great, thanks, i do have the script somewhere that i used for it but it was “hard coded” for in telegram , the problem i found was that the images are deleted in HA notifications and telegram they could be seen and stay there.
But there probably will be another way to be able to scroll trough the latest captures in HA if thats needed.
Could be a nice addition that u can see who done what.
edit: i just used the notification on mediaplayers, could be a nice option to set the volume before it gives a notice, if possble and then revert back to the old volume or something.
Have a look at this FAQ click here. This shows you how to add the friendly name to your message of what triggered the automation. So if you have a few entities it will list the one that triggered the automation. You add this to your TTS message.