Notify or do something when an appliance like a dishwasher or washing machine finishes

Yeah but not for longer than X minutes according to your screenshot.

That’s true, i can set the time to be longer as 5 minutes for example.

Hi all,

I’m quite new with hassio and need a bit of help.

Today I started experimenting with blueprints and this one isn’t working for me, I don’t get any TTS output when I hit Run Actions. Another blueprint with TTS output (Low battery level detection & notification for all battery sensors) is working fine so I guess the TTS is configured correct.

This is my actions part:

When I switch to YAML, this is the not working code:


And this code of another automations is working properly:


Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? Thanks!

Not really fond of waiting x amount of time after the cycle is actually done. If a counter was used and the 1st power consumption was counted and then only on the second power draw would a trigger be enabled.

I have fought with this and right now get 2 notifications, first cycle and finish cycle. Annoying but still pretty reliable

Hey @e-raser, I’m fairly new to HA but I’m pretty sure I have the same issue that you’ve described. This blueprint/automation used to work for me. But all of a sudden, any automation I create from this blueprint doesn’t work - tried with different sensors and different actions, it just doesn’t run.

Have you had a luck with fixing this at all? If not, do you mind sharing the workarounds you got? I’m currently only trying to get this to work for a washer and a dryer.

Automations based on this blueprint work fine - except when HA is being restarted during the automation is running. In this situation after restart HA doesn’t know the state of the automation so the finish action will never be triggered.

For my scenarios I live with that, for one important automation (powering off a power plug after usage) I created a „fail-safe“ automation which runs when the blueprint based one doesn’t - which makes the bsleuprint based one basically needless.

The core problem is the missing state persistence for automations which is a HA issue and nothing a blueprint can take care of I think. MAYBE the blueprint can store an information in a helper entity like „input_boolean.automation_a_running = true“ and read that state after HA has been restarted (for this the trigger HA started is available). This way the automation can continue and make sure the finishing action is run. What do you think about this @Sbyx ?

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This is a great blueprint that I have working on my dishwasher and washing machine. I have only one issue I’m looking to solve. I have an action to do a tts say to the media players when the cycles finish to let the kids know to do their chores. But I only want it to broadcast from 9am to 10pm. If I put that condition in, the tts won’t fire. My condition code is

condition: time
after: ‘09:00:00’
before: ‘22:00:00’

Does anyone have any idea whats wrong with my syntax? Or if it can be done that way?

Thanks in advance.

I also would like to add a condition to this blueprint, but based on the state of a power switch. Have you determined where to add the condition?

In the check boxes of the automation this is a option check box. When you click that you can write in some conditions.
What I wrote above was my condition.
I’ll go back to look at this on the weekend and try and figure out what’s wrong with it.

I hope that helps not sure if I understood the question

Duh, I found it! Thanks for the reply. I added a condition option for the switch state (on or off), but it’s not working. More troubleshooting and learning for me to do.

ok i’m a bit confused. I’ve imported this blueprint and made a automation off of it for my washing machine.
a) does it need to see it Start AND Finish to trigger the action? or will the finish sufice?
b) i can’t seem to ‘run actions’ … i have the exact same action as another automation i have (ie sent notification to my phone and tv) but it just doesn’t seem to notify. the other automation tests just fine.

any ideas?

What’s your code look like. I can get my notification to work it’s just my tts part fails. After a few hours of reading I think I might know why, but I need to run some tests to be sure.

@Sbyx any response please?

Have you ever shared your automation?
Would you….? :wink:

Haven’t yet but did right now :slight_smile:

@Sbyx love this automation! It inspired me to put the dishwasher on a cheap Tuya power meter switch.

Feature request: a field for a sensor helper that can be set when the appliance is running, and reset when it’s not. Example usage: Apple Watch complication that shows an icon when the dishwasher is running.


Do you guys get this work? I have some issues.

This is my automation:

  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.shelly_plug_power_2
      minutes: 1
    above: 5
condition: []
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.shelly_plug_power_2
        below: 2
          minutes: 1
  - choose: []
      - device_id: e5cf14955ac211a3efbb27c752d43975
        domain: mobile_app
        type: notify
        message: Pyykinpesukone
        title: Pyykinpesukone
      - device_id: 66cdb4a5adf1a184c3dc5119d3c976ac
        domain: mobile_app
        type: notify
        message: Pyykinpesukone
        title: Pyykinpesukone
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
id: '1639146533706'
alias: Appliance has finished
description: '' 

I triggers when washing machine goes on but it gets cancelled almost immediately so it never gets to action

in my setup it was working perfectly… but suddenly everything failed. I do not know why… especially that I did not make any(!) changes (e.g. updates, automation configuration etc.)

Please take a look onto HA log:

Logger: homeassistant.config
First occurred: 18:42:18 (16 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:37:48

Invalid config for [automation]: value must be one of [‘battery_level’, ‘carbon_dioxide’, ‘carbon_monoxide’, ‘current’, ‘energy’, ‘frequency’, ‘gas’, ‘humidity’, ‘illuminance’, ‘nitrogen_dioxide’, ‘nitrogen_monoxide’, ‘nitrous_oxide’, ‘ozone’, ‘pm1’, ‘pm10’, ‘pm25’, ‘power’, ‘power_factor’, ‘pressure’, ‘signal_strength’, ‘sulphur_dioxide’, ‘temperature’, ‘value’, ‘volatile_organic_compounds’, ‘voltage’] for dictionary value @ data[‘type’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 8).

Moreover there is some error in blueprint (unknown tag !<!input> at line 67, column 35:
entity_id: !input ‘power_sensor’

here you have line 67:
entity_id: !input ‘power_sensor’

Could you help me please? That was something most impressive when it comes to automation in HA …

There seems to be something wrong with your ‘power_sensor’. Maybe it is missing or unavailable. Did you check whether it reports ‘power’ proberly?

yes, it works good. I have not noticed any issues …