Notify or do something when an appliance like a dishwasher or washing machine finishes

Duh, I found it! Thanks for the reply. I added a condition option for the switch state (on or off), but it’s not working. More troubleshooting and learning for me to do.

ok i’m a bit confused. I’ve imported this blueprint and made a automation off of it for my washing machine.
a) does it need to see it Start AND Finish to trigger the action? or will the finish sufice?
b) i can’t seem to ‘run actions’ … i have the exact same action as another automation i have (ie sent notification to my phone and tv) but it just doesn’t seem to notify. the other automation tests just fine.

any ideas?

What’s your code look like. I can get my notification to work it’s just my tts part fails. After a few hours of reading I think I might know why, but I need to run some tests to be sure.

@Sbyx any response please?

Have you ever shared your automation?
Would you….? :wink:

Haven’t yet but did right now :slight_smile:

@Sbyx love this automation! It inspired me to put the dishwasher on a cheap Tuya power meter switch.

Feature request: a field for a sensor helper that can be set when the appliance is running, and reset when it’s not. Example usage: Apple Watch complication that shows an icon when the dishwasher is running.


Do you guys get this work? I have some issues.

This is my automation:

  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.shelly_plug_power_2
      minutes: 1
    above: 5
condition: []
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.shelly_plug_power_2
        below: 2
          minutes: 1
  - choose: []
      - device_id: e5cf14955ac211a3efbb27c752d43975
        domain: mobile_app
        type: notify
        message: Pyykinpesukone
        title: Pyykinpesukone
      - device_id: 66cdb4a5adf1a184c3dc5119d3c976ac
        domain: mobile_app
        type: notify
        message: Pyykinpesukone
        title: Pyykinpesukone
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
id: '1639146533706'
alias: Appliance has finished
description: '' 

I triggers when washing machine goes on but it gets cancelled almost immediately so it never gets to action

in my setup it was working perfectly… but suddenly everything failed. I do not know why… especially that I did not make any(!) changes (e.g. updates, automation configuration etc.)

Please take a look onto HA log:

Logger: homeassistant.config
First occurred: 18:42:18 (16 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:37:48

Invalid config for [automation]: value must be one of [‘battery_level’, ‘carbon_dioxide’, ‘carbon_monoxide’, ‘current’, ‘energy’, ‘frequency’, ‘gas’, ‘humidity’, ‘illuminance’, ‘nitrogen_dioxide’, ‘nitrogen_monoxide’, ‘nitrous_oxide’, ‘ozone’, ‘pm1’, ‘pm10’, ‘pm25’, ‘power’, ‘power_factor’, ‘pressure’, ‘signal_strength’, ‘sulphur_dioxide’, ‘temperature’, ‘value’, ‘volatile_organic_compounds’, ‘voltage’] for dictionary value @ data[‘type’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 8).

Moreover there is some error in blueprint (unknown tag !<!input> at line 67, column 35:
entity_id: !input ‘power_sensor’

here you have line 67:
entity_id: !input ‘power_sensor’

Could you help me please? That was something most impressive when it comes to automation in HA …

There seems to be something wrong with your ‘power_sensor’. Maybe it is missing or unavailable. Did you check whether it reports ‘power’ proberly?

yes, it works good. I have not noticed any issues …

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Can’t be much newer to HA than I am currently. I am trying to use this blueprint but my entity is not listed in the dropdown. Let me explain what I have. I have a Sonoff S31 that shows up as -

But I am unable to select it here -

I must need to do something to get it to show in the list but am at a loss. If I just go to create a manual automation I can see the entity and the attributes but the automation I created didn’t ever run so thought I’d try the blueprint way.
Thanks for any assistance.

@billraff: You have to insert a sensor not a switch. (e.g. sensor.power… or the like) You can look up the correct name in Developer Tools, too.

Thanks. That’s where I’m stuck I guess. No sensors related to my plug (the Sonoff S31) show up in Developer Tools.

Edit: went back and read the Sonoff docs and saw sensors weren’t automatically added. Have added and restarting. Fingers crossed!

I did something different by displaying a “conditional” card on my dashboard (tablet on the wall). if the dishwasher is running, the Card is visible and shows the remaining time. If its not running the card is not shown at all as it only occupies unnessicary space on my tablet.

My Dishwasher is connected with the Home Connect integration so i have access to the API for more enteties then i need on the device though so might not be applicable to everyone.

    - type: conditional
        - entity: sensor.diskmaskin_operation_state
          state: Run
        type: markdown
        style: |
          ha-card {
            --ha-card-background: #594819 !important;
        content: >
          <ha-icon icon="mdi:dishwasher"></ha-icon> Diskmaskin, kvarvarande tid: <b>{%
          if states('sensor.diskmaskin_remaining_program_time') == 'unavailable' %}
          --- {% elif
          (as_timestamp(states('sensor.diskmaskin_remaining_program_time'))) >0  %}
          <span style='font-size:24px !important; text-align:right;'> {% set sec =
          %} {%set hr = (sec / 3600) | int %} {%set min = sec / 60 - hr * 60%} {% if
          hr > 0 %} {{"%d:%02d" % (hr, min)}} {%else%} {{min | int}} Minuter {% endif %} {%
          endif %}</span></b>

Edit, Almost forgot, I also have a trigger for when the dishwasher is Done, then i do a TTS message.


platform: state
entity_id: sensor.diskmaskin_operation_state
from: Run
to: Finished


service: tts.google_say
  entity_id: media_player.home_nest_mini_group
  message: Diskmaskinen är klar

Very useful automation.
Could be possible to add a time frame for sending the notification?
Example only between 8 and 22?

I can’t seem to get the automations to fire, to test…any ideas

I have been using this automation for some time on my washing machine as of late, the notification has been hit or miss. The biggest issue I have is that the notification timing is never accurate.

I have it set to notify me one (1) minute after the lower threshold is reached and maintained, however I never get the message after a minute, it randomly longer. Some times it has taken nearly an hour or two.

And some times I don’t get the notification at all, I put another load of washing on after the first, yes it well over one (1) minute before I start the next load, and then sometimes I get the notification for the second load.

Yes I know I have an issue and I would like it fixed, I get though the magic fairies don’t know what my issue is and so what I am asking for is guidance on how to actually troubleshoot my issue. My automation is very simple, I put the values in and send a notification to my phone.


If the notification is to a mobile it can take a long while for a notification to reach you (I know for sure on Android).
Did you check the traces of the automation to get at what time the notification was triggered vs. the time you actually got it?

Nice blueprint, very useful – just cannot get any actions to run.

Checking the blueprint file in the Studio Code Server editor, this is pointed out in line 63:

Incorrect type. Expected “null”

Do you have this working with the current HAOS 2021.12?