Now completely confused about getting hassio onto Raspbian

You appear to be unfamiliar with the pros and cons of the different ways Home Assistant can be installed. May I ask if you read the documentation’s installation instructions? Because if you did, and it still caused this much confusion, then the documentation may require improvement.

There are many advantages for running ‘generic linux install’ to running HassOs. And both are equally supported here.



You sure about that? I thought I read a comment from pvizeli that supervised HA (ie, new name “HomeAssistant”) isn’t 100% supported when not running on HassOS - that the script that allows installation on of a generic linux OS running Docker might break at any time.

However - if you meant the community supports both types of install, I agree. Or if you meant HomeAssistant Core running on a generic linux install, I agree.


While Home Assistant Supervised can be run on practically any Linux systems, the Home Assistant project limits support for this installation method.

Only the use of Debian or Ubuntu is supported. Other Linux-based system may work but is not part of our testing and thus not supported.

Excellent! I misread that last part. Good to know Ubuntu/Debian fully supported.

Back to OP - eventhough Raspbian is Debian based, I’m not sure it counts as one of the fully supported systems. Hence, repeating my recommendation to stick with HassOS (if you’re running on a Pi).

Ubuntu and Raspbian are based on Debian.

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Right, I know that. What I’m saying is that despite Raspbian being Debian based, it likely doesn’t count as fully supported. Ie, not all Debian derivatives are supported (which is why they specifically list Ubuntu as being supported eventhough it is Debian based).

So, you think that the OS that HA was originally designed to run on when it was first created will, for some unknown reason, suddenly be decided to stop being officially supported? Even tho Raspbian is directly derived from Debian just like Ubuntu is?

@finity. I think you are confusing HomeAssistant Core and HomeAssistant.

Raspbian is just customised debian. In fact if you do a name on a Raspbian system it will say Debian as the O/S.

You are making WAY too much of that one line. This type of install is fully supported.


Works for me. I’m just repeating what the docs say.

And back to the OP, stain originally said the script to install Supervised HA on Raspbian wasn’t working.

The only reason it didn’t work is because the script MOVED in the git repo when they dumped the hassio NAME.

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That is completely false.

Again, completely incorrect. You should probably stop offering advice on things you don’t understand.

@stain3565 Here is guide you might find useful to help you get Home Assistant running on your Pi. It combines official instructions, plus some extra info to make things easier.

EDIT: Substitute anything in the guide that states Raspberry Pi 3, for Raspberry Pi 4.


Easy there kanga. As mentioned above, I missed the line where it said That type of install was supported on Debian & Ubuntu. And as we’ve now all covered a few times, it seems like the belief is that Rasbian, being Debian based, is also supported (though Not sure why the docs feel the need to mention separately that Ubuntu is supported when it is also Debian based).

It’s better not to offer advice if you don’t know the subject matter, which in this instance, you don’t. You made one incorrect statement after another.

There’s no “belief” that Raspbian being Debian based makes it supported, it IS supported, always has been.

Raspbian IS Debian

Love that uptime :wink:

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From the Raspbian Wikipedia page:
“Raspbian is a Debian-based computer operating system for Raspberry Pi.”

And from the page:
“ Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware . ”

I agree with your screenshot that they are similar enough that Raspbian still displays as Debian.

Moving forward, I wonder if a PR to the docs at

Would help to specifically add the name “Raspbian” to Debian and Ubuntu.

This is my Home Assistant Supervised NUC machine if you like that other one…
Also running Debian of course…

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I know you are trying to be helpful, but quit while you’re behind.