Onkyo Integration

So what did you change to get it working?

What is your yaml now?

Now only this:

  - platform: onkyo

(Read my past post, I have add same information)

OK so what are the attributes of the media_player entity now?

Go to developer-tools, states, find the onkyo entity and click on it. The details will appear at the top.

Copy and paste them here.

Yep, that’s me.


cd: "TV"
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I see all the available sources, but so I have all the wrong references, I’ll have to write the code specifying the ip and the correct name displayed by me.

I have no idea what it is “supported_features: 20364”

the only certain thing I can say is that the TV source exists, why it doesn’t change status by clicking on it, remains a mystery to me

I’ll have to avoid turning off the electrical outlet whenever no one is home, to see if it stays connected. I’ll keep you up-to-date. Currently it doesn’t work because after turning off the electrical outlet yesterday, Onkyo on Home Assistant went offline, and never reconnected.

  - TV
  - Bluray
  - Game
  - Aux1
  - Video 1
  - Video 2
  - Video 3
  - Video 4
  - Video 5
  - Video 6
  - Video 7
  - Radio
icon: mdi:amplifier
friendly_name: Onkyo
supported_features: 20364

no, tv-cd is correct but not work but I think not a Home assistant problem, but a onkyo problem

Did you try it? cd will trigger the same input, but the source code shows tv/cd, not tv-cd, as the other option to trigger that input.

     description: sets CD, TV/CD 
     models: *id001 
     - cd 
     - tv/cd

Thank you very much for your attempt to help, but if as you had seen I was very inexperienced in Smartthings, here on Home Assistant I am at a very low level.

Now in my configuration.yaml I have add only:

  - platform: onkyo

I will necessarily have to go back to inserting a more complete code, like this:

  - platform: onkyo
    host: 192.168.X.XXX
    name: Onkyo
      tv-cd: "TV"
      video1: "ChromeCast"
      video2: "CBL/SAT"
      dvd: "Dune"

to be able to view the right references of each source.

At the moment, unfortunately, I can’t do anything because the Onkyo, although it works and can be reached with its IP from the browser locally, doesn’t respond to Home Assistant or its Android app. I still think that disconnecting the electricity while on standby is responsible for this problem.
I restarted, home assistant, modem, router, but the onkyo still doesn’t respond to the app and home assistant, when it comes back online I will still try to fix these problems.

After this dutiful summary, I need your help to understand what to do, where should I insert this piece of code? 23??

     description: sets CD, TV/CD 
     models: *id001 
     - cd 
     - tv/cd

I don’t really like making the configuration.yaml file longer

It’s possible
create a
“media player.yaml”
file with all the necessary onkyo code and add to the configuration.yaml file

media player: !include media player.yaml


The code I posted is from the source for the Onkyo integration - it’s not intended for you to put in your config.yaml. You need to go back to having the more complete configuration for your AVR. The very short one you have now uses a default source list, which doesn’t appear to match what your device needs. To try this change, you just need to try cd: "TV" in place of tv-cd: "TV".

There are several ways to distribute your configuration file across multiple files to make it easier to read. I use packages. I’d suggest you get the integration working before you start trying to rework your configuration file though.

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so how should I use it? I did not understand

Just put this as your configuration:

  - platform: onkyo
    host: 192.168.X.XXX
    name: Onkyo
      cd: "TV"
      video1: "ChromeCast"
      video2: "CBL/SAT"
      dvd: "Dune"
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After 24h and numerous reboots of the modem, router and onkyo, it’s back to working in its app and as I suspected at the same time also on the Home assistant with the new code you suggest
With your help I made another step forward, now I can put the “TV” mode and it works! Thank you very much!
Unfortunately though, with this more complete code that includes the IP, Home Assistant tells me that the device is not unique and therefore I can’t customize it. To tell the truth, he finds 3 for the two different zones and only 1 would be enough for me to be able to change the name and icon.

Try deleting host and name from your config, leaving just the source definition.

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You are my salvation, it works, now on entities I see 4 different onkyo, but it doesn’t matter, I’ll put only one on the board, I don’t think I can eliminate them right?

Are you able to delete the unused ones from the entity list?

no, becouse I see “only read” for all 3 I need deleted

At least two of the three you drew a box around appear to be ones actively used by the integration… media_player.onkyo_zone_2 and media_player.onkyo_zone_3 were created because the integration found that your AVR can support zones 2 and 3. I’m not sure which of the other two would be the right entity for the AVR’s main zone. You can just ignore the zone 2 and 3 entities - no harm in them being there.

On the next reboot of HA, the duplicates disappeared and now I only have
unique and customizable media_player.onkyo.
As long as this naughty onkyo child remains connected and reachable from his app, I think I won’t have any problems on HA either.
Thanks for your precious help

Onkyo integration seems broken since the last updates:


It was working fine but since the last update:


Even if the Onkyo is on it stays like that

Does anyone else have this trouble?


Working fine here. By the way, “last” is not a version.