Pairing Enerwave Z-Wave Plus ZWN-RSM1 and Z-Stick Gen 5

I’m in the process of moving all of my zwave devices off of Wink and onto HA with a Aeotec Z-Stick Gen 5. The last update from Wink completely hosed my environment so I’m making the switch. All of my Jasco/GE Switches and outlets moved over ok with just a simple exclusion/inclusion. But my Enerwave Z-wave Plus ZWN-RSM1’s and 2’s are a different matter. Has anyone had any success getting them paired to a Z-Stick. I want to make sure i’m not fighting a compatibility issue before I start opening switch plates and removing switches to get to the little reset button on the Enerwave device. Here is what I have tried so far. (none of them work so far)

  1. In HA - remove node, switch the wall switch on, then add node and turn the device on again.
  2. turn the switch on and off three times, before doing #1 again (some information says that this either puts the unit in programming mode or does a factory reset depending on which google page you look at).
  3. In HA - remove node, switch the device on and off rapidly three times, then add node and turn the device on and off three times rapidly again. (this one actually acted like it excluded the device, but I still couldn’t get it to include).
  4. Moved my RPI closer to the device and tried 1, 2, and 3 again.
  5. Tried just using the Z-Stick unplugged from the RPI to exclude and include. Neither the exclude or include gave me any indication of whether they were successful or failed. They just blinked happily and finally turned off. No solid blue or red light. ( I was able to use this method to exclude and include some of my GE devices so I think I’m doing it correctly.)
  6. Tried 1, 2, and 3 using OZWCP both with my RPI (and zstick) on the other side of the house and with the RPI and Zstick in the same room as the wall switch.

I think at some point last night I actually tried it standing on my head, trying to drink a beer, with my fingers crossed and that didn’t work either.

So back to my question. Has anyone gotten this setup to work?

Have you tried using the secure inclusion?

“Add Secure Node”

Yes, under OZWCP. I believe that is the only option when doing it through the new Zwave page in HA. But I also tried it in the non-secure way under OZWCP too. Same result.

What shows up in the OZW_Log.txt when you try to add it?

hard to say since there are 40 other devices reporting sensor readings, open/close readings, etc. But to the best I can tell, it goes into add mode, waits for user action and then nothing else.

Try running the log through the openzwave analyzer:

I got them to add. Sort of . They show as one device but there are two relays on it. how do I reference the relays to turn each relay on and off individually? Under OZWCP I can access each relay on the device and turn the lights on individually so I know there is a way to do it.

Check the dev button looks like this “<>” on the left hand side of Home Assistant, you should see something in there switch.something_4_0 and switch.something_4_1 0 should be the 1st relay, and 1 would be the 2nd.

I was looking there and it’s even stranger than I ever thought. Ever time I turn off the light, it creates a new entity.
it’s up to switch.half_bath_light_switch_60_0_60 now. It doesn’t do it to the zwave entry, only the switch entry. I’m gonna restart the app and 1) see if it will clean this up some, and 2 see if it fixes it.

That is odd, reply with you results after the restart/reboot.

Same thing, no change. I shut down AppDaemon too just to make sure it wasn’t something strange I was doing in there.

how can I clean up all those bogus entries?

That I’m not sure of, you may want to report the issue on github.

Done. I have excluded the switch from HA for now and will tie them back in using Wink for now. But I really would like to get rid of the bogus entries.

That’s incredibly odd. The RSM1 are easily the most reliable devices on my network. Never a single issue except that unsolicited reporting doesn’t work with openzwave. I have not experienced the issues you are having. Are yours firmware 5.1?

I agree. They are rock solid under Wink. Are you linking yours to a z-stick? If so, how does it show up in HA?

Yes, mine are paired with a zstick. It creates the following devices:


They operate fine. I excluded them from Wink. I included 8 with the zstick using the press button on the stick and flipping the switch on-off-on to put it into pairing mode. I paired 1 using the pairing button on the back of the RSM1. And I paired 1 using the add_node function within HASS and flipping to switch on-off-on. Never had a single problem.

Do you have any RSM2’s? If so, do both relays create a switch.workshop* entity when you include one, or do you have to include each switch one at a time?

I do not. But from the research I’ve done, you include it once and it will have 3 entities. 1 dummy entity and then the 2 functional relay entities.

I have an RSM2 paired to a zstick. It was originally getting detected as just one relay (although I too could manipulate both in OZWCP). I ended up using this as a custom entry and modifying the appropriate entry in the manufacturer_specific.xml file in my openzwave config path.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns="">

  <!-- Configuration Parameters -->
  <CommandClass id="112">
    <Value genre="config" instance="1" index=3" value=0" label=Unsolicited Report Configuration" units="" size=1" min=0" max=255" type="byte">
      <Help>ZWN-RSM2 can send unsolicited status report to primary controller (Node ID 0X01) when switch toggled due to some controllers designed as gateway. If your controller is not a gateway or does not need the status or you think it could confuse your Z-Wave net</Help>


Works great. I see 3 switches - the two actual relays and the one for the device itself which I ignore.