Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

Have you considered using HeishaMon instead of Panasonic Cloud? It’s a bit more involved but the project is very stable once put in place.

I saw that it is possible to have the two devices connected in parallel. but what cable is needed to have both?

Cool graphics! Can you help me for the interface on lovelace?
I have the same integration with heishamon

For graphs I using there custom mini-graph-card. It’s well documented , so I think it’s no big problem to build needed graphs. For example configuration one of mine:

type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Water temperatures
hour24: true
line_width: 3
smoothing: false
group_by: hour
points_per_hour: 6
aggregate_func: max
  labels: true
  - entity: sensor.aquarea_inlet_temperature
    name: main inlet
  - entity: sensor.aquarea_outlet_temperature
    name: main outlet
  - entity: sensor.aquarea_zone1_water_temperature
    name: z1
  - entity: sensor.aquarea_zone2_water_temperature
    name: z2
  - entity: sensor.aquarea_actual_tank_temperature
    name: dhv

how you are calculating energy usage (Wh), since from haishamon I am only geting watts?

Please look at the end of yaml file:

How do I use these pre-built automations?
And how to set the water delivery temperature in zone 1 (fixed temperature, no climatic)

how can i change the software of my CZ-TAW1B? it’s compatible ? that would be the new model

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As a feature request is it possible to integrate the Force DHW switch? It would be useful for solar panel or in case of different electricity tariffs automation.

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Thank you very much for your work kamaradclimber. It has been giving me great results for months, but now I have a problem.

I have recently changed the router, I have kept the ssid and the password of the wifi. the heishamon board configuration is correct and connects correctly to the router with the same ip as before (home assistant also keeps the same ip). Heishamon also receive coorrectly the data from Aquarea.

The problem is that it connects to the homeassistant only occasionally and disconnects in a few seconds. In fact, it doesn’t even try to connect since yesterday. “Heatpump Online” is always Offline. I have also tried several times to restart Heishamon, without success.

I have removed the mosquitto broker plugin, MQTT and heishamon integration and reinstalled it, it finds Heishamon integration correctly but still the same problem connecting to HA. I don’t know how to solve it. I’m a bit desperate.

Could you help me please? I don’t know how to identify what the problem is so that it doesn’t work.

Captura de pantalla 2023-07-17 165345
Captura de pantalla 2023-07-17 165452

I solve it. Changing the ID of the Heishamon board by accessing the board by IP has worked. I don’t know why it was necessary to do but it was what was failing.

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Hi. I have Heishamon working since months ago but didn’t care about consumption sensors. Now I took a look, and I have something like this:

As you can see, energy is only updated some days and only for a little while. The same happens with all energy related sensors. What can I do?

How are you getting the power values? I only get 0 for all power topics.


Hi Carlos,

I can see you are not active in this discussion for the last one year. I can understand you are quite busy and have your own live but if you update us on if you are planning to continue the development of this integration will help us a lot on preparing for the cold season by migrating to heishamon or something else that is being maintained.

Thanks for your efforts on building it even till this stage!

@cjaliaga Same here. Love your developments, my 9kw Panasonic heatpump is fully powered by your HA integration and it was really easy to configure, exactly what I was looking for! I would welcome more developments , happy to sponsor if you would like to consider !

Hey @getz1234 @Krasimir_Stanev apologies for the radio silence. Life has kept me quite busy and didn’t allow me time to properly invest on the integration. I’ve done some tries but never had the time to complete a new feature (I actually have the work for the sensors started).

The good news is that seems I’ll finally have time to work on the integration. Expect some update soon :slight_smile:


That is alsome! If we can hell somehow let us know!

great stuff, thanks, looking forward!

using standard HeishaMon integration (it is not showing power for e.g. cooling),
then declare sensors to calculate energy consumtpions

  #(kWh) - DHW
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.panasonic_heat_pump_main_dhw_energy_consumption
    name: Aquarea DHW Energy Consumed
    unit_prefix: k
    method: left
  #(kWh) - Heat
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.panasonic_heat_pump_main_heat_energy_consumption
    name: Aquarea Heat Energy Consumed
    unit_prefix: k
    method: left

I found the problem in my configuration.

It appeared to not have an active connection with MQTT that problem is now fixed and working like it should