Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

It’s just so frustrating how sparse and assumed this guide is, guys. I really respect the effort and time put into this, but it’s SO hard for a non-coding genius to figure this out, man. I feel SO close, but I just don’t freaking understand how to get the integration installed on my Home Assistant OS running on a virtual database. MQTT is up and running, Samba is working, files are copied. There are so many fragments in the files/locations that still have to be defined and then there is the ‘run’ $ PANASONIC_AQUAREA_SMART_CLOUD_MQTT_CONFIG=“CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION” bin/OS/panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt-OS-ARCH - HOW?! Where? Using what? Placed in what location? :cold_face:

hi! Did you look at this native implementation alternative? this one is actually quite straightforward to configure Aquarea in Home Assistant as Device (Heatpump + DHW Tank)

I can fully control my Panasonic heatpump (9j) from Home Assistant - deployed in a few hours.

This is the starting point (from Carlos J. Aliaga):

thanks. Would be nice to have access to the Graphs as displayed through the Panasonic Service Account (ie compressor speed , in out water temp temp etc)

BTW - is there a way to retrieve the actual tank Water Temperature in HA as sensor somehow? I can now only see the temp. within the Tank Entity.


Thank you very much for the integration! Consumption sensors would be awesome.

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The temperature is an attribute of the water_heater entity so you could create a template sensor from it. That said, I can expose a sensor entity (initially disabled) that you can enable and use in your HA :slight_smile:

Energy Consumption would be a key feature to implement if I can place a vote!


Unfortunately it seems that the Panasonic API is very basic and provides only a few parameters for the HeatPumps

In the web app “Aquarea smart cloud”, one can have access to consumption data and the javascript file a2w-energy-consumption.min.js uses the API. So there should be a way to get access to these data. I’m not expert and I can’t understand straightforwardly how it works.

What request did you type to get the json you showed?

I got this info from a friend that understands coding and has integrated his Mitsubishi HP. He said this is what the API has, the Panasonic service cloud offers full info but as far as I understand there is no api. For reference this is what the Mitsubishi offers :joy:

Getting the consumption data is not the big deal to say something. There’s an endpoint that gives us the data aggregated (based on a parameter).

For example we can ask for the consumption for today. We’ll get a list of the consumption per hour. Good news is that I already implemented that in the python client that connects to the aquarea API when I was working on this during the summer.

What’s the challenge that made me pause the work as I needed to dig further on it and to make some decisions and unfortunately didn’t have the time?

You’ll only get the consumption for let’s say, 21:00 to 22:00, maybe at 22:05 if you’re lucky but it can take more time to appear. So what does that mean? I need to choose the right class for the entity and configure it properly to ensure that statistics are generated properly. Here you have the docs in case you’re curious to learn more: Sensor Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs)

I need to also ensure that I update the entity properly when we’re jumping between days (23:00 to 00:00 / 00:00 to 1:00 consumption).

I’m not saying is a super complex task, just needs a bit of design and to ensure we’re covering all edge cases :slight_smile:

I’m back working on this and I’ll release a preview version so we can test it as soon as I have something testeable :partying_face:


Great! I am happy that there is a light in the tunnel!


Thank you very much. That’s great news!

I think the problem with delayed data is general in power consumption (see this topic for example) and there should be a workaround… that I’d like to know for another problem.

If you update your integrate and maybe want feedback, I will test it ; )

If you are looking for a solution to use Panasonic cloud and local MQTT server for Aquarea heat pumps at the same time, try HeishaMonBoth.

This interface has the same functionality as HeishaMon , but gives the ability to work simultaneously in the cloud and with the local MQTT server.
The Home Assistant integration provided by Kamaradclimber for HeishaMon also works with HeishaMonBoth.


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Thank you for this information. This seems to be much more complete but required some supplementary hardware knowledge.

Thanks, that would be nice! Additional question, from the Panasonic UI I can choose a few quick calls, for example , Force DHW or Request Sterilization. Is that something that can be enabled as well?

Apologies, I am rather new into HA and struggling sometimes. How can I set the Zone1 (target) temperature within HA automation, based on the current Zone Temperature + 2? I am able to retrieve the attributes:



  • heat
  • ‘off’
    min_temp: 51
    max_temp: 51
    target_temp_step: 1
    current_temperature: 51
    temperature: 24
    hvac_action: idle
    attribution: Data provided by Aquarea Smart Cloud
    icon: mdi:hvac-off
    friendly_name: HP_floor_heating
    supported_features: 1

What hardware do you need for heishamonboth? The same as for heishamon or do you need a supplementary PCB?


Can i get details about the automation you have created?

Thats exactly what i am looking for. If i try to create automation, keeps giving me some weird errors.

It turned out this needs a service call (water heater service) from within the Automation action tag:

service: water heater set temperature

for your specific tank / Heatpump entity id

putting this on top of mind - would be great to have this available.