Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

Hi Cjaliaga ( Carlos),

This integration works perfectly fine for me. Have a 5 KW setup with a 120L water tank and 50L buffer tank.

Does the job as expected.

Just wondering if we can have these details available?

  1. OFF-ON Counter
  2. Total ON time on the compressor.

Also, as mentioned by multiple folks in the past - consumption would be the best thing to have. That ways we do not have to keep swapping between HA and the subpar Panasonic cloud app.

Hey @vaibhavratnaparkhi , We donā€™t have these values from the Aquarea Smart Cloud API. Itā€™s available in the Service one, where login-in as we do in the smart one is not that easy (Iā€™m not sure how we would do it and if we even can) and then the responses from their API are not that understandable haha. I like some reverse engineering, but this is not something I can take on right one.

One example:

    "connectionStatus": 0,
    "cnCntErrorStatus": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "statusDataInfo": {
        "function-status-text-005": {
            "textValue": "2006-0310",
            "type": "basic-text"
        "function-status-text-027": {
            "type": "simple-value",
            "value": "42"
        "function-status-text-049": {
            "type": "simple-value",
            "value": ""
        "function-status-text-025": {
            "type": "simple-value",
            "value": "41"
        "function-status-text-047": {
            "type": "simple-value",
            "value": ""
        "function-status-text-068": {
            "type": "simple-value",
            "value": "0"
        "function-status-text-009": {
            "type": "simple-value",
            "value": "32"
        "function-status-text-007": {
            "textValue": "2006-0339",
            "type": "basic-text"
        "function-status-text-029": {
            "type": "simple-value",
            "value": ""
        "function-status-text-041": {
            "textValue": "2006-0960",
            "type": "basic-text"

If Panasonic exposes these in their Smart one, happy to add these. Thatā€™s our hope, more data and functions into the Smart Cloud App so we can bring them into the integration.

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A sneak peek of what Iā€™m working on. I think a couple of you asked for it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iā€™ll need some help testing a couple of scenario. Iā€™ll add the details in the GH Issue as soon as I can. Due to the way the API exposes the data (and when) I needed to make a couple of design choices. Iā€™ll explain everything here: Implement statistics sensors Ā· Issue #1 Ā· cjaliaga/home-assistant-aquarea Ā· GitHub


Great @cjaliaga !

Donā€™t forget the Heating COP if possible as this is essential to know how effective your Hp is. If yoy need some help with testing count on me.

Okay, so I found a guy from Panasonic that was willing to help but unfortunately the cloud team showed that they donā€™t understand what their end users needs and have zero interest on improving their very expensive and outdated network module an app. What a shame for such a good heatpumpā€¦


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Man thatā€™s amazing !!!

Canā€™t wait for the new version !!!

Sure, this can certainly wait for a future release. The consumption would be the most anticipated feature to have.

Do let me know if I can be of any help. Have limited knowledge of Python.

Please excuse if itā€™s a noob question:

  1. I would like to have an option to check in the automation what is the current temperature of the tank.

Is it possible thru a variable?

I just released 0.4.0 with the energy sensors :slight_smile: Please find more details on this GitHub issue: Implement statistics sensors Ā· Issue #1 Ā· cjaliaga/home-assistant-aquarea Ā· GitHub and in the PR that adds the sensors: Energy consumption sensors by cjaliaga Ā· Pull Request #64 Ā· cjaliaga/home-assistant-aquarea Ā· GitHub

Please give it a try and let me know what you think/find.

A note:
Please bear in mind that we work under Panasonic Aquarea API rules. That means that the integration can do what the API allows us. For example:

  • We are not able to add a sensor for COP because the API at this point does not provide that information. There are some values in the statistics endpoint called ā€œgenerated energyā€ that unfortunately for the ones that we have tested it, it comes full of 0s all the time.

When making a feature request, Iā€™d really appreciate if information about how that can be achieved with the official app is provided. That helps a lot to reverse engineering process to their API and App. Take into account that not everyone sees the same as not all the heat pumps have all the functionalities.



Great job.

Will test and get back to you.

Thanks !!

Great Job Carlos!

That was the missing piece. Intact exempt the calendar and some manual functions like defrost the integration offers as much functionality as the app itself and we can finally stop using it!

What I noticed it created few entities which are unavailable on mine side. Can I delete them?

My pleasure :heart:

You can find more details here: Energy consumption sensors by cjaliaga Ā· Pull Request #64 Ā· cjaliaga/home-assistant-aquarea Ā· GitHub

They are disabled by default and you can enable them in case you wanna make use of the energy sensors on that flavor (although I still recommend the ones that come enabled by default).

This is an usual practice on integrations, to disable entities that are ā€œless popularā€ :smiley: and users can enable them if required. They cannot be deleted but since they are disabled, they are not added to Home Assistant.

This is the current plan:

  1. Regarding weekly timers, I took a look to them but I donā€™t think makes sense to try to incorporate them into Home Assistant. We can try to add a switch to enable or disable them but I think thatā€™s the most we will get. Thereā€™s no 1:1 representation of that interface from the Aquarea App to entities in Home Assistant, and the same can be achieved creating the calendar and using the climate/water_heater services to control the zones in HA, on this case letting Home Assistant to run the schedules and control the device.

  2. About the other pending things, such powerful mode, eco, defrostā€¦ Those will come, hopefully soon, we have some contributors already helping to bring them in, so Iā€™ll do my best to collaborate with them and have that incorporated :slight_smile:

  3. Iā€™d like to have the integration fully translated to more languages. There are some parts already (thanks to everyone that stepped in and helped with this!) and Iā€™d like to properly translate whatā€™s not translated yet: Translations Ā· Issue #65 Ā· cjaliaga/home-assistant-aquarea Ā· GitHub

  4. After all the missing functionality from the App/Web is in the integration, Iā€™d like to take some time to check what was done, the way it was done, and refactor/improve what we can.

  5. Of course, any bug thatā€™s found or suggestion will be prioritized accordingly.

Thanks everyone!

Great job !!

Can we have the following added too?

Hopefully this data is available in the API.

Hi great work! I would like to add one thing, it is not really related to your work, but I already noticed long time ago that even if I set correct timezone on my Panasonic, it shows statistic with one hour off. That why all data you receive from aquarea are 1 hour off too, I tried different approaches to fix it and change timezone to utc and etc, but nothing really worked. Maybe is possible to put in config for hour offset? For me it is quite important, because I use nordpool integration for cost calculationā€¦

Am I the only one with such issue?

I have seen the same issue. Apparently the clock in the machine has to be set manually, it does not pull the data from the app / ha / web / phone

The one hour off could be the daylight saving. I had to manually reset the clock in the machine.


Ok, good point. I fixed time on Panasonic itself, probably I will need to change time manually every time when time changes due daylight savingsā€¦

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Excellent job, Carlos! Thank you so much!

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Hi, where did you change IP? I have the same problem. Thanks.


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Hey everyone!

Iā€™ve been working on some new features for the integration. Take a look at these shiny new entities Iā€™ve added to the configuration category.

I wanted to gather your thoughts. Should these new entities reside in the controls section (main category) or do you think they fit better within the configuration? Maybe some in controls and some in configuration? All in configuration? All in controls? The functionality doesnā€™t change in regard to the category, itā€™s just for the shake of organization.

P.S: I also added the binary sensor to know if defrost is running or not: