Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

Nice!!! Really Nice.

All of those are controlls.

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Hi Carlos,

Another set of much wanted controls.

Great work.

In the control section would be just fine.

Can we also have the inlet temp and outlet temp values added?

Thanks !!

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Unfortunately we cannot. Those values are not part of the Aquarea Smart platform API responses.

Hello. After updating the integration, I can see the consumption sensors but they are listed as unknown. What should I do to make the entities active?

Could you please open an issue in the repo Sign in to GitHub · GitHub?


Hello @cjaliaga

Just upgraded with 5.0 and it all works fine but something has come to my mind. Can we have heater On/OFf sensor so we can follow when it had to be turned on ( for DHW sterilization, heating when is too cold etc).

Same for the consumption, can we see the actual power that the HP is drawing from the grid?

You can create a template binary sensor that uses the state of the climate entity/entities and the hvac_action attribute to know if the device is currently heating or not:

{{ is_state('climate.your_entity', 'heat') and is_state_attr('climate.your_entity', 'hvac_action', 'heating') }}

For power consumption (not energy in kWh as the API gives us), is not something the API exposes. For that I have a Shelly EM with a clamp measuring the circuit where I have the heat pump connected to.

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Hi Carlos,

I mean the actual electrical backup heater that is used for tank disinfection or when the HP doesn’t have enough power if temp is too low.

I wasn’t aware of any backup heater. Is that something that you can see in the app/web? Could give me all the details about that?


Thanks for the details.

Do you have the exact automation?

I’ve been following this conversation for some time.
One big issue why I was not using the Aquarea Smart Cloud Integration was that the integration will stop working if you are logging in into the Aquare Smart Cloud through a browser.

But now I found out that it is actually possible to use the Home Assistant Integration from @cjaliaga and can still access your heatpump through the browser.
I have simply created a new (second) Panasonic Account and added the Heatpump (better say CZ-TAW1) to this account.
Then your main account will get a notification and you can accept the second user.
So both users can control the heatpump without getting logged out.

@cjaliaga: Maybe you can add this information to your documentation on github?


This is a great advice! I agree with you that would be a good idea to add it to the README so other users can benefit from it. Feel free to open a PR with the instructions on how to workaround the limitation of 1 connection at a time per account that’s explained in the remarks section.



I also figured that out but for me it is easier to disable the integration and use the mobile app although the more and more advanced gets the integration from Carlos, the less I need to use the crappy app.

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Completely agree

Nice update Carlos! Many thanks!

I wonder if in the future, we can also have a sensor for the number of times the compressor goes on and off. It is nice to know this number, as it helps to detect a strange behaviour of the machine.

Hopefully you can help me here.

Need to set the temperature on the floor heating to +5 at night between 12 and 5 am and set it to +0 afterwards.

I believe i need to use this function (async_set_temperature) in the file.

Can you help me what values should i pass to have it set the temp to +5 between 12 am and 7 am and to +0 at another period.


I am planning to buy the All-in-One KIT-ADC07JE5C (floor heating and hot domestic water) and i have a question. Can we install the indoor unit in a unheated storage or unheated garage where never freezing and usually +10C is the lowest minimum in winter and 35C is max temperature in summer? As for Home Assistant what additional unit will i need to integrate into HA?

You better install it in an unheated room as this thing produces a lot of heat.

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@cjaliaga and @kamaradclimber
Are you aware that your hacs integrations are using the same directory name “aquarea”?
Currently I am testing both integrations and it’s really annoying to uninstall one integration to install the other one.
Because else it will simply overwrite the existing code from the other integration.

Would it be possible to rename the directory name? At least one of them. Thanks :pray:

Would it work by simply renaming the folder on your install?