Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

Is it only me that cannot see the current tank temp as a addable feature in the tile card any more? As well as other features?

Perfect, good advice. Also encountered the constant logging out in the App. One question, I now have the main account in Home Assistant. Where can I change the login in Home Assistant to a separate Account that has been created? Can you also describe that in GitHub?

I think you have to remove the integration and then add it again. Only during the setup you will be asked for a username and password.

No unfortunately not.
I tried to rename the folder of your integration.

But after some tries it worked with these changes:

  • rename the directory “aquarea” to “heishamon”
  • in the file “manifest.json” rename the “domain”
  • in the file “” rename the content of the variable “DOMAIN”

Does anyone here have any experience with the system tank sterilisation routine, which kills bacteria once a week (mine doesn’t seem to run).

Is it possible that this HA Integration is overriding the sterilisation settings in some way? Does the system need to be in a particular mode, in order for the sterilisation routine to run correctly?

Any thoughts would be really appreaciated, as I can’t see why it isn’t working.

I have it set for Wednesday at 04:00, and at this time, the heating is “Off” and the tank mode is “Off”.


Once you set the schedule, and time for sanitation and the temperature you also need to enable the tank heater from the settings in the functions menu. Then on the display you will see the icon on tob with heater and a water tap.

Don’t set the sterilization to 65 as the HP might go over 70 degrees which turns the internal protection and might pause the process. 60 is more than enough. Be aware that it uses the electrical heater.

Thanks @Krasimir_Stanev

I was under the impression, that the R32 was capable of producing 65C for sanitisation, without the use of the immersion heater. Is the immersion heater mandatory, to make the sterilisation routine activate?

Ok thanks for trying at least!

I don’t think I’ll rename the domain, it would break installation for all current users. I made the mistake originally to choose the wrong domain, that’s the real issue.

local data access is possible with external hardware called HeishaMon, however the downside is you cant send commands to the heat pump in case you also want to use your cloud device CZ-TAW1. Listen Only mode of HeishaMon. Now i read about GitHub - salakrzy/HeishaMonBoth: This is a HeishaMon modification allowing parallel work of Panasonic Web, local reading via MQTT and integration with HomeAssistant. which allows both local and cloud. My question is, does it allow sending command locally? Can I use the same HeishaMon interface from Tindie for HeishaMonBoth?

Interesting. Where to get such PCB ?

HeishaMon interface from

I have Heishamon board. I meant this additional board to connect both interfaces.

Hi, one question, as i remember i had a thermostat like this one in the picture for the delta Temp, now i am missing it.
is it right ?

i am still searching for the best delta T
would be great to have it again
don t know how to do it

heishamon svg

actually this is exactly what i wanted to know too, HeishamonBoth board is not the same as Heishamon, so we need to order it from this The maker should setup a Tindie shop profile as this platform is perfect for such. This board and software seems to be pretty damn good, i would love to use it too.

if i click on the “Tank” i see this , mine is freshly installed integration.

I dont know how to create and add this card, at least it is there if we click on “Tank”


Heishamon maker is cuurently working on the updated version with two ports
HeishaMon - Panasonic Aquarea monitoring - Duurzame energie en installaties - GoT (

Great Integration, but I wonder if anyone can help me get the daily power consumption to put in my power flow? Should you reset the Acumulated consumption every day, or what?

Hi all,
Do you also have problems logging into aquarea-smart cloud from Carlos’ wonderful HA integration after Panasonic’s latest cloud update?
When I try to add the integration, the wizard asks for my Panasonic login. After entering user/pw, I get an error (“unexpected error happened” or something similar).
When I log into using the same user/pw through a normal browser on my pc or phone, it works fine. However, after the update, I have to register a phone number and use it for 2-factor authentication.
Therefore, I suspect that this HA Aquarea integration does not support the 2-factor authentication???
Can anyone clarify what is causing the problem, and more importantly, point to a solution?

I too am unable to access to access Smart Cloud via Home Assistant since 01:24 (UK Time) this morning.

I initially thought it was the heat pump unit disconnecting from the internet, but the Panasonic Cloud app is working as normal, so it is definitely a problem with HA connecting to the Panasonic Cloud service.

This is the log output

"Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 09:33:50 (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:53:09

Error setting up entry [email protected] for aquarea
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 504, in async_setup
result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
File “/config/custom_components/aquarea/”, line 47, in async_setup_entry
await client.login()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/aioaquarea/”, line 246, in login
await self._login_production()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/aioaquarea/”, line 266, in _login_production
response: aiohttp.ClientResponse = await self.request(
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/aioaquarea/”, line 214, in request
raise ApiError(error.error_code, error.error_message)
aioaquarea.errors.ApiError: API error: 1000-0999 - Logged out due to system error. Please login again after a while."