Panasonic BD UB-820

I tried to use panasonic_bluray integration to add my UB-820 but it doesn’t work. It shows up in the dashboard but I can’t do anything and it doesn’t see if the unit is actually turned on.
I don’t even know if this model has network control. I did turn on everything network related in the settings but I don’t know how to test it.
You can see how it looks like on screenshots below. One is for whole setup turned on and one being off. Don’t mind two LGs - I was checking difference between HomeKit integration vs webostv one.
on off

I still didn’t find any useful info regarding UB820 and web access. The only I’ve manage to get is scanning ports in my LAN:

9080/tcp open  http    Mongoose httpd
Running: Linux 3.X|4.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3 cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:4
OS details: Linux 3.11 - 4.1

Making request to this address, on this port, results in response application/json header but the response itself is simply status=ok.

Same issue on my side. I used the panasonic_bluray integration and added by IP address. My UI looks the same and the command seems unresponsive. Any ideas on how to get this working?

Nope, I couldn’t find any useful info. Panasonic itself didn’t want to help me as well so I simply stopped trying.

+1 for support of current players.

I created a feature request here: