Paradox Alarm MQTT Hassio addon

Which panel code?

  • The one to get into your IP150? Can’t help you there - it would have been set when you first got the IP150 set up
  • The one in Home Assistant? This is something that you set yourself, and you are prompted to enter this when you want to make a change to the state. Think of it like a pin just like you’re prompted if you wanted to turn on/off your alarm from your physical alarm panel :slight_smile:

Thanks mate! Legend!

So after I have completed all the configuration (sign out of the addon if i need to configure alarmin) can I do this:

  1. Leave the paradox panel connected to the home assistant via the MQTT addon.

  2. And while the paradox is connected to the home assistant, use Alarm min to check my alarm status, PIR states and arm/disarm the panel.

Is the above possible?

  1. Yes - you’ll need this for number 2
  2. Not quite. Let’s assume your Home Assistant instance is online 24/7. You’ll also want this HA Paradox addon enabled and connected to your IP150 (or equivalent) also 24/7. Once the addon is connected, you’ll have access via Home Assistant to do the following:
  • Check the armed/disarmed/triggered status of your zones
  • Arm/Disarm your zone(s)
  • See when PIR/door/window sensors detect motion/are opened or closed
  • Create automations around the above - eg if alarm state goes from disarmed to armed, turn on the lights to make it look like someone is home

This Paradox addon unlocks more functionality that you can use with your alarm. Once you connect it and start seeing the opportunities available, you won’t want to turn it off again :slight_smile:

Thanks xessiv. I understand now.

Sorry i should have asked…how does this addon achieve the push notifications which is available on the alarmin android? As the Alarmin is no longer maintained I am considering to move on to the onsite gold but that requires a yearly subscription which I am not too keen. but i dont know if the addon does push?

This addon doesn’t process the notifications. All it does is creates an MQTT interface to your alarm system, and Home Assistant connects to that interface and polls all of the available zones/sensors etc that are provided, which you can use on the Home Assistant Lovelace interface, as well as create automations etc.

So to do this, taking the Home Assistant Android app as an example:

  • Push Notifications now available!
  • Set up the Paradox addon, and make sure you can see your sensors/zones inside Home Assistant
  • Create automations like the below example, which will notify your mobile if the alarm state goes from armed_away, to disarmed:


This is a very simple one, but you can build from this. I think the actual ‘alarm triggered’ state is called ‘triggered’, but I need to confirm this.

Thanks xessiv. Appreciated.

Hi guys, I am now trying to install this MQTT addon again. I have a long time ago tried to do so but I was on hassio at that time but now my home assistant is in a docker container.

The addon talks about an addon folder inside home assistant. I searched but could not find any addon folder in my home-assistant docker container.

What should the installation be for those of us using docker?

Hello Fliptoback,

Go to Supervisor (left menu in HA), select Add-on Store (menu above), select three dots in upper right corner.

Add the repository (paste and click on Add).

In the Add-on store, under the heading Maisken Add-ons click on Paradox IP150 MQTT Adapter.

Click on Install.

In top menu select Configuration and change it along your situation.

Then launch the add-on and revert back to this thread if you have further issues.

Hi digieurope.


As I am using docker, I don’t have the Supervisor. If I pasted that URL to create a new custom respository, this is what I am seeing:


I tried another URL and it also give me an error.


There are no other ways I can add this repository.

Hello fliptoback,

You are trying to add the repository to HACS - this is not the right place. You need to add it to the official Home Assistant “Add-ons”.

On the left menu it is the icon with the connected house (Home Assistant icon). See below (French menu):
Then follow procedure from my previous posting.

** Edit **

I see from an older post from 2018 that you have a SP6000 and an IP150 with firmware 1.39. Both are confirmed to work with Home Assistant, but can be tricky to setup.

If you have solved the installation of the paradox addon (much easier now than back in 2018) you need to install as well the following add-on:

Standard configuration should be fine.

Then you should check if you can login the IP150 with the IP address, panel code and password before trying to configure the Paradox Add-on.

Create a user in HA for the mosquitto broker. Go to Configuration (left menu of Home Assistant, select user, select + in the bottom right corner and create a MQTT user (user - no admin rights), eg Name: MQTTParadox, Username MQTTParadox, password: mqttpassword). Launch the Mosquitto broker.

Configuration for the paradox add-on should then be (replace IP address, code and passwords) :
PANEL_CODE: ‘0000’
MQTT_ADDRESS: ‘mqtt://core-mosquitto’
MQTT_PASSWORD: mqttpassword
ALARM_PUBLISH_TOPIC: paradox/alarm/state
ALARM_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC: paradox/alarm/cmnd
ZONE_PUBLISH_TOPIC: paradox/zone/state
CTRL_PUBLISH_TOPIC: paradox/ctrl/state
CTRL_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC: paradox/ctrl/cmnd

Hi digieurope,

Yes I did manage to install this paradox MQTT back in the days when i was still using hassio. I am now using home assistant in docker and i really cannot find that Supervisor icon.


Where do i go?

Yes I have MQTT installed in docker as well and MQTT is working on my system.

The only issue is that i can’t install the MQTT addon itself.

No supervisor if you are running docker unsupervised. That means no hassio addons. While it’s technically possible to turn this addon into just a docker container and run it like that, I don’t know anyone who’s done it so you’d have to figure that out yourself.

Thanks Scstraus. That is what i feared. But thanks for clearing that up. Hopefully one day this is available for those of us running on docker.

I wouldn’t count on it unless there’s someone in your situation with the motivation and know how to “un-addonize” it. Out of curiosity, is there a reason you aren’t running supervised? You can do supervised on a debian installation and have whatever other containers you want to run running under portainer and have all the addons too.

I have been running hassio on rpi3 for a while but I have had 3 SDcard failure so far (maybe bad luck) and I find the whole experience a bit clunky especially with slow restart (for instance each time I add a sensor, have to restart and soon I grew impatient). I am now running home assistant in a docker in a NAS and the speed of restart is so much more tolerable now. Plus it is also so much cleaner to do things (in my view). I create a folder that holds the home-assistant config and this folder reside in a nas folder. I can easily back it up. I can easily revert back to an earlier version of home assistant should the latest one is unstable for me. and it is also super easy to update. I just destroy the docker container, run the docker-compose up -D script and home assistant is up and running again with the latest version. I just can’t go back to running hassio on rpi again.

I agree on the Pi. I moved over to a 2011 mac mini running ubuntu and supervised and love it. I will have to move to Debian as they recently decided that’s the only distro they will support. Buit for a NAS it’s probably safest to run Docker, though there are install instructions for supervised on synology, they are going to stop supporting it. But if you have something that can run Debian, that’s the best of both worlds IMO. Supervised and all the other docker containers you want and will be officially supported.

wow you mean they are going to stop supporting home assistant in docker? that’s no good!

edit: sorry I read too fast. I think you mean they are going to stop supporting hassio in a docker?

None of the above ;-). (now known as supervised homeassistant) always runs in docker. So we are talking about 2 types of supported docker based installation, and one not supported type:

  1. Running homeassistant in docker without supervisor (what you are doing): fully supported
  2. Running homeassistant with supervisor (formerly known as on Debian: fully supported
  3. Running homeassistant with supervisor (formerly known as on Ubuntu, red hat, or some other flavor of linux: This is what they are dropping support for

I personally recommend #2 if you have hardware other than a NUC that can run Debian (in the case of a NUC you can run standard homeassistant install (formerly known as on hassbian (it’s included OS).

#2 is fully supported and you get all the power of a standard Intel machine and the ease of use of supervised installation with addons, snapshots, etc. I like running my disks in RAID which is more or less impossible with any install on hassbian since none of the hardware they have even has 2 high speed disk interfaces except the $1000 i7 NUC which is total overkill. My old mac mini cost me $200 and is perfect for this. Has way more power than hass will ever need.

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That is one cool summary! Thanks for that. I have saved a copy of your reply for future reference!