Philips Dynalite lighting + switches

I must say i forgot how I set it up :).
Hope it works.

Thank you, Do you have check sum error? I’v been getting a lot recently

Check sum ? Not sure I know what you mean.
Where can i check that ?

It’s the 7th or last byte of all Dynet messages, it’s automatically generated to ensure data are stored or transmitted without error. This byte doesn’t need to be sent, the device sending the message appends it to the message. Where are you seeing the errors? Are you using System Builder?

@uzelac it appears in the log under development tools attached screenshot
@tjd yes I have system builder however it is not running when this message are appearing

No, don’t have these issues.

Thank you, I think it is my bridge having issue, I will get the one you are using and try again

Bridge can be an issue, but that cheksum is calculated by either Dynalite devices or Dyalite addon in HASS.
If it is working and “just” showing wrong checksum, to me it can’t be IP/RS485 bridge.
Bridge is a… bridge, it doesnt even know what is it transmitting… I would like in other way.

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Thank you, I will check the devices then, it might be something wrong there

DId anyone switch to official dynalite addon ?
Not very happy, need to make few changes in config but still cant find what is better and did found parts which are worse.
Documentation for start, readme is not on level it should be, and when I finally made it work found out that it can not multitask, when you want to move more than 1 shade/cover script first moves first one, than goes to second and so on.
Custom component was able to do it simultaneusly… hope it will get better.

Anyone else with opinion ?

I’m using the official dynalite addon, I don’t have cover/shade installed yet, other I only listed my issue with check sum.

can you please share your configuration? did you try setting active to ‘true’? this could help, as the reason i created this option is because sometimes presets change but don’t send an active command to each channel and this option queries the channels when an area changes

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I just submitted a change that will handle “fade channel/area to preset” support. Hopefully it makes it into 0.113


i moved it to the official addon (almost the same code), so it will be continuously maintained and tested with every version. the only thing i intentionally dropped was the ability to auto-assign areas based on the dynalite areas (useful, but a one-time thing and conflicts with the HA methodology).

what negative differences do you see? will be happy to fix them quickly. the code is much more stable and tested since i did all my work for the past several months on the official component, so the custom one wasn’t maintained.

Let me know what you would like to see from the old component and i will update it in the official repo

Thank you, I have activate it, not all were getting the correct feedback. But I ran into another issue which is checksum error and suddenly my dynalite disconnect. Therefore I have deactivate it.

my config as below

    - host:
      autodiscover: false
      name: dynalite
      active: false
      polltimer: 1
          name: Majlis
              name: Spot
              name: Chandlier
              name: Covelight
          name: Living Room
              name: Living Covelight 
              name: Living Chandlier
              name: Living Spot
          name: Main Entrance
              name: Chandlier 
              name:  Spot
              name: Covelight
          name: Dinning
              name: Chandlier
          name: Kitchen
              name: Spot
              name: Chandlier
          name: Stair
              name: Lights
          name: Master Bed
              name: Chandlier
              name: Spot
              name: Covelight
          name: Master Sitting
              name: Spot
              name: Chandlier
              name: Covelight
          name: Family Room
              name: Chandlier
              name: Covelight
              name: Spot
          name: Master Entrance
              name: Spot
          name: Outside Wall
              name: Lamp
          name: First Floor Lobby
              name: Spot
          name: Outside villa wall
              name: out
          name: Master Bath
              name: Spot
          name: Master Dress
              name: Spot

If you can send me the log file (homeassistant.log), I can look into it. I am quite sure the library has flaws in error conditions I never had a disconnect / checksum error in my equipment. If you can send them, perhaps I can make the library handle the faulty conditions better.
Nevertheless, it does sound like a faulty network equipment / setup, as generally TCP doesn’t disconnect, and on the LAN, even IP rarely get lost. My immediate suspect is the gateway, perhaps some faulty connection to the RS network?
Would still appreciate the logs if possible as I would like to library to be more robust in any case but cannot create this live
Another comment is that for several of your areas, you may want to use “template: room”. This replaces the On / Off presets with a single switch for on/off for the room

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I updated the library so the new version handles Fade Channel/Area to Preset correctly. I submitted a PR, so hopefully it makes it into the next release (0.113)

thank you, this is a sample . the msg is repeated.

2020-07-05 19:00:49 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 238, 254, 180, 243, 255, 135, 97]
2020-07-05 19:00:49 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 4, 0, 208, 255, 1, 142, 188]
2020-07-05 19:00:51 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 255, 0, 0, 112, 221, 117, 202]
2020-07-05 19:00:56 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 2, 0, 231, 254, 255, 72, 223]
2020-07-05 19:00:58 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 0, 0, 255, 255, 222, 160, 255]
2020-07-05 19:00:59 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 125, 104, 128, 18, 4, 0, 126]
2020-07-05 19:01:00 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 95, 192, 111, 0, 0, 179, 255]
2020-07-05 19:01:00 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 62, 0, 0, 0, 117, 249, 62]
2020-07-05 19:01:02 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 239, 18, 192, 243, 20, 0, 62]
2020-07-05 19:01:03 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 40, 0, 239, 152, 4, 0, 167]
2020-07-05 19:01:04 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 227, 0, 127, 0, 2, 0, 63]
2020-07-05 19:01:07 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 0, 252, 16, 123, 128, 92, 255]
2020-07-05 19:01:08 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 1, 240, 6, 0, 254, 184, 0]
2020-07-05 19:01:08 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 128, 223, 33, 0, 245, 144, 255]
2020-07-05 19:01:08 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 192, 5, 0, 254, 251, 224, 127]
2020-07-05 19:01:09 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 9, 0, 254, 140, 160, 222, 252]
2020-07-05 19:01:11 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 248, 103, 247, 0, 48, 0, 123]
2020-07-05 19:01:14 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 172, 0, 255, 8, 0, 47, 197]
2020-07-05 19:01:15 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 111, 194, 192, 248, 251, 128, 0]
2020-07-05 19:01:15 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 2, 0, 199, 6, 252, 255, 0]
2020-07-05 19:01:19 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 253, 251, 136, 0, 193, 245, 164]
2020-07-05 19:01:20 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 200, 0, 100, 255, 130, 70, 235]
2020-07-05 19:01:21 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 255, 180, 33, 240, 219, 4, 0]
2020-07-05 19:01:21 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 248, 222, 129, 2, 0, 238, 207]
2020-07-05 19:01:22 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 20, 128, 247, 255, 64, 65, 0]
2020-07-05 19:01:22 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 0, 127, 200, 2, 176, 253, 12]
2020-07-05 19:01:24 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 124, 8, 254, 255, 191, 16, 0]
2020-07-05 19:01:26 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 191, 251, 16, 0, 197, 231, 111]
2020-07-05 19:01:28 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 84, 225, 251, 0, 16, 0, 120]
2020-07-05 19:01:29 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 0, 92, 120, 27, 83, 174, 187]
2020-07-05 19:01:29 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 123, 255, 231, 252, 0, 9, 0]
2020-07-05 19:01:31 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 224, 255, 244, 0, 0, 255, 250]
2020-07-05 19:01:31 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 255, 0, 1, 0, 251, 255, 141]
2020-07-05 19:01:32 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Message with the wrong checksum - [28, 243, 255, 160, 3, 0, 188, 236]
2020-07-05 19:01:33 WARNING (MainThread) [dynalite_devices_lib] Me```

thanks. this is indeed strange as these don’t look exactly like Dynet opcodes to me. the messages in Dynet have the byte before last as “JOIN”, and I believe it is almost always 0xFF, and none of these messages have 255 as the byte before last.

would be interested in taking a deeper look, but will need more verbose logs. Any chance you can run with the logger configured so that dynalite_devices_lib is generating logs from DEBUG? this should give me more information about what is actually going on there

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