Platinum Weather Card support

You should be able to set the display precision for the sensor entity.


How’s that look in YAML? I have some styling code that prevents me from using the UI. I guess I can just create a dummy card next time I get in front of my PC.

It’s not. This is only in the UI from what I understand. Just go to dev tools > states and open up the sensor dialogue popup.

Hi All,

Is this card still active as there hasn’t been any action on github for 2 years. I’m finding that the card no longer displays the sunrise and sunset times with the new sun2 integration in HA.

Ohh, I see. I was on my phone looking at that image… that’s just the entity settings screen. Yeah, I’ve tried that and it doesn’t actually change the value of the sensor, which is what’s displayed (in the raw) in this card.

Is the “sun2” a custom integration?
Anyway, just glancing through the code, the PWC appears to model the requirements after the HA “sun” entity as the PWC requires that the configured entity have attributes: next_rising and next_setting.

Yes it is a custom integration, it appears not to have the same attributes, I may need to sit and work out how to create the relevant sensor, or just leave both integrations there for now.

All the config options are valid in yaml as well as GUI. You can see the yaml even while you are configuring the card - it’s the code button or something like that.

It’s still supported and works fine. If you are having problems with certain data, check the configuration and make sure the sensors exist and are providing data.

I wasn’t referring the configuring the card. I was talking about trying to change the Precision of the sensor display to remove decimal places in my replay to DeltaNu1142

but that is just a config option and can be done in yaml. There is nothing you can do in the config of the card in the GUI you can’t do in yaml

OK, so please show @DeltaNu1142 how to get rid of his zero’s.

I never said that was an option only that anything you can do in the GUI config you could do in YAML. You seemed to be saying some things can only be done in the GUI. @DeltaNu1142 probably needs to use a template sensor and then use that entity for the card

That’s what I was telling you a second ago. That the precision cant be done in YAML via the card, ie: I wasn’t talking about the card. Sure he can create a template sensor but my original reply to him was that I was hoping to fix his issue with a simple config via the entity settings. You can’t set Precision via YAML from what I understand, hence your solution to create a template sensor.

You can’t but you seemed to be saying it could be done via the GUI config and you can’t do that either

Yes you can, I literally showed a screenshot of where to do it. Like I said, I was not talking about the card config. I was hoping that the card would adopt the display as set by the entity precision setting, but unfortunately it didn’t.

But that has NOTHING to do with the card. That is the sensor entity and has nothing to do with yaml it’s the entity configuration
Settings>devices and services>entities.
Does that carry over to the card?

Seriously, just read the conversation and you will see that ALL of this was said. I have no idea why you are arguing with me about this.

I’m really, really adverse to setting up template sensors for what will end up being 40+ entities just to eliminate some (albeit annoying) insignificant decimals.

So, while yes, the weather integration determines how precise each sensor is, if I’m not mistaken it’s possible within some cards to round or truncate numerical entities to a defined number of digits or decimals. So that’s what I was asking. In the meantime, I was getting some incredible support from the weather integration developer who put out a beta for me to try. My precip entities are now displaying two decimal places, which is still too much but a vast visual improvement over 11.

For what it’s worth, yes, you can set the precision in the entity settings UI, but it has no effect on how the sensor is displayed in the card. I tried that.

Ultimately, what I needed could be handled by the Lovelace card, but no one’s touched it in 2 years. I have a workable solution until/if/when the card developer chooses to address it.

I suggest putting in a Feature Request on the card’s Github. I think the only reason it hasn’t been modified in 2 years is because nothing is broken.

I may. I’m good with the fix I have now. I put in a Feature Request with the source of the weather data and got the support I’d hoped for.

…and, I don’t know if you’ve checked the Issues page of that git, but there are a bunch of unresolved bugs, many from the last year.