Hi, anyone know if it would be possible to convert the following Full Spectrum Aquarium Light to ESPHome?
It has 42 White, 12 Blue, and 6 Red LED’s, it operates on 12VDC, with an inline 4 button controller.
Button 1 adjusts brightness (5 Levels), Button 2 adjusts the mode (White only, Red & Blue only, or all 3), Button 3 controls a timer (3Hrs, 5Hrs, or 12Hrs), Button 4 is the On/Off switch).
Please let me know if I left out any required info.
So in terms of colour, it is either white, red+blue, or both. So 3 options?
I suspect one wire is a pwm control of white and the other is pwm control of r+w. In which case the answer is yes, sort of. Look at analog pwm here Compatible Hardware - WLED Project
Yes, positive is constant and toggling the negative leg switches between the 3 modes.
Can I accomplish full control using Esphome?, my initial post was meant to be for Esphome and not Wled (would update that), it’s a CP from posting in Wled chat, but I would prefer to use Esphome for simplicity.
Do you have an oscilloscope?
No, just a volt meter.
If necessary, I can have one by tomorrow, amz has one for $40.
according to quartz Y1 It’s really a PWM controller. I think you can use the idea only with additional modules. see my idea for example Here. You will be left with sample code for two models to do.
Excellent, this should suffice, PWM ordered, I’ll let you know how it goes, much appreciated.
Something like an H801 should work too H801 RGBW LED controller — ESPHome
Awesome, I think I have one of those somewhere from another project, forgot about it.
Thanks again, PWM’s came in 20min ago, wired up, added outputs and lights to esphome yaml, flashed to esp, and voila, it works
@nickrout Thanks for your input, it really helped in guiding me in the right direction, and help me really understand (after lots of reading) how all these tech come together.
Really it was just educated guessing. Glad to help.
And now I’m educated, cheers.
Is it normal that the actual brightness level is “NOT” reported or reflected in HA?
I have the automation action below which works as expected, but when the lights turn on, HA shows the brightness level as full brightness, even though the lights are actually turned on at the lowest level.
- service: light.turn_on
transition: 300
entity_id: light.tank_01, light.tank_02
There is nothing in that automation that sets brightness. What sets it?
I guess the transition, as I can physically see it start at the lowest level and brightens to the fullest within 5 minutes.
And the second automation action functions the same in reverse.
- service: light.turn_off
transition: 300
entity_id: light.tank_01, light.tank_02
Where you able to get this done? I’m on the same boat now.
I bought a Hygger bluetooth light (Tuya) thinking that I may be able to integrate that into HA but it just doesn’t work, so I’m looking into replacing that with this light and adding control via ESPHome.
Hey All,
First post and great to be here.
I have recently brought a similar light to above and stumbled across this thread with a google search.
I am wondering if my light could be controlled in the same way?
I run an esp32 with wled flashed onto it with some neopixl lights on it.
My board control board for my aquarium light is slightly different, it has mosfet attached to the outputs (presumably to do with the current draw) it’s a 16w light.
Modes are
- white, red and green together
- Add blue to the above
- Blue only
Attached is some photos of my board.
Would my connections be the same as above, then configure the outputs in wled?
I guess then I would set up 2 pwm pins on my esp32, and control them alongside my other lights/macros and presets?
Thanks in advance.
I would (as suggested above) use an h801.
Hey All,
Just finished messing around today, I managed to get it working.
I used the cheap mosfet driver boards from amazon, 10 for £8 so well cheap.
I used 2 modules (one for white and one for blue) and wired them up to the pwm pins on my esp32 (you do need to assign all 4 pins (which is annoying, as I’m not using the red and the green).
It all works and set up in the new segments in wled and works with alexa and home assistant.
Thanks for the resource and reply.