Power Distribution card

You need to have an l/min or m3/min sensor to accomplish what you want.

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I do have l/min sensor, but its not possible to add it to this card. I do have also total water consumption which is OK on energy panel.
Edit: Did update to latest version and it works perfectly :ok_hand:

well, I have a sensor.watermeter_usage_last_minute , and suppose thats as close as it gets… as for the gas, I am not sure this will ever be realistic, because we dont get flow sensors on the consumption, only historic values in total per 15 min or the hour.

Hi, great work !

is it possible to integrate subcomponents like power consumption of heating systems into the card ?

No, the goal of the card is to simply emulate the look and feel of the Energy Distribution card without adding additional features.

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Hi, a love this card!
Speaking about the ‘flow formula’, the ‘value’ in the formula is in W or in kW?

The calculation is done in watts, any entities using kW are converted first.

I tried to emulate your flow calculation, and for me the result is better if I use kW in the calculation, so the dot runs slower if only one line is active with 300 watts (0,3kW). You may give it a try.

Hi, this card is great!

Is it possible, to hide the lines where’s currently no power flows on?
For example, if the full solar-power flows from solar to home, the line solar-grid-flow is still displayed (but without flow of dots).
This would be perfect, if I can hide this line in that moment.

I’m in the same boat. I have sensors for grid import and grid export. How do you add these together to get a sensor that is positve or negative ?

by creating a sensor

# Power to Grid - Make Positive
- sensor:
  - name: "Power to Grid Pos Neg"
    unique_id: "Power to Grid pos Neg"
    state: >-
      {% if states('sensor.grid_in') | float(4) > 0.0001 %}
        {{ states('sensor.grid_in') | float(3) * -1.0}}
      {% elif states('sensor.grid_out') | float(4) > 0.0001 %}
        {{ states('sensor.grid_out') | float(3) }}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
    unit_of_measurement: "kW"

You can separate them …

Ah yes I figured this out. Now I’ve discovered my Solar Edge export sensor seems to be lifetime and not current live data so won’t work anyway.

Did you figure out where the white line is coming from? I want to get rid of it as well :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I really love these kind of cards!!

I have gas consumption in the card but the value shows only the Total amount for the year but not for the sum of today. The sensor reeds every hour. In energy dashboard the value is correct however. Can someone support with this please?


For your information, I have published a repository named “system-energy-flow-card” which include the kWh modification. It is based on the @ulic75 card named “power-flow-card”

You can see an example of my current configuration :


Something broke with the latest release to HACS @Neuvidor. If I try to install 2023.2.28, it suddenly breaks, looking in your repo - the .js source is missing so HACS sets up the card to point to NULL in the source folder.

To recover, I have to uninstall it then revert to a lesser version - then fix the busted resource entry…

Sorry to post this here but your repo isn’t accepting issues. :slight_smile:

No issue, thanks for your message.

To be 100% clear, this is my first repository so I’m not used to do this. I noticed that last release had an issue but I did not had time to solve it.

I will also change my repository settings to allow others to open issues.

Hope to solve that today.


The issue with v2023.2.28 is now solved.
You can go to your HACS interface, then download again v2023.2.28 and refresh your Web browser.

I think I have also activated issue possibility on my repository. Hope it’s OK know.


That did it.