Power Flow Card Plus šŸš€


I added this to my picture elements card after googling and combining many responses which results in a transparent background for card on my 3d floorplan.

Hope this helpsā€¦ !

        style_ha_card: |
          background-color: transparent;
          border: transparent;
          text-align: center

Good afternoon, respect for your work.

I have a hybrid inverter easun igrid sv iv 5.6 kW (which can mix electricity) I canā€™t make an animation for it. I receive data via mqtt


Anyone have this type of inverter, please share the settings, thanks in advance

  - type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
      battery: {}
        entity: sensor.solar2mqtt_pv_charging_power
        display_zero_state: false
        secondary_info: {}
        secondary_info: {}
        use_metadata: false
        subtract_individual: false
        override_state: true
        entity: sensor.solar2mqtt_ac_out_watt
          consumption: sensor.solar2mqtt_ac_out_watt
        use_metadata: false
        invert_state: false
        color_value: false
          entity: sensor.solar2mqtt_ac_out_watt
          entity_generator: sensor.solar2mqtt_ac_out_watt
    clickable_entities: true
      mode: show
      transparency: 50
        - 189
        - 189
        - 189
    use_new_flow_rate_model: true
    w_decimals: 0
    kw_decimals: 1
    min_flow_rate: 0.75
    max_flow_rate: 6
    max_expected_power: 2000
    min_expected_power: 0.01
    watt_threshold: 1000
    transparency_zero_lines: 0
    title: Home Energy

Hi is it possible to add a Generator as source of power (in adition to Grid)?

For RV or boat use its pretty different thing the GRID and the GENERATOR as source of power (Generator is not used as power outage, but used when there is no grid)

how to do this?

Thank you for the amazing job.

Can I have 3 individual please? I know itā€™s a request many people do.

I have 5 meters and I can only track for in the card. I use the ā€œbatteryā€ to track the car + garage meter but that 2 lines (grid+solar) pisses me off, and itā€™s very confusingā€¦ Any work around? secondary info itā€™s not a good workaroundā€¦


I love your created card. Iā€™ve a question about implementing my car. I would like to show my car with zero consumption, but only when its connected. This will show the car circle, as soon as the car is connected, even when itā€™s not chargingā€¦

Iā€™ve tried to use a variable for display_zero, like this:
display_zero: {{ states('input_boolean.car_connected') }}
but this doesnā€™t work. Is there a possibility to get this working?


First of all: Itā€™s a very nice tool and looks cool.

Iā€™m also in that niche. I have 3 inverters. Now we also use the sum of the three. Would be nice to see the 3 separate

Same but different question: I have 10 different powermeters on different devices in the house. Is this also limited to two devices?

I see on github this card with 4 devices. I donā€™t see how to configure this

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Iā€™ve installed this card and am trying to display meaniful data. Iā€™m a bit puzzled by the lack of an inverter circle in the display or gui. In any event, Iā€™m not having much success. Iā€™ve tried all the Solax entities (supplied as standard) with ā€œpowerā€ in the name and none seem to give a value which corresponds to what I see in the SolixCloud webpage.
I suspect I have to do some maths with multiple entities and then use the result as data to display. Can anyone tell me if my question makes sense or better still, give me any pointers, please?

So Iā€™m trying to do the same for my batteries here but the problem is a little different. My batteries give off one entity called ā€œbatterypowerā€ in W, and another called ā€œbatterydirectionā€ telling the cloud page/app whether itā€™s going in or out of the battery. Same for grid and grid direction.

So I tried to create my own custom sensors like this

- sensor:
      - name: battery discharge
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: >
          {% if states('sensor.esolar_batterydirection','Discharging') %}
            {{ states('sensor.esolar_batterypower') }}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
- sensor:
      - name: battery charge
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: >
          {% if states('sensor.esolar_batterydirection','Charging') %}
            {{ -1 * states('sensor.esolar_batterypower') }}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
- sensor:
      - name: battery standby
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        state: >
          {% if states('sensor.esolar_batterydirection','Standby') %}
            {{ -1 * states('sensor.esolar_batterypower') }}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Can someone get me going in the right direction on this? Is it even possible? What Iā€™m trying to create is 3 different sensors that give off a number for the power card to read. Any help is much appreciated!

EDIT: looks to be working now after a bit of tinkering, error was the code needed to say:

- sensor: - name: battery charge unit_of_measurement: "W" state: > {% if is_state('sensor.esolar_batterydirection' , 'Charging') %} {{ states('sensor.esolar_batterypower') }} {% else %} 0 {% endif %}

Hi Flix, Can I use similar code to combine two batteries into one? in my case sensor.panel_1_battery_power & sensor.panel_2_battery_power. Looking for a code example. Thanks!

I worked it out. Thanks

Just started using this excellent card but Iā€™m finding that itā€™s using a lot of CPU, on my MacBook M2 the CPU sits at 45% when this card is displayed, moving to any other view within the dashboard drops it it to 5%. Any suggestions on how to diagnose why itā€™s so high?

edit: Using the Safari developer tools itā€™s actually > 65% CPU

Done some more analysis, seems that itā€™s the animated dots causing the continuous high CPU usage. Disabling the dots reduces the CPU usage to <1% on average with the occasional higher usage when the page updates.

On my 2015 MacBook Pro using Google Chrome with the Power Flow Card Plus open and animating + the regular energy flow card also open and animating, itā€™s sitting at 4-5% CPU.

Thanks, just tried on Chrome and itā€™s still using > 50% CPU. Also tried the beta version of Power Flow Plus and got the same or slightly worse results. I need to eliminate the other integrations I have installed just in case they are causing a conflict. Would be interested in any results from a a similar setup using Apple Silicon and macOS Sonoma.

I just installed v2 beta and I have a strange problem. I use nativefier to create a chrome based app for my HA and the power flow card doesnā€™t show up. It worked fine in v1.8.1. It works with v2 on chrome browser and fully kiosk browser.

I have tried reloading resources, clearing cache and all browser history in the nativefier app.

Any idea why this would be ?

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Hi all,

Iā€™m setting up my HA and iā€™ve used the Power Flow Card Plus.
You will see that our battery have taken (overnight) 8.8Kw from the net to the battery.
But my Home says that it used 17,7Kw it is the sum of the net + battery. Is there a way to fix this? Its not sunny today so the solar panels are off.

Schermafbeelding 2024-02-07 101759

Have you got your battery import / export round the right way? It appears that the battery has exported 8.8kW not imported!

Hello all,

I am starting using this (fantastic) card and I am wondering if there is a way to create a ā€œsubfolderā€ after the house card: Iā€™d like to have one swimming-pool entity, then the pump and the heater linked to the swimming-pool, not to the house.

I did not find anything in the doc neither in this (very) big topic, Am I the only one wanting to do that ?


Thank you in advance if you have some clue to do that, or to add it in the next release :smiley: