Power Flow Card Plus šŸš€

hi !! great card thanks for the good work.
iā€™m using bubble card popup and this happens : any idea ?

I also wonder if this really is possible?

I cant figure out why it shows that Im using power from the Grid, when I got more production than Im usingā€¦
As it looks now everything that Im producing is going to grid.


Well the card only shows what the sensors are telling it so you have selected the wrong sensors or configured the card incorrectly.

Firstly the grid sensor power flow is wrong, by definition you canā€™t be exporting and importing at the same time!! In reality you are probably exporting to the grid at 2000W - 824W = 1176W and the house is consuming 824W which is coming from the Solar.

Hey , can you show me how you fixed this?
I have 2 entity,s consumption and 2 production.

If you want to combine 2 sensors so you can use the total, maybe look at creating a new template sensor and apply that to the cardā€™s configuration.
Also, one of the helpers can create the ā€˜sumā€™ of a list of sensors if thatā€™s an easier approach


At first I will thank you for this wonderful frontend!
I have some troubles with the flow. If solar production is null (because itā€™s night) the animation flow goes nevertheless to ā€œhomeā€ and ā€œbatteryā€.
How can I fix it?

the animation flow works permanently, but shouldnā€™t:

This Power Flow Cards are amazing, Iā€™m just struggling a bit to configure the individual entities.
Any special reason why the following one doesnā€™t show up ? The sensor is not 0 or undefined.
Any recommendations ?


    entity: sensor.pool_filter_power


    entity: sensor.pool_filter_power

Outstanding, that worked! Any specific reason ?

I donā€™t know why, thatā€™s just how the yaml code for individual entries is shown in the cardā€™s github HACS repository.

The code for individual entries as shown in this link does not work for me:

I wish it did as I would like to show more than two individual entries, and the examples show a card with more than two individual entries.


Im using the Power Flow Card Plus with grid/ SolarEdge/Victron Battery and house.
I also have a DC coupled Victron Solarcharger. The power produced by the Victron Solarcharger is charging the battery directly. But this power isnt measured by the shunt which shows the charge/discharge power going from AC/DC and DC/AC.

If i add the Victron Solarcharger as secondary input for solar it calculates the house consumption wrong. Would it be possible to add a entity which shows its charging the battery and adding the instant power as a total charged power to the battery?


I am mis(using) the Power Flow Card Plus to not only see the current power flow, but also the power consumed/produced so far per day of all my entities. This works nicely without problems, but it seems that the units depicted are only W / kW, instead of Wh / kWh. I tried to manually correct this using the code editor, but I could only get the units right when I duplicate the entity depiction using the additional ā€˜secondary infoā€™ (where units can be set).

It seems based on documentation that the units should indeed be only W or kW, but I like my ā€˜consumed/produced per today so farā€™ a lot.

Can this be manually fixed?


Same here. 2 individuals is not enough. 5 would be great.

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The beta has 4 and is stable.

I am using v0.1.8.1

How do we upgrade to the beta?

I would say that if youā€™re asking that question you should probably wait for the beta to become a release but the information is hereā€¦

Thanks. I donā€™t download many HACS things, so didnā€™t realise this was an option.

Working ! You did a great job developers !
But common, there is a place for a fifth one !
Look on the top right. Let us the choice please ^^

I can see 2 bugs

  • the arrow for ā€œElectromĆ©nagerā€ should be reverser. Like for the ā€œRecharge VEā€.
  • in ā€œRecharge VEā€, when comes a value (because there was no consumption at all), the colos is wrong. Gere you can see the value of ā€œ2Wā€ in yellow. It should be pink.

Looking good! Shame itā€™s such a cloudy day.

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