Power Flow Card Plus šŸš€

Hi All

Iā€™ve just come across a strange happening that I canā€™t seem to figure out - itā€™s probably some simple that Iā€™ve inadvertently done/not done (Iā€™m still new on HA!).

The latest update to the PFC+ (v 0.2.1) allowed up to 4 ā€˜individualā€™ entities. I added my 4 entities and it works just fine via the Chrome browser and the HA application on my macMini. However when I view the card on my mobile devices (iphone and ipad) via the HA Companion App the card doesnā€™t show the ā€˜individualā€™ entities. It does if I run HA via Chrome on these devices.

Iā€™m running HA Core version 2024.4.0, Front End 20240403.1.

Not sure whatā€™s going on as I was able to successfully view 2 ā€˜individualā€™ entities in the previous version of PFC+.

Hereā€™s the screen shot from the Chrome browserā€¦
Chrome - screenshot

ā€¦and from the iphoneā€¦

I tried removing two of the individuals from the code and it still didnā€™t show any of the ā€˜individual entitiesā€™. I have refreshed the browser cache and restarted HA during testing of this all to no avail.

Any help really appreciated. Great work on the card BTW!

type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
    color_icon: true
    icon: mdi:transmission-tower
    name: Grid
    color_icon: true
      consumption: sensor.solax_grid_pos
    display_state: one_way_no_zero
    icon: mdi:solar-power-variant
    entity: sensor.solax_inverter_ac_power
    color: yellow
    color_icon: true
    - entity: sensor.smart_plug_3_power
      name: Water
      icon: mdi:water-pump
      color_icon: true
      color: chartreuse
      display_zero: true
      display_zero_state: true
    - entity: sensor.pool_pump_and_chlorinator_power
      name: Pool+Chlorinator
      icon: mdi:pool
      color_icon: true
      color: deepskyblue
      display_zero: true
      display_zero_state: true
    - entity: sensor.ac_power_total
      name: AirCon
      icon: mdi:air-conditioner
      color_icon: true
      color: paleturquoise
      display_zero: true
      display_zero_state: true
    - entity: sensor.other_appliances_total
      name: Appliances
      icon: mdi:home-circle-outline
      color_icon: true
      color: moccasin
      display_zero: true
      display_zero_state: true
w_decimals: 0
kw_decimals: 2
min_flow_rate: 0.9
max_flow_rate: 6
watt_threshold: 10000
clickable_entities: true
title: Power Flow

How did you make the circles bigger anyways? For me the second info gets stuck in the circles, they are too small.

Ok seems to be fixed now, not a PFC+ problem at all. I moved some of my sensors into the template file format and now all four individual entities are shown. I think if thereā€™s a problem with the individual entity sensor(s) then the card just shows the grid, Solar and house circles.

  - name: "mains_reverse"
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
    state: >
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.mains_direction', 'off') %}
          {{ states('sensor.mains_power') * 1 }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
  - name: "mains_forward"
    unit_of_measurement: "W"
    state: >
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.mains_direction', 'on') %}
          {{ states('sensor.mains_power') * 1 }}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

If anyone else ends up with the same issue using a forward reverse ct this is what will get you out of trouble.
thanks @wattmatters for starting me off and sorry for the very slow replyā€¦ working away will do that

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Hey, recently the Power Flow Card has only been working on my PC.

I get the error message on my iPhone:

ā€œYou are using an outdated configuration. Please update your configuration to the latest version.ā€

Somehow strange that it only doesnā€™t work on the mobile phone, has anyone already had this problem and knows a solution?

Here is my code:

      '0': i
      '1': 'n'
      '2': p
      '3': u
      '4': t
      '5': _
      '6': 'n'
      '7': u
      '8': m
      '9': b
      '10': e
      '11': r
      '12': .
      '13': s
      '14': e
      '15': t
      '16': _
      '17': s
      '18': g
      '19': _
      '20': b
      '21': a
      '22': t
      '23': t
      '24': e
      '25': r
      '26': 'y'
      '27': _
      '28': m
      '29': a
      '30': x
      '31': _
      '32': c
      '33': h
      '34': a
      '35': r
      '36': g
      '37': e
      '38': _
      '39': p
      '40': o
      '41': w
      '42': e
      '43': r
      consumption: sensor.battery_discharging_power
      production: sensor.battery_charging_power
    state_of_charge: sensor.battery_level_nominal
      '0': s
      '1': e
      '2': 'n'
      '3': s
      '4': o
      '5': r
      '6': .
      '7': m
      '8': e
      '9': t
      '10': e
      '11': r
      '12': _
      '13': a
      '14': c
      '15': t
      '16': i
      '17': v
      '18': e
      '19': _
      '20': p
      '21': o
      '22': w
      '23': e
      '24': r
      consumption: sensor.import_power
      production: sensor.export_power
    name: Netz
    entity: sensor.total_dc_power
    display_zero_state: true
    name: Solar
    entity: sensor.load_power
    name: Zuhause
    entity: sensor.evcc_charge_power_w
    name: Wallbox
    display_zero_state: true
    calculate_flow_rate: false
    display_zero: true
      - 251
      - 255
      - 0
clickable_entities: true
  mode: show
  transparency: 50
    - 189
    - 189
    - 189
use_new_flow_rate_model: false
w_decimals: 0
kw_decimals: 1
min_flow_rate: 0.75
max_flow_rate: 6
max_expected_power: 2000
min_expected_power: 0.01
watt_threshold: 1000
transparency_zero_lines: 0
title: Aktuell

Thansk in advance

Clear the Cache on the Mobile App or Browser you use on your phone and thatā€™ll most likely solve itā€¦

Ahh now I have the error on my PC too. :smiley:

Does anyone know what the problem could be? Possibly the sensors used, because I donā€™t think some of them are template sensors?

EDIT: Fund the solution. After the cache clear I was able to reconfigure the Card.

Hello Together :slight_smile:
I`ve updated to v 0.2.2 but i still only see 2 individuals? Does I have to do anything else?

Good morning

has this configuration and it works on the computer. Unfortunately, the phone says you are using outdated configuration.
I did everything and I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong anymore
Iā€™ll ask for help

type: custom:power-flow-card-plus
entity: sensor.fb_garaz_glowny_electric_consumption_w
name: Sieć
entity: sensor.fb_garaz_pv_electric_consumption_w
display_zero_state: true
name: Fotowoltaika
color_value: false
color_icon: false
invert_state: true
use_metadata: false
entity: sensor.fb_garaz_pc_electric_consumption_w_5
icon: mdi:heat-pump-outline
name: Pompa Ciepła
home: {}
clickable_entities: true
mode: show
transparency: 50
- 189
- 189
- 189
use_new_flow_rate_model: true
kw_decimals: 1
min_flow_rate: 0.75
max_flow_rate: 6
max_expected_power: 2000
min_expected_power: 0.01
watt_threshold: 1000
transparency_zero_lines: 0
title: Energia
w_decimals: 1

same problem mentioned, as well as solution, about three or four posts before yoursā€¦

for me the solution was to delete the individuals part of your card and re-create them afterwards using the UI editor of this card.


i update to v0.2.2.
My current power flow card and a new one also show me the old UI editor.
How i can switch to the new one with the vour individuals?

Did update to 0.2.2 with the solution mentioned. Thanks a lot

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I still have the same problem?

here the same

Browser EDGE and Firefox show and also IPad APP

IPad AIR App show (all OK)

And Test a new Card in EDGE


and in App it shows the same Card IPad AIR:

and the edit Page shows no visuel Page

you need to read the release notes Release v0.2.2 - lots of bugfixes šŸ› Ā· flixlix/power-flow-card-plus Ā· GitHub > see the section about moving from 0.1.8 to 02.0


your config for individual is wrongā€¦itā€™s no longer individual1, individual2 and is now a list (I think itā€™s a list anyway) under a singular individual

(at a guess the devices where the cards are ā€œworkingā€ havenā€™t cleared their cache and are using an old version of the card)

I have read it :hugs:
and why the new Card with one ā€ž individual ā€ž it not work in the App Version?

Hello together,
since a few weeks Iā€™m using also the PFCP and I think, this is exact what Iā€™m looking for. Thanks a lot for this super card. Nearly everything does show what I want to see,
Butā€¦ in the individual one I placed the power for my office. it is a individual of my house, which har an PV on the roof and battery pack of 7.5 kWh.
Additional on the office there is a small pv system with actual 600Wpeek, which works as a powersorce for the office. As soon as the office is not in use, there is a surplus of energy generated, which unfortunately does not change the direction in the display. Is it possible to reverse the display depending on the direction of production/consumption in the individuals?

Thanks for your helpful community


I have deleted the Apple app and also

And now the new Form works

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Hello. Thanks for your awesome work.