Oh, wait. Come to think of it: It seems you are putting a total m3 per day sensor in a graph that is supposed to show current flow (more likely L/h than m3). This graph is supposed to show a derivative of m3, which is 0 any time no gas is used, not the cumulative value. So I think when you say you use 0,6m3 (enough flow for a factory it could multiplying it by 1000, because it thinks L makes more sense.
Very clear, thank you!
I have a battery charger from grid not from home . How do I add this to the code?
type: custom:energy-flow-card-plus
consumption: sensor.0xa4c138964cf6ebd1_energy
production: sensor.sun
consumption: sensor.0xa4c138ef167976c6_energy_2
entity: sensor.sun
display_zero_state: true
home: {}
clickable_entities: true
display_zero_lines: true
use_new_flow_rate_model: true
energy_date_selection: true
wh_decimals: 2
kwh_decimals: 2
min_flow_rate: 1
max_flow_rate: 6
max_expected_energy: 2000
min_expected_energy: 10
wh_kwh_threshold: 1000
That’s not the power flow card.
I was thinking a 90deg clockwise rotation, then you could have the loads below the grid/pv/battery, where there would be more room to arrange them
I’ll take a look at the other card, thanks.
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I was wondering if you can remove the line altogether? I have added ‘time till battery depleted’ and ‘time till battery charged’ but just want it floating there or connected to the battery.