Programmatically read data from your Solar Inverter (Voltronic, Axpert, Mppsolar PIP, Voltacon, Effekta etc) and interface with Home Assistant via MQTT - Works with RS232 & USB!

Hi, I installed fresh raspbian lite os, docker, docker-compose, ha and mqtt. But when I run sudo docker-compose build I saw error, what do u think, can that is the problem? I have installed portainer too, and ha-inverter-mqtt-agent is unhealty and when open log error is “timeout: the monitored command dumped core”

Nope. It is not

Ok. My error is QMOD read timeout, so can I change QMOD value, “5” to “6” for example. And can that’s the problem?

hi, in my fork it is not need it. it will find by itself.
did you try what byte4geek do? to set the baudrate, see post 469.

Yes, I tryed to set baud rate before execute docker-compose build. But interesting is that when I tryed to increase qpiri and qpiws values with your values + 30-40 and I receive no timeout error I receive incorrect start/stop bytes.

Yes, every command with sudo. As far i can see in the ned-kelly version i could receive data from the inverter, in this fork i cant. It’s related to the fact the inverter is not properly recognized by the software? in your fork the current CRC is F8 54 in the ned kelly one is 49 C1, what does that mean? You think error “Connection refused” is related to the connection with inverter or something else?
Thanks again!

Man, I said no need to change anything except what I write on readme. where did you changed? in my config file text it is comment the code (#).
You said you started from zero. be sure you have installed correctly docker and docker compose and make that simple container-test to be sure everything it is ok. All commands with sudo.
Follow my instructions on readme. I have updated right now and I have installed again on my rpi to be sure everything it is ok.
Set baud rate like @byte4geek before docker compose up
You will figure out :slight_smile:

This kind of output I had it also in the beginning when I did not understand how the container works. I had changed locally my files but when I did docker-compose up, the container was pulling an image of files from internet(made by ned-kelly for auto update), so… mess up. that’s why I have done changes in docker-compose.yml and we run the command: sudo docker-compose build in my instructions.

I have updated my instructions on readme files and also followed them on my pi to be sure it is ok.

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Hi, I tested with your update with fresh installed OS, with set and without set baud rate, but same result, timeout. I made video and If I wrong somewhere please tell me.
Link with videos

Hello @byte4geek

I’m glad you found a solution for our inverter.
So, which fork did you use?
The connection from the inverter to RPi, do you connect directly from the usb port to RPi with a usb cable?
And this was your actual values?

This is my firmware versions:
Main CPU Firmware Version: 00074.01
Secondary CPU Firmware Version: 00030.00


Hi. I simply cannot get this working, it does not pull any data from the inverter
HOWEVER if I use the original SkyMax demo with the same inverter.conf it works fine!
So this works fine for me:-

The inverter_poller EXE’s are however slightly different:-
53880 Jun 16 19:56 inverter_poller - **This one works, from SkyMax **
53912 Jun 16 19:21 inverter_poller - ** This one from [docker-voltronic-homeassistant] does not.

Has anyone got any ideas before I give up?

BTW I have the Docker working and MQTT into HA, but all the values stay at ‘unknown’

Hi, everything seems OK. Good job! Unfortunately I don’t have a clue what it is happening.
Keep set baud rate command. You don’t have to install everything from start in the next tests.
I am thinking that(if I remember correctly because I have read almost 100 fork version of ned-kelly) it is a issue with timing response(connection to slow than expected for code caused by clone inverter or by cable). Somebody said in his changes of his fork that it had to increase time to expect response from inverter. Look on dilyanpalauzov fork, maybe?
Until I find time to search in the code and forks, could you try to run some commands for QPIRI, QPIGS, QMOD, QPIWS ?
You will find info in the manual. The pdf it is in fork repository.
something like this:
sudo docker exec -it voltronic-mqtt bash -c '/opt/inverter-cli/bin/inverter_poller -d -r QPIRI'
the inverter should respond like in the manual.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo docker exec -it voltronic-mqtt bash -c '/opt/inverter-cli/bin/inverter_poller -d -r QMOD'
Thu Jun 16 21:02:46 2022 INVERTER: Debug set
Thu Jun 16 21:02:46 2022 DEBUG:  Current CRC: 49 C1
Thu Jun 16 21:02:46 2022 DEBUG:  Send buffer hex bytes:  ( 51 4d 4f 44 49 c1 0d )
Thu Jun 16 21:02:46 2022 DEBUG:  7 bytes written, 7 bytes sent, 0 bytes remaining
Thu Jun 16 21:02:47 2022 DEBUG:  8 bytes read, 8 total bytes:  28 42 e7 c9 0d 00 00 00
Thu Jun 16 21:02:47 2022 DEBUG:  Found reply <cr> at byte: 5
Thu Jun 16 21:02:47 2022 DEBUG:  QMOD: 8 bytes read: (B
Thu Jun 16 21:02:47 2022 DEBUG:  QMOD query finished
Reply:  B

That’s the result

all of them timeout :frowning:
I have modified inverter.cpp line 157 from 5seconds to 15s to test it. please give a try. redo my instructions on readme(docker down, remove folder, get my fork…)
then run again test command and last commands I give you.
In the last commands I give it to you, you found (I think) the fixed response, except for QPIWS (2 bytes read) witch I think is a small number and wrong(I have 40). here also you have the error msg incorrect buffer start/stop. QPIWS it is for warnings. Maybe it have another protocol.

Hi, I tryed with your new fork, the result is the same. But interesting is that when reinstalled OS, now when try to run command cat /dev/ttyUSB0 ,nothing happend. I tryed to change usb port and restart the inverter, but timeout error. Link

unfortunately i must use a serial cable due to usb hanging with the software query.
I’m using the catilbordan fork and i have set no parameter, this fork sets them byself.

sorry man, I don’t know what to do more…
In post no. 456 what fork do you had? this output I suppose it is coming from docker running in background…
I suggest to go back to what you have installed.
I think in the last video you have found the fixed response for your inverter, if the fork require to specify them.
follow my instructions to remove my fork(docker compose down, remove…) then install what you have in post no.456 then run the command to see output

Can someone help, tell me what I’m doing wrong.
I have the docker container started (healthy) on a raspberry pi 3. I can see the following information on my mqtt server. The device isn’t showing in home assistant under the mqtt addon

what am i doing wrong?

Probably because you changed the topic fom homeassistant in solar02. Did you searched in HA the sensors unused in dashboard?