Read Photovoltaic Battery voltage charge

Hi all.
I have a photovoltaic system with an Azzurro ZCS inverter connect to the network and the app for the phone but not compatible with home assistant. I want to let home assistant know the actual charge off the battery but I don’t know how to retrieve the value.

I thought that a good idea is to read directly the voltage of the battery (max 90volts) but I don’t now how to let the esp32 or other similar hardware read the voltage value.

Someone have some ideas ?

Thanks all :grinning:

Same for me!

have you booth requested and received AUTHCODE from zcs zucchetti for using their API?

I’m working on a custom component that will polling their API and create a sensor in Home Assistant

Let me know if you are interested…


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I AM!!!

it will be installed shortly, along with 10KWH worth of battery.

I could help in debugging starting the end of Sept 2021.


Add this repository to your HACS

Ciao devi inviare una mail [email protected]
e chiedere l’accesso alle API.
Ti invieranno un pdf con un codice Authorization il quale va abbianato al tuo serial number inverter (thingkey).

In english :slight_smile:

Hi you have to send an email [email protected]
and ask for access to the API.
They will send you a pdf with an Authorization code which must be matched with your inverter serial number (thingkey).

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No local access for ZCS inverters? Only cloud?

Seems that only cloud access to data is available

Did you ask ZCS or is it just an assumption?

It’s only a my assumption. Feel free to ask they yourself and to get info about a LAN protocol…

I will. Because probably I will install their inverter and would prefer not to depend on the cloud to monitor it. Will let you know what they answer.

In case they confirm only cloud, I’ll use your component, thanks in advance.

Tried to nmap their inverter and no open port except a network diagnostic (but no energy data).

You could try to sniff all traffic from the inverter (it basically “calls home” and upload its statistics from time to time) and try to sort out the payload, unless they make an encrypted connection but this is far beyond my level of expertise.

Will rely on pulling info via API (which is awful not because of @sdesalve work but because of their servers) for now.
And maybe setting a transparent proxy to pull the info before getting to internet at a later stage.

The other alternative is by physically connectin to some serial (currently not exposed) and poking around with their communication bus.

Let me know what you discover.


First install custom_component and restart HA. Then edit configuration.yaml and the restart another time.

O stacca la corrente… se non si rovina niente, al riavvio funziona tutto​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

yes, it’s exact

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Thingkey is a serial number of inverter.

Authorizartion send a email to ZCS :wink:

Hi all; i 'am testing integration but logs say:

2022-02-25 09:30:58 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.integration.sensor] The 'unit' option near /config/configuration.yaml:53 is deprecated, please remove it from your configuration
2022-02-25 09:30:58 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.integration.sensor] Could not restore last state: [<class 'decimal.ConversionSyntax'>]
2022-02-25 09:31:01 WARNING (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.sensor.recorder] sensor.batteria has unit % which is unsupported for device_class energy

Anyone solved it?

MUST be the same name

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see above response

the name is same