Refresh Zwave device status after consuming power - workaround FIBARO Roller Shutter 3 position update issue

This is a blueprint to refresh a Zwave device after it has been drawing electric power (Watts). I use this automation to workaround a issue with the Zwave Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 Zwave device that does not update it’s position after it was used or when it was used with the physical connected toggles. This automation calls the service zwave.refresh_entity and will there work only on Zwave devices. The concept might be reusable for other integrations.


  • You will need provide a sensor measuring the power draw of the target Zwave device.
  • You can specify the default power threshold for the automation to trigger. The automation is triggered when the device used more power than the threshold after it is was turned off using less power than the threshold after 2 seconds.
    When the device is not used is should draw less power than the power threshold so that the automation kicks in when that action of the device has finished. It should be set above the standby power of the device and below the power when is actively used. For reliability set the value with headroom. For example in the range of 5 Watts more than the constantly used power and 5 Watts less than the power that indicates your device activity. The default value is set to 5 Watts.
  • You will need to specify the target Zwave device that is refreshed with the zwave.refresh_entity service call
    name: Refresh Zwave device status after consuming power (e.g. Workaround FIBARO Roller Shutter 3 position update issue)
    description: This is a blueprint to refresh a Zwave device after it has been drawing electric power (Watts). I use this automation to workaround a issue with the Zwave Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 Zwave device that does not update it's position after it was used or when it was used with the physical connected toggles. This automation calls the service zwave.refresh_entity and will there work only on Zwave devices. The concept might be reusable for other integrations.
    domain: automation
            name: Electric Power Sensor
            description: This sensor used to identify when the Zwave target device has been used.
                    domain: sensor
            name: Power Threshold in Watts
            description: When the device is not used is should draw less power than the power threshold so that the automation kicks in when that action of the device has finished. It should be set above the standby power of the device and below the power when is actively used. For reliability set the value with headroom. For example in the range of 5 Watts more than the constantly used power and 5 Watts less than the power that indicates your device activity. The default value is set to 5 Watts.
            default: '5'
            name: Target Zwave Device
            description: This Zwave device is beeing refreshed after it has been powered off.
  - below: !input power_threshold
    entity_id: !input power_sensor
    for: '00:00:02'
    platform: numeric_state
condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: !input zwave_target_device
    service: zwave_js.refresh_value
mode: single

Thanks for the blueprint, however I cant find the refresh entity. I got a Z-Wave update - entity but I dont know if that’s the right one?

Hi, I have been using this Blueprints for a long time, but unfortunately a Fibaro Roller Shutter does not want to work with this automatism. I set the parameters like the other roller-shutters, but this gives me this error:

The automation "Refresh Zwave device status Salone Mare" (automation.refresh_zwave_device_status_salone_mare) has an action that calls an unknown service: zwave.refresh_entity.

This error prevents the automation from running correctly. Maybe this service is no longer available, or perhaps a typo caused it.

To fix this error, edit the automation and remove the action that calls this service.

Click on SUBMIT below to confirm you have fixed this automation.

How can I solve in your opinion?

I was not using this automation because the position update of the Fibaro Roller Shutter was fixed. Then during the last time ist was not working. But today after the update of the Z-Wave JS UI 1.1.0 it seems that it works again.
I have look into the Services anyway and it seems that the service call is changed to “Z-Wave: Refresh value(s) of a Z-Wave entity” | zwave_js.refresh_value
I have updated the blueprint.

So if you do not have the problem after the update of the Zwave Plugin, your automation might be obsolete anyway. Maybe wait also for the upcoming release. If you still have the problem try recreating the blueprint. It may or maynot work with the updated service call.

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Wow! i just updated zwave-js and finally Fibaro Roller Shutters work fine even without your Blueprint! Problem solved! Thank you for your answer!

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