Repository: Dasher; RTL433 to MQTT Bridge; Ink printer ink reporting

I’ve just updated my repo to include an add-on that uses rtl_433 to provide a 433MHz RF to MQTT bridge.
This allows use of a cheap USB DVB-T tuner (based on RTL chipset) to be re-purposed as a software defined radio… in this case specifically to sniff and decode 433MHz signals.
Currently 93 protocols are supported.

Addon details here:

rtl_433 details, including supported protocol list here:

Note that the addon requires a subdirectory to be created in your hassio config dir that will include the script that executes rtl_433. This is to provide flexibility for the numerous features that rtl_433 provides, and any other flexibility that script provides - e.g.

  • alternative frequencies/frequency hopping
  • using multiple protocols
  • parsing/transforming JSON before publishing to topic etc

This addon currently builds locally.

Feedback welcome.