Hello can someone help with this error
Well, normally people can help a lot. But this info is very limited and will lead to assumptions. Better explain your setup a bit more with all versions and components used.
Don’t wanna be obnoxious , but here you have the first assumption already: ‘expected to run an addon’, while many ways exist to have js server running without addon feature. But upgrading that thing in what form would be suggestable
I’ve got the same issue right now.
Hadn’t updated my hassOS server in a while and went through updating everything (add-ons, core, and os) and now my lights and lock aren’t working.
There is no option to update the add-on…since it’s already up to date. This update is what caused the issue.
Is there anything else I can do or try? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Coming back to update this!
What fixed it - was going to Supervisor > Dashboard (installed add-ons) > Z-Wave JS to MQTT and stopping this add-on. I then disabled it from starting again, all but deleting it.
Then I went back to Supervisor > Dashboard > Z-Wave JS and hit restart.
Basically, the ZWJS2MQTT add-in is conflicting with the ZWJS add-on, even though I only used the other one for easier pairing, etc and the MQTT server and such is all supposed to be disabled.
My lights finally work again!
As I wrote in this topic. I noticed that my repository from the community in addons has disappeared. Then the addons already installed are not updating, you need to add repo again and the updates should jump in and this problem will disappear.