RF Converter (300-868 MHz) WiFi to Remote

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Here you go, if possible to flash would the rolling code still work?

Thanks, the device use a SI4432 transceiver for the encoding/decoding so not supported by OpenMQTTGateway for the moment.

I’m quite surprised that you are able to sniff a rolling code, are you sure it is?
If yes maybe it is the time to change your garage door controller :slight_smile:

Yes it a sommer 868mhz rolling code

It not that old.

I also use the yet convertert for my entrance gate. My sonoff bridge with tasmota doesn’t pick up the signal but the yet rf converter does. The app gives info that it is sending on 433.82 instead of 433.92.

So that was a welcome suprise.

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so Yet6956WFR version 2 is not supported by hass? Is there any alternative that device working with hass? There is newer

Hi everybody,
new member here; I have this device (V3.0) and want to integrate with Home Assitant?
Has anyone managed to integrate it?
Best regards.

A DYI option: 868 MHz controllers? - #22 by waverider

Hi ! Very interested into this device. I’m looking for 868 MHz converter to use it in HA…
Any feedback on it ?

Exact same issue here, I have those damn Profalux stores running on 868 Mhz and wouldd really love to find a solution comparable to the Broadcom RM4 to handle them. Did you find a better alternative ?

For me it is Bubendorff… same problem


about 1 year ago, I’ve tried this device with it’s Android App to learn a RF remote with 304.25MHz rolling code (a Fanimation remote control CR500 for my Zonix ceiling fan). Surprisingly, it was able to learn the rolling code and it worked. I gave up, because I was not able to find a way to integrate this device.

But I’ve done some research which may be of interest about some details about the used components (beside the ESP-12):

  • NUC029LAN (NuvoTon 32-bit microcontroller with embedded Arm Cortex-M0)
  • SI4432 (Silicon Labs RF transceiver 240-930 MHz)

I would really love to integrate that device in my smart home system but was not able to find a possible solution (I don’t want to use this device with it’s own app, for sure). I successfully use two “Broadlink RM Pro+” but unfortunately the included RF transmitter is only able to use RF 315MHz and RF 433MHz. This is a firmware limitation in the Broadlink device, the used chip would be able to use RF from 190MHz to 1GHz. Also the Broadlink is not able to learn/use rolling codes.

It would be a huge benefit to be able to integrate this “RF Converter V3.0” in smart home systems to be able to support all this rolling code RF devices. I hope that tasmota will be able to support this in the future.


I tried to capture the API call by using Postman and found that the app has terrible design. It is using insecure HTTP. Don’t log in the app on public Wi-Fi. I haven’t had time to dig more. I think you can use the API call to build the integration.

Hi Diamond2, would you mind sharing the information gained from your HTTP request sniffing, sans any sensitive fields. I can intercept req/resp to taoertaicloud-sg.com however all the control requests are done locally, capturing from an android app is a pain. You would save me redoing the same activity


Here you are:
This info was censored:

  • devicetoken
  • password
  • security_code
  • mac

I have found one of these in my ordered at some stage and forgotten about stuff !!

I don’t have any instructions or a box so where can I get the app to have a play with it ??

search safemate2 on appstore if you are using IOS ‎Safemate2 on the App Store

OK, found the Safemate app for android and so far it detects and transmits the signal from my door bell buttons but it won’t detect the rolling code from my awnings.

Was worth a try but the door bell button is picked up with a Sonoff bridge with default firmware and with Tasmota so I’ll stick with that for now.

I’ll keep an eye on this tread to see what happen in the future.

I just got mine in the mail, but I found the current iOS app (as of 5/30/2023) can’t set up the wireless no matter what I try - it doesn’t even show the textbox to enter the Wifi network - it just says “NO WIFI” even though the Privacy settings let it access local devices on the network, etc. So I had to use an old Android phone to set it up.

I see mostly unknown (to me) remote types - I assume popular brands in China. Has anyone found any that work with KeeLoq remotes? The CUSTOM type doesn’t work on any KeeLoq remote I tried.

has anyone able to connect to safemate2 app to HA?

Came here to ask the same question :slightly_smiling_face:

Just thought I’d add to this group that I ended up going with the Somaita garage opener, refer to the link below. It’s a Tuya device so I was able to import it using local Tuya. Was easy to set up and so far is working well.
