I have a built in lighting2 AC (Klik Aan klik uit) switch built in to an outlet.
In domoticz this unit has
And unit code
I was wondering how this could be translated to the device codes home assistant uses? I could train a new code in the switch but i really don’t want to open the wall
I am also using a RFXtrx433E with some KaKu plugs i have lying, besides my Z-Wave stuff.
I have learned the outlets the code from the remote and that code is picked up by HASS so i can control the plugs with HASS and/or remote. However, my remote has only 3 groups. But what if i want to add more plugs? Does anyone have a jinja template code to generate a random ID? I imagine that when adding a randomly created code and pressing ‘on’ when the outlet is in pairing mode, it will learn that code and we’re done.
I looked at the ‘self.’ part above, but can’t figure out completely how the message is set-up. The three switches that were auto-added from my remote are like this: switch.0b11000500bc0cfe01010f70 switch.0b11000600bc0cfe02010f70 switch.0b11000700bc0cfe03010f70
I was thinking about a template like this: 0b11000{{ range(0,700) | random | int }}bc0cfe0{{ range(0,10) | random | int }}010f70
and it works! when creating a switch with the output code from it and then pressing the ‘on’ button in the GUI when the outlet is in learning mode. But i don’t think it is random enough, what do you think?
Sorry to resurrect an ancient thread but I have a dimmer switch with no remote. The normal “switch” template in the docs doesn’t work - and I can’t find one for a “light” - can you help?
This is literally the only reason my Vera is still about. Might just bite the bullet and put £300 worth of Hue GU10s in here just to not use 433