Rinnai Heating/Cooling Wifi Module

Great … awesome. Thanks again.

Team - I’m stuck! very much a newby to HA so hopefully I’m just doing something basic wrong that one of you clever people can help me with, I’ve installed as per instructions in github, then added the integration, then added the IP address and other info as requested… but… nothing. Just say’s it’s unavailable. Any ideas?

Can you confirm that you can get it working via the app - and then confirm that the app is shut down and not connecting to the unit?


yes I can get it working in the app and have closed app on phone

It may still be connected to the app. Try restarting your wifi. Or, what I do, I block the unit in my wifi to force disconnect it and then unblock 30 seconds later. That way I don’t have to restart my router

Thank you - I can see it now in HA. Though the COOLING switch is stuck in ON (which is the current mode the system was left in) and I can’t turn it on or off. Any further ideas?

Yes. Just use the system on off switch

hiya - yep was doing that but it would just bounce back to OFF… however reset HA and now all is working. Thanks heaps MUCH apprecaited.

I’m stuck again!
For some reason I became disconnected so I deleted the device and re-set it up.
All info showed up but none of the controls were functional, then restarted HA and it’s gone back to unavailable again. What am I doing wrong?!

this is after reset

Can you post some debug logs? You’ll find instructions on GitHub

I think I’ve solved it - I have a wifi extender and I think it was connecting between that and the main router, whenever it was connected to the extender it seemed to drop off. So yeah - got it all working again and has been stable for a few days. Thanks for your help!

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I can’t get my module to work properly. The weird thing is, I can get temperatures from all 4 zones but nothing else works. (I get the same screen as Brendan except I do get current temperature from the 4 zones Post #845).

I had look at the debug logs, it was getting this weird error and it was contantly retrying to connect to the wifi module. HA sent over 500MBs of attempted retries over 12 hours.

2023-12-03 22:35:47.981 ERROR (Thread-11 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn’t decode JSON (probably HELLO), skipping (AttributeError(“‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘group’”))

– snip –

2023-12-03 22:42:28.617 ERROR (Thread-11 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (TimeoutError(‘timed out’))
2023-12-03 22:42:28.617 ERROR (Thread-9 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, ‘Bad file descriptor’))

– snip –

2023-12-03 23:01:33.862 ERROR (Thread-9 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn’t send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, ‘Bad file descriptor’))
2023-12-03 23:01:33.862 ERROR (Thread-9 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, ‘Bad file descriptor’))
2023-12-03 23:01:33.867 ERROR (Thread-9 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Couldn’t send empty command (connection): (OSError(9, ‘Bad file descriptor’))
2023-12-03 23:01:33.867 ERROR (Thread-9 (receiver)) [pyrinnaitouch.receiver] Socket timed out, renewing connection (OSError(9, ‘Bad file descriptor’))
2023-12-03 23:01:35.075 ERROR (Thread-9 (receiver)) [root] Uncaught thread exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/threading.py”, line 1045, in _bootstrap_inner
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/threading.py”, line 982, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyrinnaitouch/receiver.py”, line 33, in receiver
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyrinnaitouch/connection.py”, line 57, in send

I got the wifi module pretty much the first day it was released, so not too sure if that matters.

If I go to port 80 of the Rinnai wifi controller, this is the version number it comes up with.

Definitely a connection issue. The unit is prone to those. Can you ensure nothing else is connected or trying to (app)? Also, make sure the connection to your router is stable and doesn’t jump between any mesh nodes.

Yup you were 100% right. Just for those who are looking for solutions, here is what I did to make things work:

  • Reset the wifi connection at the router (in Unify, select “reconnect” button after you clicked on the Rinnai wifi module in your devices tab/screen
  • I had a 2 Wifi AP Unify solution using wifi roam, and this controller hates it. I locked it down to the closer wifi AP instead.
  • After resetting the connection, immediately launch the Rinnai module in HA

So far so good after I made all these changes.

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Hi mate, just checking in now that we really could use some sort of aircon controls.

I’m a total n00b, is there a way I can do some testing outside the integration and send some simple commands like on/off etc?


Actually, I recently released a version that now exposes a service that you can send any commands into. If you enable debugging, you can see the state of the unit and how it changes when you operate. Using that and the unit documentation on the GitHub pages you should be able to figure out how to send the most important commands, e.g. on/off and setting temperature.

The commands.py file in the GitHub repo is also a good starting point to see what commands usually look like.

Fantastic thanks I’ll have a bit of a squizz!

I got my aircon working! I used GitHub - mantorok1/RinnaiTouchClient: Client for controlling a Rinnai Touch Module thanks @Mantorok ! And adjusted the commands to RCOM and the aircon responded :slight_smile:

Then I converted that into NodeRed and now I have automated control of my ducted AC finally!

Later I will do the mapping for you @funtastix if you are keen on integrating that functionality into your integration. There are still some unknowns that I probably will never figure out but most of the commands are transferrable!

There may be others in my situation with a Reverse Cycle aircon that couldn’t get their Rinnai App working on the Whirlpool Forums

And to think I almost quit on this project and put in an iZone instead.

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Hi @funtastix. Do you know what could be causing this error? The entity reports everything as Unavailable

2024-03-08 01:51:42.801 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rinnaitouch.climate] Set up RinnaiTouch zone B entity

2024-03-08 01:51:42.801 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.rinnaitouch.climate] Ext temp sensor (B): Downstairs

2024-03-08 01:51:42.801 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Entity None (<class ‘custom_components.rinnaitouch.climate.RinnaiTouchZone’>) implements HVACMode(s): off, fan_only and therefore implicitly supports the turn_on/turn_off methods without setting the proper ClimateEntityFeature. Please create a bug report at Issues · funtastix/rinnaitouch · GitHub