Risco alarm system

OK thanks. I will check it but something like onlie status of cloud woulb be welcomed

i receive messages like :


riscocloud is never down, if it is , normally you receive a mail, in case they are updating
their cloud is quite reliable

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I’m trying to get this working, but I can’t get the add-on to run in HA.
How did you manage to do this, am I missing something?

I added the add-on as a custom repository, but whenever I start the add-on I get some errors:

  • the add-on log is saying
    [FATAL tini (8)] exec docker-entrypoint.sh failed: Exec format error
  • in the supervisor log:
22-03-02 19:31:20 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.addon] Starting Docker add-on c774f33c/aarch64-addon-risco-mqtt-local-addon with version 0.4.1
22-03-02 19:31:21 ERROR (SyncWorker_7) [supervisor.docker.interface] Container addon_c774f33c_risco-mqtt-local-addon is not running

The config file is in place under config\risco-mqtt.json, but whether it’s there or not it’s giving the same error. Do I need to install something else before running the add-on?

I use Home Assistant OS 7.4

You need this one:

Yea, that’s the one I used. I guess the addon install itself went fine as I even got an update yesterday. But getting it to start is a no-no…

So just installing the addon via custom repository, putting the json in the config folder should work (at least to get the addon running)?

Strange, works for me , indeed config file is enough…
Otherwise create a ticket there , the owner is quite active

I’ve the same issue, ticket has been opened on github but no response…
I’ve seen someone which seems to have locally copied the addon but I ve no idea about how to do it

I have it running for a long while now… No issues for me

The docker image is not built for every architectures, so no support for raspberry for now. Honestly I don’t know how to build the image for all architectures and I have no time to have a look at it currently.

Open to contributions : GitHub - vanackej/risco-mqtt-local: Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT

It can be used without docker / HA addon easily in the meantime : GitHub - vanackej/risco-mqtt-local: Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT

I have this running on HOAS rpi4 (arm64/v8) after a few hours tinkering.

  1. if running Hoas you’ll need ssh access to the host.

  2. grab a copy of the source from GitHub. HOAS rpi image doesn’t come with git, so grabbing a tar.gz via cURL is the easiest option here. I put the source files in /mnt/data, which is where Docker working files live.

  3. once you’ve got the source, create a config.json file from the provided template

  4. edit the Dockerfile - needed to include npm and typescript dependencies.

  5. rebuild the docker image for target architecture. I used -t so the references to the original repo points to my newly built Docker image:

> docker build -t vanackej/risco-mqtt-local:v0.4.2 ./risco-mqtt-local-0.4.2 --platform linux/arm64/v8
  1. run the image to create a container, same as the official readme. (Look up the value for your Docker image using ‘docker image ls’). Need to run below from within the source directory.
>docker run -v $(pwd)/config.json:/data/config.json <YOUR_DOCKER_IMAGE> 

If successful, you should see the docker container startup instead of ’[FATAL tini error]’

  1. not sure if it’s essential, but I also rebuilt the add-on from scratch (per above, but Dockerfile edit shouldn’t be required).

So far, so good. Now I just have to get it talking to my alarm panel.

Caveat: I have just enough Docker knowledge to be considered dangerous. I’m unsure whether above is the correct approach and pretty certain I’m breaking more than a few ‘good practice’ rules here. Dealing with updates is going to be a pain but just testing the concept for now.

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Update to my previous comment: it looks like @vanackej and the project team have just released multi arch support! (Thank you!)

Yes indeed, I just published 0.5.0-beta.1 version, with arm64 arch support.

Anyone experiance settting up an TCP Proxy ?
A PR is coming to the HA core intergration to add local support, so not only cloud
But the new local integration doesnt support a proxy (for people with older TCP boards)

Who can help setting this up? Then we can create an seperate TCP proxy addon for that

Are you saying that risco will have an official integration for running local?

Yes, it’s coming very soon, code is converted to python


Hallo Ignacio. I have the same problem, have you solved it?

Hi Paul
Yes it is solved. In the Configuration menu i found a way to map buttons with actions. I don’t remember exactly how but i fixed using configuration mapping

Ok, enter configuration for risco component, once you set initial parameters and press OK, there is a Second step that allows you to configure mappings

Any news??

I found this: GitHub - vanackej/risco-mqtt-local: Provide Risco alarm system integration to Home assistant using local TCP communication (no cloud required) and MQTT

Is same??