Rodret switch recognised, bind but no battery level or button presses recognised


I’ve just added two Ikea Rodret push buttons to HA using the SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 Dongle Plus.

They were recognised and I’ve added them successfully to a Blueprint to switch on / off a Hive light.

But nothing happens when the buttons are pressed. I’ve used the ‘reconfigure’ option and showing details indicates something is amiss for sure.

How can I delve deeper to try to get a handle on what needs addressing please? The log mentions an issue with ‘async_configuration’ but I’m lost to know what that means I need to look into.

I’ve looked on here and others have got similar issues but no one has posted a solution it seems.

Any pointers would be appreciated.


Assuming this is a battery operated device, reconfigure won’t work unless you wake the device according to the devices manual. So this is not an indication that the button does not work. I don’t know what you expect to see when including buttons: Buttons do not create entities (yet) for most integrations.

What integration are you using for Zigbee, and what did you do to try to have buttons perform actions? Buttons produce events you can react to. Often there are blueprints available to help out.

You could try this for instance:

Thanks for responding. The devices are Ikea battery powered switches which I’d like to use with lights.

I’m using the ZHA integration and some Rodret blueprints - the issue seems to be that the switches are recognised and added to HA but nothing happens when a switch is pressed.

I’ve since read that ZHA doesn’t play nicely with these Ikea switches and instead to use Zigbee2MQTT addon. This morning I’ve deleted ZHA and installed Z2MQTT. I’ll see how that performs with the switches.

Core 2023.11.2
Supervisor 2023.11.3
OS 11.1
Frontend 20231030.2


I do not know what methods the blueprint use, device triggers or events, but did you take a look at the zha events when pressing buttons? Might be you can get them to work that way. I have less experience with zigbe2mqtt but I expect they have something similar.

I do not have that particular ikea switch, i do have other ikea devices with the sonoff unit and zha working. In the early days i had a lot of problems but now made a habit to replace all my ikea batteries when i start (even if ikea sends them with the device), and i installed the ikea quirks setting in my configuration.yaml. i have not had problems since. I too would check the zha_events.

I couldn’t see any events when pressing the buttons.

I’ve managed to get Z2MQTT to add the switch but the blueprint doesn’t show the device in the dropdown. It has a section for ‘(Zigbee2MQTT) Remote Name’ which is a free text field - what is supposed to go in there? I’ve tried the friendly name I gave the switch but nothing happens when the switch is pressed.

I have noticed a sensor called ‘sensor.hall_light_switch_action’ has appeared which is promising. Does this mean the blueprint isn’t compatible despite showing Z2MQTT fields?

It feels so close to being a working solution but the final link between sensor and light is eluding.

I don’t use zigbee2mqtt so it is hard to tell for me. Recently event entities were intruduced in HA to make things easier. It could be that is what you see, it could be something else entirely. Previously there were no entities to see, so having or not having entities in your device is no reason to thing there is something wrong. Buttons produce events that you can listen to.

The blueprints docs should tell you what to put in the string. Personally, once you understand events, you do not really need a blueprint. The zigbee2mqtt docs list three ways to respond to button clicks:

The events would show up in the mqtt integration. Hou can tell it what events you want to see, listening to # gives you evertything:

Thanks for responding.

I’ve had a trawl through various groups and it seems this switch is not very reliable. Some have got it to work with ZHA, others Z2MQTT - it’s very inconsistent with each of them.

Something is clearly amiss with my HA set up but the issue I’m having is the inability to logically work through things. The logs don’t seem to show anything relevant.
For example,

  1. is Z2MQTT seeing the press of the button?
  2. Is a message being sent to MQTT?
  3. Is the state changing (is it supposed to change)?

I’ve looked through logs but can’t see anything to match the above checklist.

I’m going to rip out Z2MQTT and replace it with ZHA for one last time then give up if it doesn’t work.

I edited the a ove post while you were typing, it shows how you can see if mqtt fires events. You need to listen to # to see them all, once you know what happens you can work from there.

If you’re back on ZHA: have you seen this? It mentions an extra quirk you may need to install:

I’ve reconfigured HA to include the quirk mentioned and it’s rebooted.
The quirk is loaded with a warning but doesn’t show what that is.

Nothing has changed, the switch presses do nothing.

In the detailed log I’m seeing

2023-11-18 12:36:26.589 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.device] [0x62D2](RODRET Dimmer): Update device availability - device available: True - new availability: True - changed: False

Looks like it’s seeing the switch, which I already knew, but nothing is added to the log when the buttons are pressed

Not clear which blueprint you are using, but is it the correct one for these… Buttons? Switches? I know they’re called switches, but they sound like buttons.

Have you tried writing a simple automation instead of using a blueprint? That would at least establish what they are.

Other way round, actually. :grin:

As suggested I’ve just tried an automation with the “Turn on” pressed - nothing happens.

Think it’s time to call it a day and forget this idea. I was looking forward to using the 4 switches etc but if it’s this convoluted to configure I doubt it’ll be reliable if it ever worked.

Thanks for your input.



I’ve returned to this issue and replaced the aging Raspberry Pi 3 B (1gb ram) with a Pi 4 B (4gb ram) but still no joy with the Zigbee devices being recognised.

I then read about issues occuring if the Zigbee dongle is plugged directly into the usb port on a Pi - so I have today bought a 3m usb 3 extension cable.

Happy to now report that all devices are recognised very swiftly by Z2MQTT.


(Posting in case it helps anyone else with similar issue)

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No button-events might also be the reason of an incomplete pairing of the device, which is a bit tricky when you dont know the process:

Pairing the device with the zigbee controller (after pressing the button on the ikea device 4 times quickly) is only half the work that has to be done.

In the 2nd step you have to trigger the configuration in the zigbee-device and then hold the ikea-button for 10 seconds.

After that everything should be fine.