Rounding of sensor values

Nope. States are strings. The + will concatenate the strings.

It is correct to cast each value. The problem is that it’s the integer 3 that gets rounded and not the whole result, due to the order of evaluation. The solution is to add brackets.

{{ ((float(states.sensor.1.state) + float(states.sensor.2.state) + float(states.sensor.3.state)) / 3) | round(2) }}

Did you find a solution? I am looking for a generic approach to get temp from sensors in xx.yy format but xx.y is sufficient. And I also don’t want to create another template sensor…

Well, you’ll have to do it… unfortunately, there’s no ‘one click’ solution.
I’m using this code in my configuration.yaml

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Bathroom Temperature'
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.atc_7aff_temperature')| float | round(1) }}"
        friendly_name: 'Bathroom Humidity'
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.atc_7aff_humidity')| float | round(1) }}"
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I’ll start by saying I’m new to the template topic, and have been playing with Home Assistant for a few months now with good success otherwise.

Can someone please help with this MQTT.yaml entry?
The default output is showing up as having 6 decimal places (i.e. 2.500000 C) and I’m trying to round it off to 1 decimal place, (i.e. 2.5 C)
The below code is showing me 0 C (when the temperature is really 2.5 C

Thanks in advance,

# MQTT Sensors
    - name: "Backyard Temperature (433Mhz Probe)"
      state_topic: "rtl_433/13184/temperature_C"
      qos: 0
      state_class: measurement
      device_class: temperature
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      value_template: '{% set state = states("sensor.backyard_temperature_433mhz_probe") %}{{ state | round(1) if is_number(state)}}'

Why you check if it’s a number? Try without this check.

value_template: '{{states("sensor.backyard_temperature_433mhz_probe") | round(1) }}'

When I try with your code the result just says “Unknown”.

States are strings — even when they look like numbers (attributes retain their types). You need to make it a number first and you must specify a default in case it’s unavailable. I’m pretty sure your logs would’ve given some kind of warning or error.

value_template: '{{ states("sensor.backyard_temperature_433mhz_probe") | float(0) | round(1) }}'

Thank you, this one worked. I had tried similar but my “float” didn’t have the “(0)” included.

This feature is coming in 2023.2, it’s in the beta. Able to do it via GUI

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I spoke too soon. The value is showing up as 0.0 C now when the actual temperature is about -3.0 C.
Any tips on that?

No-one has read the question properly! You need:

value_template: "{{ value|float(0)|round(1) }}"

This is an MQTT sensor, not a template sensor. You can’t look up its own state. The value_template allows you to convert whatever is in the MQTT topic to the format of your choosing.

I assume the topic contains e.g. 2.500000 — that is the value, which you then need to turn into a float and round it.

If that still doesn’t work, remove the value_template line and post a screenshot of the sensor state so we can see what’s actually coming from the sensor via the topic.

I removed the line refreshed and here’s what I’m seeing.

Then my value_template above should work. What happens when you put that in?

Great, that seemed to have worked. Thank you so much.

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Now available via the UI: sensor display precision.

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Hey folks, I also have an issue with rounding my aqara sensor values. In deconz i receive zero decimals but in home assistant i suddenly receive two decimals (this started a while ago - before ther was only one decimal.)

The rounding accuracy is set to one decimal, too.


Do you have any idea how to fix it back to only one digit?


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I have the same issue

in multiple-entity-row card

What card is that ? the format looks different to your entity setting, ie your are using a comma for decimal place but the card is using a period

it´s not an issue of the card (it´s a button-card), I think.
Even in the states-list the sensor shows two decimals, even though the appearence-setting says one.

Yes, mine is the same as yours - the actual state is 2 decimals and the Display precision is set to 1 decimal.

If you display the entity in an entity card, does it display with 1 decimal ?